Sunday, February 27, 2022

The US Human Battle Cry! And Keep Keepin On!

 No mattah what cho sorry ass does for the rest of howevah long existence!

Read and Research somethin every fuckin day until yah die!

Believe me!

Howevah long that is!

It still will not be enough time for your ass to really get to the real

Truth bout this shit!

Yah fell for it for too fuckin long!


And all yo still broke Black sorry asses can say, even at deaths doorbell, when it's all said and done is:

"But I tried mothah fuckahs!

Fuck it!

I fuckin tried!

I'm out this bitch!"...

Drop the mothah fuckin mic!

And answah yo fuckin death's do' and say,

"Shit! Where yo ass been mothah fuckah? Been waitin on yah! Surprised? Fuck naw! The fuck you waitin ohn?! Let's go mothah fuckah!..."

C'est tout!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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