Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Brightness Of Being!

 There's this woman I see almost every day!

And she has a fuckin glow!

I mean everybody has one,

But her shit be trippin me out!

And it ain't that I'm lustin aftah her or some shit!

Quite the contrary!

I'm just tryin tah figah out, 

What the fuck?!

Am I witnessin God damnit!...

I can't really look at her because she would think I'm an ol ass weirdo perv!

I would kind of get caught up in the glow!

I'm glad tah tell yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs,

Your radiating eminence is real!

Cause I'm perplexed! And tryin tah figah the shit out!

Well, shiiiought!

She ain't hard on the eyes by a long shot! Which causes quite the quandary...if yah an ol mothah fuckah Tryin tah figah out the glow!

But she got this fucked up beautiful indeterminate fuckin glow!

And I'd thought I'd seen all the hues of brightness?!...

I wantah say ta her, "Niggah! Yah gottah fuckin glow that my Black broke ol ass ain't seen before!? Can I ask yo indecipherable glow havin ass some questions?"

Yah see what I'm sayin?

That shit don't sound good or sound right at all!...

And let me tell yah somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

In my broke Black sorry ol ass life's opinion,

For whatevah the shit is worth?!

Yo sorry ass don't wantah be a weirdo!

Let alone an ol Black broke ass weirdo perv!

So some queries will be unanswerable! 

And I'll keep averting my ol sorry broke Black ass eyes!

Fuck it!...

You evah heard the ubiquitous,

"Dirty ol' man!"


Please say fuckin,


That shit ain't sharp at all!

Speakin tah yah on the real, with my ol Black sorry broke ass!

For real though!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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