Tuesday, May 31, 2022

It's A "T" Agenda Thing! But, You Didn't Know It!


I used tah love me some 

"Elisabeth Shue"!

Can't tell yah why?

But I thought that was one fine mothah fuckah there!

I give ah Holy shit!

And when I saw that ass in "The Saint"!

I said tah myself,

"Now that's ah fine mothah fuckah right there!"

But with my ol Black sorry ass knowin what my Black broke ass knows now!/


I fell fo the Okee Doke just like all of the rest!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fine Points Of A Receipt?

 We don't undahstand bout all this different shit y'all done put intah place tah return some legitimate bought shit!

"Do you have a receipt?"

Yea-ah! And yo sorry broke ass gives 'em a receipt!

"Well, this gets escalated to management because it's over a hundred dollar return."


The manager comes out. Looks at the receipt.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hopson. I'm going to have to talk to my supervisor. Any return over three hundred dollars has to get the okay from my district manager."...


The shit cost my broke Black sorry ass 

Five hunard and some change!

I've read y'alls return policy!

How far up 

We gots tah go muh fuckah?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 The one thing about blogs that I have found out!

Why thah fuck!

If ah muh fuckah ain't makin no ends off thah shit!

Would they fuckin lie tah yo sorry ass!

Especially one like this!

You see any "Adsense" round this bitch?!

Hell fuckin


When money comes intah play!

Yo sorry ass gets ah pit full of 

Empty lies!



(Peace! More to come...)

Mommy (Circa July 1984)

 My Mother was born in 1921.

She said somethin tah my broke Black sorry ass that still pops up into my mind frequently!

She said, 

"Boy let me tell you somethin. They put percentages to this life. It's nothing about percentages. That's where we go wrong in this life. Percentages are finite. And never put a percentage on the way you live this life! Always give a total commitment to this life! Now that Meredith, only God can stop!"

And this woman dropped out of school aftah thah eighth grade!?


Miss you dearly


(Peace! More to come...)

You Have To Do Work In This Beautiful Eden!

 Muh fuckin no count mothah fuckahs can't do these psychological operations on

US and succeed!

You rich controllin mothah fuckahs have and will fail every fuckin 


We Humans are just not made that way psychologically!

And they have found that shit out!

"What can we do?" 

They say in their secret sorry ass meetings!

The only solution their sorry asses done came up with to

Lessen the fuckin


Depopulation to 500 million in this Heaven!


With all that fuckin money and power!?...

Y'all just some fuckin lazy ass mothah fuckahs!

And fuckin cheap tah boot!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 30, 2022

Creating Youths Sans!


Lookin at thah shit objectively...

I've been too hard on these young muh fuckahs!

Showin women's titties and asses fo every one that can see!

On internet news one of thah KarNAZIans talkin bout ah doctah tellin her tah drink jizz four times ah fuckin day tah bettah her thyroid levels!?

Thee Holy fuck! Ah doctah in psychology ain't no damn general practitioner you dumb bitch!!!...

Anyway, on we march...

Bein able tah access some abhorrent shit just with ah muh fuckin click or swipe!?

Complicit, sanctioned and carried out adult supervised sexual activity befo ah muh fuckah turns even sixteen!?

Complicit pedophilia!?

Givin them money so they can buy some shit, havin perpetually fuckin bad grades, cuttin thah fuck up in school and havin thah nerves tah talk thah fuck back tah ah broke ass just tryin tah get by!

And gettin away with the shit!

Creatin ah virus where they couldn't interact socially with their peers!

For two fuckin years!

Blatantly showin one, 

And All, 

Can just piss and defecate on

The United States Constitution

On a vagary...

I would have been ah young crazy ass muthah fuckah Too!!!





Our fuckin



Our sorry ol and middle aged asses got one thing we can do tah make this shit right!


Faith in 


Faith is thah one thing they can't steal from US!

But if yah that weak minded!

Where yo sorry ass has gotten so fuckin slovenly with yo sacred Temple shit!?

They'll just take it from yo real sorry muh fuckin ass


Cause it shall always be!

Unable tah be


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Ponzi Scheme!

 You really think, that if yah work hard!?

Do thah right thing?!...

That yo broke sorry asses gonnah finally get cho


For real?

Them muh fuckahs don't even work! 

Thee Holy fuck!...





Our asses in 

Trouble fo sho!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Take Control! Righteously!

 They think they're in control of the media!

But they ain't!

They think they're in control of this here Internet!

But they ain't!

They think they're in control of Social Media!

But they ain't!...




Are thah shit that controls muh fuckin shit!

And don't chall othah broke sorry ass muh fuckahs believe any muh fuckin 




(Peace! More to come...)

The Healing Starts Within US! Not Without US!

We can't do shit bout what goes on outside of where we dwell!

Ain't got that type of juice in this bitch!

Shit, We ain't no fuckin God, Jesus, Yahweh...stupid rich muthah fuckah!

I gives ah Holy fuck!


We just some broke sorry ass muh fuckahs tryin tah do thah best We possibly can do tah just




All We got tah do Sonshines!

Is tah start takin care of thah

State, city, town, county, neighborhood...

In which, each and every single 

One of 

US are just tryin tah


(Peace! More to come...)


 I hate those muh fuckin "Food Challenges"!

Muthah fuckahs eatin five, seven, ten...pounds of food and shit!

It doesn't fare well with thah Hungred!

Promotes frivolity, 



(Once their sorry no count havin asses ingest all that massive amount of food?!)

Sho nuff fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Et Tu "Costco"?

 "We're not going to increase the cost of our hotdog and soda from where we started back in the 80's. It will be a dollar and fifty cents."

Thah fuck niggah! Really!?

We talkin ah buck and ah half?


Raise yo fuckin membership fees if that's all those no-count havin ass so-called members got tah jump up and down about!?

Ah buck and ah half!?

And my sorry ass gonnah address some ridiculously priced shit! 

A Loss leadah in this bitch!?


I don't like tah say it often but,

Suck my dick!


Lick my pussy!

Whatevah's clevah!

And you can kiss my ass!


(Peace! More to come...)

Pissin And Shittin With Confidence! III

 "DGL?! But I don't like anise or Licorice flavor! Ugh!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Pissin And Shittin With Confidence! II


God damn!

All you ol muh fuckahs like me botherin thah dogshit out of me bout how tah shit regularly?! (Not really but that's how thah shit's playin out in my mind tah be able tah keep writin bout this shit.)



Get some DGL!

"Thah fuck niggah? DGL?!"

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice! 

Yah just might need tah ordah the shit on-line! Sorry?!


If yah like anise flavor, like I do!?

Y'all love thah flavah and its effects 


And beyond!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Paddy Chayefsky" Miss You Bro! II

 I mean think about it?!

William Holden was suppose tah be the "Star" of the movie!

And Peter Finch kicked that ass "Posthumously"!

Thee Holy fuck!

You got out-casted!

If the muh fuckin roll is fo You!

Yo ass will shine ovah the rest!

But he didn't!

Got his ass kicked rightfully so by Peter Finch!

Not present!


The niggah dead!



It don't mean dick bout the role you've been given!

Fuck naw!

It's bout how yo sorry ass plays the fuckin role


(Peace! More to come...)

"Paddy Chayefsky" Miss You Bro!

In the heard mental voice of "Howard Beale" imprinted in my mind! 

"We have a problem! A problem which You people have created! With your, wanting to go to Hawaii! Because Mary Beth and Jeff and his family went last year and they had a wonderful time! And you deserve it too! You live in the same community! Talk to the same people! Work at the same place! By gosh why can't we have bliss too!? Well, I'll tell you why not God damnit!..."



Best character ever!

In my humble opinion of course.

Don't chou worry.

I'll expound on this modern day "Howard Beale" soliloquy!

God speed Chay'!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Christians!? Ignorance!? Is Not A Fucking Excuse! You Fucking Heathen!

 Ain't it funny how We can go tah blows with family

Or ah muh fuckah on the street,

Cause they disrespected some lil bitty shit We think important rather than thinkin of


And that same muh fuckah ain't gonnah do shit tah ah muh fuckah sayin somethin dastardly ill tah ah muh fuckah who


Our fuckin merciful 


(Peace! More to come...)

Pissin And Shittin With Confidence!

 At fifty-six fuckin years old!

Yah start undahstandin bout thah muh fuckin expiration date unwritten on the 


Failing quickly, ol


And with yo ol broke Black sorry male ass!

Yah got ah fuckin prostate!

In the Hopson family,

We got some prostates that are susceptible tah inflame over this here fuckin

Human Lifetime! 

Dx: BPH.


If yah an ol mothah fuckah like me?

And yah havin trouble pissin?!

Get four fuckin supplements:

Cranberry Concentrate,

Stinging Nettles,

Pumpkin Seed Oil

And lastly

Beta Sitosterol!

You'll be purgin those sorry ass toxins with

Fervent flow!

And we'll talk bout thah


Two latah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"I'm Not Employed To Do Your Dirty Work!"

 Let me tell yah ah lil secret if yah didn't already fuckin know?!

I know you do but I just gots tah write bout thah shit!

So, please forgive me?

Do you know why Police Officers don't taser ah muh fuckah they bout ready tah arrest?!

Cause of thah muh fuckin cleanup!

Yah see?!

When they taz ah muh fuckah, their sorry asses loose ah certain...

How should I say?... 


When thah LEO lights that ass up!

That ass sometimes spews the doo!

Oh, thah muh fuckah gonnah piss on themselves! 

That's fo damn sho!

But they don't give yo sorry ass thah fine points!


Them LEOs would rather shoot that ass!

Then tah have tah clean up their Police cruiser which they have tah transport, 


Yo soiled Black sorry ass self!

Rathah than tah have tah clean, their own 

Law Enforcement decisions,


Aftah their sorry ass individual decision makin damn muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thee Holy Fuck Went Civility?!

"I don't believe in Cops! Or the judicial system!"

Thah fuck niggahs!

Thah fuck all Our broke sorry asses got!

Thah fuck you want?!



What does your othah broke sorry ass proffer?

"That! And then some!"

Holy thah fuck shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Choices! And One Simple Proven Effective Choice!

 Every fuckin thing that happened tah yo broke Black sorry ass aftah the Age of Majority!

I'm glad tah tell yah Sonshines!

It was Our own individual fuckin fault!


Thah fuck negro!

Yo ass ah fuckin adult!

Ain't no Mommy or Daddy done did shit tah yo sorry broke ass subsequently!

Like the eagles do!

They got that ass where you needed tah be!


It's fuckin fly!?


It's fuckin plunge!?

And what be 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Reckoning Cometh!

 Mothah fuckahs still spendin their given asses off!

Thah fuck wrong with US?!

When this shit goes South which is 


The bottom gonnah drop out this muh fuckah!


And my

Niggahs and Nigresses!

"There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth..."!


Don't be sad Sonshines!

Cause We were sho nuff


And We did it to Our own 





(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 27, 2022

Idle Time Is Said To Be: The Devil's Workshop

 I was talkin tah an Ex-Lieutenant of Our city in blue, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, the muh fuckin IMPD! 

We were talkin bout some shit and he said, "Fuck that Meredith! Listen! I'm telling you what I know! Those guys don't work, not even, two hours in a shift! I would file a report against them!"

"Man. Listen! I ain't tryin tah go through all that!"

"All of what? Because they're lazy and don't want to do their jobs? I'm telling you what I would do!"

"And I undahstand."...


Muh fuckahs that were in!

Can't fuckin fathom


(Peace! More to come...)

A Release From This Fucked Up Beautiful Life!

 Muh fuckahs might be sayin while readin this shit right thah fuck now:

"Yo ass mad all the God damn time muh fuckah the shit you be writin!"

And I undahstand!

But check it!?

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Y'all are familiar with 




Thah fuck

What ifs?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

To Be!

 I got tired of fussin and bein mad at shit some four years ago and runnin!

One of my coworkers, one of the two muh fuckahs readin this blog but I fuckin doubt it, might say, "Yo ass fusses and gets mad all the damn time the way you be talkin bout these crazy ass patients!"


You too!

But that ain't fuckin fussin!

Or fuckin bein mad!

That's called: passin the muh fuckin worktime!

But off the clock!

Fuck it!

I'm finally undahstandin I'm alive Sonshines!

And fuck the fussin!

And fuck bein mad bout this shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Shit we have and will always be great!

Erbody tryin tah get in this bitch!


We just have tah remembah with Our slovenly asses!

Tah clean Our sorry asses up ah wee bit!

And fuckin remembah!

When We shit!

Don't forget tah flush thah damn


For the sake of Our

Future selves


(Peace! More to come...)

"Michael Moore Tells MSNBC's Chris Hayes, "It's time to Repeal The Second Amendment", 'Yahoo's' Homepage

 You fat ugly no count sorry havin ass mothah fuckin sell out!

Shut thah fuck up!

And get ah real fuckin job!


You fat ugly worthless piece of shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Uvalde? Really?

 Aftah it's all said and done!

You sorry muh fuckahs you!

I demand tah see 

Every muh fuckin funeral of 

Each and everyone of those

Nineteen children that were supposedly


And them lil muh fuckahs lyin in rest in their various perspective fuckin open



And only then!

I'll believe y'alls sorry ass muh fuckin



I'll fuckin apologize for these words that I'm bloggin!


I ain't gonnah have tah do that shit with y'alls sorry no count havin asses

Will I !?...

(Peace! More to come...)

They! Are The Ones We Can't Ever Believe!

 Who are "They"?!


If We have tah ask Ourselves that silly ass muh fuckin question!

We're already lost!

They, are controlling thah narrative!

They, are some lying motha fuckahs!

They, don't tell the fucking truth!


They, are not one of US...


Are fucking wicked as fucking shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Our Father's Pledge

 If any harm comes to thine offspring!

I will smote thee who do thine harm!

And thee will surely suffereth mightily!


(Peace! More to come...)

A Peaceful Resolution

 We got rights!

Damn right bout that shit!

But listen Sonshines!

Ah LEO (Law Enforcement Official) tells yo ass what tah do!

 As long as it ain't suckin their dick!

Or them tryin tah fuck yah!...

Some othah ill shit like that!?


Them muh fuckahs got the law behind 'em; got ah lethal weapon; got ah taser; got handcuffs; got othah "Brothers" in blue...

Our sorry broke asses bettah start recognizin!

Our broke asses ain't gonnah win this shit in Our streets!

Not with the limited resources Our broke sorry asses got!...

Like "Nike's" promo said, "Just do it!"

And live tah fight anothah day!

Hopefully in court!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Psychopathic Modern Day Silent Assassins (PMDSAs)

Makin a fuckin livin off of murdah!


The media and Our leaders are all complicit in thah shit! 


Them motha fuckahs don't need no damn snipers' rifles no fuckin mo!

Clandestine tah say thah least!

Reincarnated Jim Jones Syndrome!

Some not uncomely!

They look pleasant enough!

They "treat" You!

They "teach" You!

They "lead" You!

We trust them!

We like them!

We are loyal tah them...

And They 



Just the same!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Shortage Of Baby Formula?


Titties just done dried up from 

Titty juice fo their given babies!?

The fuck ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Zelenko Protocol IV

 "What they're doing has everything to do with Godlessness."



(Peace! More to come...)

Zelenko Protocol III

 I ain't liked too many Jews!

Zionist Jews are condescending as fuck tah Goys!

And Zionist Jews don't like niggahs!

But this muh fuckah!

I like dearly!

He'll look yo sorry Black ass in the eyes and tell yo muh fuckin ass thah muh fuckin truth!

Jew or Goy!

I love that shit!

Ain't got shit tah do with Our tribe!

Ain't got shit tah do with shit!


We are all in peril!

And we all in this shit togethah no mattah yo sorry ass



Thank You Doctor Vladimir Zelenko!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Simple Respite

 If you love US at the fuck all!

Quit fucking reproducing until we can figure this muh fuckin shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Zelenko Protocol II

 Think about the movie "Blade" with Wesley Snipes.


Hollywood has been misunderstood!

For real!

Talkin bout, "Hidden In Plain Sight"!


That's what's playin out now!

Deacon Frost et al,

The Zionist Jews,

Are tryin tah steal their

Birth Right!

By any means necessary!

Even tah thah point tah be willing tah sacrifice their own Traditional Jewish Tribes legacy's


(Peace! More to come...)

Zelenko Protocol!


A Jewish individual doing something to help

The "Goyim"


(Peace! More to come...)

Suddham Hussein, Muammar Al-Quadhdhafi, Hugo Chavez, Vladmir Putin, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro...

 All of you!

Got too close to the

Human Modern Elite's Truth:

You can't be involved in the betterment of your 

Sovereign Nation!

It don't mean dick to 

The Global Agenda!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Because Yah Love 'em And They're Family! We All Got Our Fuckin Bad Decisions And Fuck-Ups!

 I have ah brothah named Marcus.

He was goin around askin various mothah fuckahs in the family tah loan him money!

Shiiiought I didn't evah get ah call cause this niggah's broke!

I've always have been! Shit! I ain't gonnah front!

So, I would deduce that muh fuckah knew who tah ask in the family!?

And who not tah ask!?

Yah see Marcus has always been one of the intelligentsia of thah

Hopson family! 

Ergo; why bothah with that broke niggah!

Cause he would have got ah stone cold,

Shiiiought! I ain't got it!

Shit, I'll help yah move, help yah fix up yo muh fuckin house, mow thah lawn...

That's my labor! Don't cost nobody shit less I put ah monetary value on thah shit! Which I wouldn't because, shit, you asked fo my muh fuckin help sans ends bein involved!

Yah know?


I heard the various stories from my othah brothahs

Talkin bout thah mothah fuckah!

Most sent him some shit!

A few didn't!

The point?

Okay, I asked one of my brothahs who sent him some shit, listenin to the sorry ass story thah muh fuckah was givin 'em!

So, I said: "Sounds like that niggah's on crack!"

And the brothah I was speakin with proffered 

"Naw man! Not Marcus! You know Marcus!?"

Naw niggah! I really don't! Ain't seen or heard from that niggah in more than thirty years or some shit!

"Come on now!? Marcus?! He just caught up into some shit! That's all!"


And what kind of shit we talkin?...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Innate Peril

 You don't have to be ah hardcore muh fuckah that's got tah

Kick ass and tah take numbahs!

Fuck naw!

Bein nonconfrontational and meek will get yo sorry ass where yo sorry ass needs tah be at the end!

Best believe that shit!

But what yo ass shall be!

Is ah muh fuckah who knows 


From fuckin



If not!?

All will be lost for ah long muh fuckin

Time for



(Peace! More to come...)

We Heard Depp? II

Talkin bout controllin ah narrative! 

Think about it?

Will supposedly "slapped" Rock for disrespectin his "woman"!

Now Will and Jada are the same motha fuckahs who avowed tah One and All:

"We have an open relationship."

Remembah that shit!?

So Will with his sorry no count havin ass is cool with numerous of muh fuckahs,

Stickin their dicks intah yo woman's mouth, ass, pussy...

Maybe pissin on her!

Lickin her pussy, ass, body, feet...

Ejaculatin in her or ejaculatin on her...

Muh fuckahs double teamin her, runnin trains...


Yo 'woman' in turn lickin their hairy ass, hairy balls, pussy, feet...

Whatevah the fuck!

But ah niggah says some shit about yo "woman's"

Near bald head...

And yo no count sorry muh fuckin black ass gots thah nerves tah get



Aftah all that shit!?

For real!?


Thah fuck ah niggah missin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We Heard Depp?

 Johnny Depp is a known Occultist/Luciferian. Who practices some of the teachings of Aleister Crowley. But ain't nobody sayin shit about it! 

How thee Holy fuck with

All the social media outlets, Internet, cellphones...

And the modern day media is still able to control the narratives of this soon to be

Global World?!


All I can say is:

Strap yourselves in Sonshines!

It's gonnah be ah bumpy fuckin ride 

From here on out!


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 21, 2022

"An Oklahoma State Representative Person: Vasectomy Until Puberty " Or Until Ah Muh Fuckah Can Willfully Pay For Some Shit!




It makes sense!

Or shit!

Just wear ah fuckin rubbah!...

But I guess that shit ain't workin out too well!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"You can't awaken someone pretending to be Asleep. - John Perry Barlow"

 Edward Snowden:

 Will go down in US history as one of the greatest human beings


Cause it's not about, 

Or has it evah been about, 

Thah muh fuckin sorry ass 



Our Father's speed 

Mister Snowden!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Father's Daily Prayer

 Thank you Father for all of the things that you have provided for US today!

Thank you Father for all of the things that you have provided for US yesterday!

And, most definitely,

Thank you Father for all of the things that you will provide for US


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Fuckin Try! You Young Muh fuckahs Are Our Fuckin Future! God Damnit!

 Ain't nobody tellin yo young Black sorry ass tah do thah

Right thing!


You know how many times my ol Black sorry broke ass done

Fucked up!?

And still fucking

Fuckin up!?

And I fuckin knew what the fuck was



It's a lifelong journey Sonshines!

All muh fuckahs tryin tah tell yo sorry human future selves is tah just fucking


It'll make ah shitload of difference in your future


For You


For Yours!...

(Peace! More to come...)

DisCERN And GBT (Gotthard Base Tunnel) II

Oh, Sonshines!

Watch the opening ceremony of the 


It's still on "Youtube"!

They need tah take that bitch down!

If they knew what was good for 'em!?

Weird fucking Satanic shit!

Thee Holy Fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

DisCERN And GBT (Gotthard Base Tunnel)

 CERN is an evil mothah fuckah!

They're always about the darkness!

The Black Screen,

The Black mirror,


The Black passage ways...

Oh, and guess what Sonshines!?

They're thah muh fuckahs who brought you thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Black American People And Anti-Semitism Are Two Totally Different Narratives!

Semites define their race as white!

In this here US of fuckin A!

So how thah Holy fuck!?

Can ah white people defining themselves as the collective 

White people!?

Complain about racism from their fellow 

White folks?!

"Well I'm Jewish also!"

So it's about religion!?

Not race?!


You can't have it both ways muh fuckahs!

Even the EEOC 'll tell yo sorry asses that


(Peace! More to come...)


Friday, May 20, 2022

50 Mill USD For Relief?!

 They given those Ukrainian bitches fifty fuckin million of Our 

US federal hard earned tax dollahs!

And thah muh fuckahs ain't even close tah bein an


And they gots thah nerves tah put me on a payment plan for owed taxes!?

They just throwin Our fuckin money away on bullshittin outsidahs!


Where's my cut you super silly sorry muh fuckahs!?

Or at thah very least tell ah niggah

"Mr. Hopson. We're square!"

Then I don't give ah good fuck!

But, yall ain't did that fuckin shit fo ah niggah!

What's up with that shit!?

If yall gonnah throw Our money away like that shit!

Why ah niggah gottah pay federal taxes fo any damn way?!


I'm quite adept at fuckin up my own damn 


No Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Everybody tootin that shit in


Ain't they!?

"It's Russia's fault!"

"It's China's fault!"

"It's the Ukrainian war's fault!"...

Fuck yah!


Thah Holy fuck!




Our own



(Peace! More to come...)

"Kathy Griffin" Thee Holy Fuck!

 All that we're now hip to in this 


These sorry ass no-count havin muh fuckin asses still tryin tah pass this sorry

Pseudo bitch off as ah fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 19, 2022

"Transformation-Nona Hendryx"

 The shit's wicked!

Research the 'Sistah'!

And what ah prophet thy shit


There're always truth in 


Our sorry asses decide Our

Individual Life's fucked up

Journey must follow?!

And that's up tah every single one of 


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Gonnah Be Just Fine! Sonshines!

 Thah fuck!

It's ah glorious day


Don't fret or shy


We are 

Our Father's



(Peace! More to come...)

US Welfare II

 It's some stressful shit relyin on someone else tah pay fo yo pitiable pseudo way of fuckin livin!


And I undahstand!

If yah that type of low life fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

You! Don't owe anybody any excuses for you being You!

 I ain't gonnah sit up there verbally or in the written prose gonnah go tah battle with anothah muh fuckah bout some bullshit!


My ass has conditioned myself tah be nonconfrontational and shit!

Fuck it! It's time tah go!

"Yeah! You see niggah! That's what's wrong with yo ol Black broke sorry ass! 

Yo ol Black sorry ass always runnin!"

Fuck it! 

It's time tah go!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Itching For The Itch!

 Oh, shit!

Have yo sorry broke asses evah had an itch that cannot be satisfied by just ah


Niggahs and Nigresses!

Believe me You 


Yo sorry Black itchy ass scratchin the shit out of yo muh fuckin skin cause?

What thah fuck?!

Yo sorry ass scratches the shit until yo brain says, 

"That's sufficient enough! If you go any further? We're goin to breach the dermis!"

God damn!?

Uh, yea-ah!,,,

(Peace! More to come...)

Tap In! II

 Yah see? 

It's ah Spiritual thing amongst


Not written in no annals of manmade


But when some outside forces start fuckin with




Humans have always


(Peace! More to come...)

US Welfare

 You know what thah fuck bothahs the dogshit out of ah broke

 Ol'  Black sorry ass muh fuckah like me!?

I don't care bout the 'Hustle'.

Just be humble bout some shit!?


People think they are owed some shit!

Without payin fo some 


(Peace! More to come...)


 I don't know what's gonnah happen tah my

Ol Black sorry broke ass

Othah than death!?

But shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Thah fuckin way I've been feelin?!


 Can kiss my ol broke

Black  sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Quebecois, Serge Monast's "Project Blue Beam"!

This is the last fuckin time I'm gonnah suggest researchin this muh fuckah!?


I don't give ah Holy fuckin damn!

What kindah good shit thah muh fuckah was hittin!?

That muh fuckah saw some real human life shit!

Research the shit!?


That muh fuckah wasn't ah

Conspiracy Theorists!

He cracked the 


And it's playin the fuck out in real fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 16, 2022

What The Holy Fuck!? We Are All Fucking Human!

You breath?

I breath!

You eat?

I eat!

You bleed? 

I've bled!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Lives Lost, Is Always the Concerning Cost!? 100 Percent!

 Ain't nobody escaped this bitch bein


Gives ah 

Holy fuck!

You just One of the very muh fuckin few that got ovah thah


Or was programmed tah do so!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Castrati. And Even Before That!

 You rememba Nona Hendryx sang that  


Straight bangin shit!?...


Shit's been round fo ah long time Sonshines!

They've been perfectin thah shit out of it!

But perfect all that thah sorry muh fuckin asses try!

And yes, there is a glitch in their matrix!


I mean no...thing!

Is evah gonna come close!

With their manmade sorry ass creations! 

Tah replacin thah

Female Human




Tah replacin thah

Male Human

(Don't know bout the sanctified part!)


And what thah two was created tah


What they fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 15, 2022

"Wanton Environmental Destruction": They fuck shit up cause they can! And cause they can afford the consequences!

 Don't cha just love thah eloquent words modern day media uses fo



Sorry ass

Muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

They Are! Who The Fuck, They Are! Thah Holy Fuck! Yo Sorry Asses Gonnah Do Bout It!

 Quit bein mad Sonshines!

The fuck you mad the fuck for?!

"Dictating Our food supply"!

"Evil company"!

Have you started your own garden?

You know? For self sustainability?!

"What? Listen! All of us have our gifts. Some can grow. Some of US are Fro! I'm a city white thirty-three year old male! I don't have time for that!?"

And why don't


(Peace! More to come...)

British Driving! Is Fucking Problematic! Who's Right?! Who's Left?! And It Ain't That Fuckin Simple!

 Think about street directions!?


Right side of the road!?


Left side of the road!?

And whatevah yo sorry Black broke asses 

Choice selects!?


What country are you really fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

"The 1987, Black, Merkur XR4Ti" And Beyond!...

 The first car he had actually signed a contract and ultimately bought!

Traded in his brother's gifted, "1973, green with a black vinyl top; 350, 4bbl carburetor, rear wheel drive, hatchback, Oldsmobile Omega."

 One of the many stupidest decisions he had made given the stellar transportation each one of his ill decisions gifted anothah and hindered himself....

(Peace! More to come...)

Tap In!

 We are sentient!

Look at fuckin numbahs, graphs, pie-charts... all that you fuckin want!

We some complex crazy individual


Ain't no fuckin numbahs, graphs, pie-charts...

Gonnah tell yo muh fuckin ass 


About US!

Until Sonshines,


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The GOATTs Amid Nourishment

 So whah?

Yah tryin tah be one of the Greatest Of All Time Transgenders'!?

I couldn't figure thah shit out fo fuckin shit!

There was somethin botherin my broke Black sorry ass about

Pati! And fuck her whatever culture's table!

Her and her fuckin irritatin fuckin voice notwithstandin!



Julia Child...

I'm sorry Sonshines!?

Tell some muh fuckahs


Thah Holy fuck 

You really are!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 So if the lettah 


looks like the Eye of Horus in sign language!?

And "K" is the eleventh lettah of the alphabet!?


KKK = 33

And resembles

Ah beast with three fuckin freaky

Horus's Eyes!?








Who fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Proverbs 17:28 KJV

 It's okay tah be wrong Sonshines!


We fuckin human!

But yah see yah fucked up tah begin with!

If yah didn't say what the fuck was right in the first place!

Yah wouldn't be in the sorry ass predicament yo

No-count sorry havin ass is in



(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 13, 2022

Genesis. (Forty-Four Years Old, Dr. Circum Stance, Molecular Biologist) Wed09Sept2026

 Oh, we've made dramatic steps in the realm of creation.

Well, let me put it like this! 

When not one 




Now, can get pregnant!?

The Depopulation Agenda

Is the thing of the past!

We're trying Our damnedest tah just


(Peace! More to come...)


 The letter 'K' in 

Sign Language


The Eye of Horus!

Just sayin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Craig David Drake, "Hold On, We're Going Home-Drake?"

 There was anothah muh fuckah back in the day named:

Craig David!

And there was this song I loved and could not find the 'Craig David' new song!

Cause guess whah?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Macklemore & Ryan Lewis -Thrift Shop Feat. Wanz" Recognize! Some Brilliant Fuckin Lyrical Shit!

 Niggahs and Nigresses!



Like Michael Jackson's muh fuckin


Talkin bout some flowin shit!

Nobody gonnah beat Pac!


This is anothah muh fuckah ain't intimated by 


Thee Holy Fuck!

Gives ah fuck!

Gots tah give propah


(Peace! More to come...)


 Say whatchah want Sonshines!

She can't sing fo fuckin shit!

But their shit works like ah 

Muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie-RHCP" II

 Flea be beatin that bass up!


(Peace! More to come...)

2 Thessalonians 3:10 KJV. And these political figures are not worthy! Evah! II

 Let me tell yah ah lil maxim bout my Black broke sorry ass self!

 Mommy used tah say, 

"A little work don't hurt nobody!"


Miss you much


(Peace! More to come...)

I Am Life! And US Are In A Personal Our Father's Journey!

 I know what you 


And, what you

Don't need!

You're the one that has tah figah out this complexed 



Fo yo damn muh fuckin




Mostly fo


(Peace! More to come...)

Geeg! Right On! And Thank You! (BIG SMILE!)

 She shook the dice!

And whatevah that bitch numbah tumbles!

I'm in this bitch fo thah rest of My entire



Thee Holy Fuck!

But shit!

That's ah Beautiful muh fuckin thang she did fo ah 


(Peace! More to come...)

2 Thessalonians 3:10 KJV. And these political figures are not worthy! Evah!

 Ain't no free ride Sonshines!

Er'body up in this bitch!

Needs tah be fuckin 


And fuckin


Ain't thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)


 Nobody really gives ah good Holy fuck what colah ah muh fuckah is!

We really don't!

We just wannah muh fuckin


Where Me and Mines can subsist and are


(Peace! More to come...)

CRT! Is not for We...US!

 Wannah show Our youths at ah very young age what thah fuck 



Do you undahstand the complexities of that shit being taught

Outside the


And I still look at this fake pandemic shit done did tah 

Our fuckin future 


The fuck these lil muh fuckahs goin through?!

Fuckin pervasive sorry ass sanctioned by 


Trauma based abhorrent 

Child abuse experiment!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Just Life's Syncopation!

 This funky rhythm of life!

Firin at that American sorry ass!

But cha see?

We sho nuff know how tah


And that's ah Beautiful muh fuckin


My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! 

Oh, yes it is!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Rendre Hommage: "Ferrara Brands"

 Do you undahstand my dream job would be marketin for these muh fuckahs!


And I ain't gonnah lie tah yah if you's ah muh fuckah like me that loves some



Had issues with it evah since my ass was in the oughts!

These muh fuckahs undah their umbrella gots : "LEMONHEADS, SweeTarts, Spree, Nerds, BRACH'S..."

But mostly,

"Now and Later"!

Them joints!


Yah remembah 'Butter Rum"? One of the best flavahs evah! Shit! And even bettah when yo sorry broke young ass put them shits ovah the furnace heatin registahs, at the crib, tah make them bitches soft!? 


I got issues with candy!

But fuck it!

Modah-fuckin-ration fo sho!


Like Florida in 'Good Times' pitifully avowed:

"Damn! Damn! Damn!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Word! And A Big Shout Out To: "Tom Kakonis"!

 I absolutely love readin!

And I absolutely love writin too!

Oh, my shit!

The Timothy Waverly novels?

And undahstand and start with 

"Michigan Roll" then "Criss Cross"  and take a written ride!...

You see Sonshines!

Readin makes yah imagine what thah fuck yah seein!

No mattah what thah othah muh fuckah's interpretation of thah shit!



We gettin tah the nitty gritty and talkin bout pure written language!

And I'm glad tah tell yah Sonshines

In this Beautiful written Human history!





(Peace! More to come...)



Disabling it!

For the sake of 

Enabling it!...

Which makes no fuckin muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Eva Mendes won't do movies with violence or sexuality after becoming a mom" 'Yahoo' hompage story headline.

 I'm still lauging at that fuckin noise! 

Read the wording?!


A Birthing Biological Mom

Is a whole nothah animal than

Ah sorry muh fuckah just callin themselves

A Mom!

And ah mothah fuckin biological male,

Now callin themselves ah female,

Will fuckin nevah be able tah have ah fuckin 

Human Child, 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 9, 2022

""Dodi": From First Hit To Lasts (Please read the directions)" (26 Years Old, Daryl Dwanger, Author of Blog Chill) 06Jun2022

 Save yourself a lot ah muh fuckin ends!

Well, if yah vape CBD?

Or whatever the fuckin term for it is!

When the shit says in fine print,

"Store Upright"!


Store the shit!


You'll definitely

 Be appreciable of the hit

And the non-difference 

In latter hits!

From when yo sorry ass was ignorant enough

Not tah undahstand,

"Store Upright"!

And please! 

Start readin the muh fuckin directions!...



I don't care whatchah think negatively bout yo fuckin selves


Fight through that shit!

Yo ass sho nuff gonnah takes some painful hurtin


Fight through that shit!...

It'll all be worth it in the


(Peace! More to come...)


 People always worryin bout some shit outside the 

Sixty-six miles where they dwell!

Oh, it's some Masonic shit but check out your own life and 

Talk tah me!?


Just because muh fuckahs wanna

Negatively define the 


Whatevah that may fuckin be!

Fuck it!

Is it the fuckin 


Or not!?...

(Peace! More to come...)



 I know I can talk bad about US oft times!


I'm just sayin!

That's all! 

Fuckin witcha!


Makin yah think bout some shit!


Not in my way of thinkin!

Fuck that!

But in

Our way of thinkin!

Cause aftah it's all, said and done


We some

Beautiful muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 8, 2022

It Is What It Fuckin Is! (Black, 46 Years Old, Indiana Pacers' Basketball Coach, Francis Gospel) Sat 16Dec2028 @ 12:29 AM East Coast Time. Fired Friday 15Dec2028 @ 10:32 PM West Coast Time.

 "So coach? Why'd the team lose?"

Beats the fuck out of me? And these muh fuckahs are professionals!? When a player thinks that there is nothing else to learn...shit...the team got problems. Especially when the team has contracted with that player to play no less than seventy-five percent of the minutes in any given game as long as the player is not injured. Can't set 'em on the bench! Just got ah watch the shit coachable-less dribble the fuck down until the shit gets stolen. Damndest thing!

"So...The team lost because...?"

The team lost because coaching ain't got shit tah do with professional sports! Can we please stop bein so pedestrian bout this bullshit!

You lose Because You Have Lost (Black, 44 Years Old, University Of Indianapolis Men's Head Basketball Coach, Francis Gospel) Tuesday 15Dec2026 @ 9:13 pm

 "So what about the refereeing. Were they apart of the game?"

Yes. Most definitely. They were apart of the game.

"Well, what I meant was, for the team losing?"

The team lost! Because the team lost! Refereeing ain't got shit tah do with that! It is what it is!

"So you don't think the referees had anything to do with the teams negative outcome?"

Fuck no!

"And why's that coach?"

You can only control what you can control. Play hard. Execute. Make your shots. Pay attention to your reads. Hit your free throws...A whole lot of outcomes given the plethora of scenarios.

"So you're saying it's the teams fault?"

As a collective, yes!

"So the refs had nothing to do with the loss?"

Okay. I see where this thing is headed. All I can tell you is this: play the fuck ball! Quit cho fuckin bitchin! And fuckin play hard ball God damnit! That's all! A team can't control the fuck else but how they perform through execution from coaching! Refs? If the refs are in on a big conspiracy to make certain teams win, good luck with that! And that'd be some evil shit!  But fuck it! That's a league problem with subsequent quarrelsome numerous questions. Ain't got nothin tah do with this team's loss today. Thank you.

When Is The Right Time For US?! And Negative Outcomes, Be Fuckin God Damned!

 It is what it fuckin is Sonshines!

You don't wannah fight!

Bein ah fuckin passivist,

I definitely, for One, undahstand that fuckin shit!


It is time,

To fuckin fight for,

What morally is

Right for the sustainin of


(Peace! More to come...)

I'm Broke! Fuck Gruyere! I'll Take A Pound Of The Swiss, S' Il Vous Plait!

 "Gruyere is just a more expensive cheese than Swiss. But you're going to get more nuttiness..."


Thee Holy fuck!


Does it look like I got those type of 


(Peace! More to come...)

"I Stand With Ukraine"?! And Birds Of A Feather!

Get the fuck on there while you still can!

Shit, you can still request and read redacted FBI, CIA...documents.

The Freedom of Information Act is still topical, still relevant!


Thee Holy fuck!?

Do you know what those muh fuckahs bout?!

Does yo broke asses even know One fuckin Ukrainian?!


That's what I thought!

US is cosignin for one of the biggest

Pedophile/Satanic Networks in this firmament!

Oh, yes Sonshines!

The Ukraine!

So why in thah Holy fuck!

Would I stand with ah sorry ass no-count country like that?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nature Will Always Call!

 You see these muh fuckahs havin these lavish dinner parties outside,

At night,

Near water,

Woods in back of the residence where the shit's poppin off...

With every fuckin light on in the residence of the occasion one can possibly turn on!...

And not one fuckin moth!

Not one fuckin mosquito! Tearin one or mo guests the fuck up!

Not one fuckin fly! Botherin the fuck out of ah muh fuckah!

Not one fuckin ant! 

Come ohn naw!...

Yah see what I mean!?

I have tah call,

All that perceived perfect occasion yo ass flauntin, 



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Absentee Rulers

 We don't know what the fuck is goin on in China, Russia, Ukraine...!

Yo sorry ass just trustin what the sorry muh fuckahs been tellin yo 

Programmed asses what thah fuck's goin the fuck on!

I undahstand!

But, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Yah have tah quit listenin tah 'em!

That ain't Our shit!

"Let us take care of our own garden. " (Voltaire)

Shit yah asked ah mothah fuckah in your own God damned neighborhood,

"What the fuck happened last night!?"

The ubiquitous, "Shit! I don't know dawg!"

Now individually that's some straight up proximal shit!...


We are so trustin with these muh fuckahs, that we don't fuckin know,

To tell US the truth!?

And News ethicality has been long since thrown out thah muh fuckin various US windows, to

Fuckin believe what their sorry no-count havin asses tellin US, what thee Holy fuck is goin on in various countries in this here firmament!



We still don't know three-quarters of the time what thah Holy fuck is happenin in Our own perspective muh fuckin neighborhoods!

And we livin in this bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 6, 2022

The Corrective Narrative

 Sorry for your loss.

"Oh, I feel so bad! All that we both shared together while he was alive!"

I don't know what you're talking about?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Good! With The Sho Nuff Bad!

 I've been so mad at this muh fuckah!

I haven't been able tah accept the Beauty of this perceived muh fuckin, depressing as Holy fuckin...



It's not just shit!

It's muh fuckin Beautiful fuckin


And don't cho ass dare!

Convince yo sorry broke asses any


(Peace! More to come...)

Is It Worth It To Be Used So Bad With No Fuckin Point Of Purpose?!

 'I just wannah be famous!"

Yah see!?

That's where yo monkey ass fucks up!

Yo ass has yet tah individually define:


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ashley Graham" Thee Holy Fuck! Quit With Thah Sick Fuckin Playin!

 Just because yah put each of yo muh fuckin titties in two 'twin' perspective mouths!

Don't mean yo sorry muh fuckin no-count havin ass is lactatin!


That you are ah Mothah!


Just means yo ass is ah muh fuckin freak like all the entertainment, political, elite...Luciferian rest:

And in this instance,

That likes their surgically altered breasts, nipples


By lil babies!

That ain't gettin no fuckin

Maternal nutrition!...

(Peace! More to come...)


I've Never Consented To This Fucked Up Horrible Human Experiment We're Living!


I'll be God damned!

 Media got that sorry broke asses thinkin bout "The Food Supply" and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Yo sorry broke asses didn't care before!? 

Oh, I see!

They've conditioned Our US asses properly!


Pavlov's Dogs-R-US!...

(Peace! More to come!..."

Thursday, May 5, 2022

US Lacking Essential Nutrients

 Pick yo poison muh fuckahs!


It's replete

In this fruitful land of Ours


No Fruits!


No vegetables!

And definitely

No meat!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Your Creators! But Not Thee Creator!

 Muh fuckahs played Our Father oft 

Numerous of times!

Then gots thah nerves tah get mad cause:

"Creation got hellah consequences!"

Who knew?!

I don't know bout all that noise!

But cho sho nuff co-creator ass

At least feelin ah lil regret from these: 

Perpetual Cycles of Creatorial 

Human Madness


(Peace! More to come...)

"Rule 52". And Find Your Own Answers!

 My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!


(Peace! More to come...)

We All Have To Act...For The Sake Of Civility! And That's A Real Good Proper Thing!

 I'm tellin yah the fuckin truth!

Thah muh fuckahs I work with would read this shit!

They'd say tah themselves,

"Thah fuck!"



(Peace! More to come...)

How Many Repairmen Have Lost Major Ends?

 I think about stupid shit too fuckin often!

Shit y'all!

You know how when shit went down and you didn't know how tah fix the shit, and all yo muh fuckin ass said tah yo'self was, "Shit! How much this fuckin shit gonnah cost tah be fixed?!"

Hated that shit didn't yah?!

Now, shit pops off!

Yah get on some DIY'ers' shit!

Oh yes!

I can do this my damn muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Then...Thine Light Shined, Yet Again!

 Defamation trial!

How the Holy fuck!

Yo sorry ass speakin ill will toward the good?!

If, the muh fuckahs ain't really who they are?!

I mean Johnny Depp is ah FTM!

Straight up!

And Amber Heard?!


Come ohn naw!

Yo fuckin ass knows fuckin full well just by her fuckin actions in this trial!

That cunt used tah have ah cock!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

N-Nature (N'GLECT's Hit Single) 03March2023Fri "Ruoff Music Center" Noblesville, Indiana

I hope y'all can handle some shit!

I hope y'all can handle some shit!

I hope y'all can handle some shit!...


 "'I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.' Winston Churchill"

We got and are gettin


We all are, 

With Our sorry broke asses, 

Gettin slowly 


(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Return Policy?!

 Any knowledge that One has tah pay fo!

Is overpriced!


Worthless fuckin knowledge!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Relatively Speaking

 From the time you finally wake up from yo Momma's


Up until yo ol' Black broke sorry ass dies!...

The Truth started within 


And the Truth shall end within


(Peace! More to come...)

So!? What'll It Be?!

 Every muh fuckin choice that yo broke Black sorry ass makes!

Is it about just 



Is it about just-US!

And if it's all about just


Be careful God damnit!

Cause that shit ain't ah part of thah

Human Collective!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"What The Market Will Bear!" Eco 101

 I get it!

We all some broke muh fuckahs!

Fuck yeah!


Rent fo ah one bedroom goin from one lease to the next $1500 to now

$3000 dollahs!

Thah Holy fuck!

Time fo my Black broke ass tah get


Can't afford that bullshit!


But what do muh fuckahs do?!

Wannah complain!


Them ownahs', landlords'...ain't yo muh fuckin Daddy or yo muh fuckin



Thee Holy fuck that gottah do with ah niggahs' pockets!?...

Muh fuckah!...

Listen to me!



Or get the fuck off the fuckin pot!

Cause it ain't cho muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

What Do We Care Enough About To Be Willing To Finally Purge!?

 Nothing ever changes in One's life;


One makes critical changes

In Ones' own life!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Take Yo Sorry Ass The Fuck Back Home!

 Muh fuckahs kill my broke proud American Black sorry ass!


I know!


Muh fuckahs bring their stank ass ovah here talkin that bullshit, 

"I'm from Nigeria!"

Thah Holy fuck Niggeriah!

Y'all gots yo own shit don't chah?!

The fuck yo black Niggerian ass ovah here fo

Shleppin with


Couldn't find ah job in yo own shit!?...

God! Damn!

Or, black rusty assess,

"I'm from Haiti! I'm a Haitian!"


That ain't nothin tah brag about Playah and Playesses!

Become just ah plain ol black broke ass niggah if that's the fuckin case!

Least y'alls sorry asses would get ah lil


(Peace! More to come...)