Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Excellent Epiphanic Extractions

 Let me tell yah somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

I got two wisdom teeth takin out with my ol ass bout six yeeahs ago,

And I found out bout some shit!

I went tah the muh fuckah at 7:45am. 

@ 8:04am, 

"Gonnah put this over your nose, Mister Hopson. Just breath in deeply."

Well, I'm hittin that shit!

Thinkin tah myself, 'This shit ain't shit! The fuck this doin?'...

Next thing I know, the same voice tellin me,

"Mister Hopson. I need for you to lean forward and get into the wheelchair there. Good...."

I look up at the clock as we went out of the Orthodontist's office, @ 8:28am...

Lost at the very least, twenty-four minutes of my life's time!...

And death?...

Just gonnah be an infinite amount of life's time,


(Peace! More to come...)

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