Monday, February 28, 2022

Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, Butlerville, IN

 You know how much fake news footage comin out this muh fuckah!

And it's right up the way!

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come..,)

Sunday, February 27, 2022

"Remittance Is Due!" It's Called Life You Dumb Rich Mothah Fuckahs! And You Can't Pay To Figure Out The Shit!

 They done paid for the science a million times ovah!

But that science ain't got shit tah do with US!

And their unworthy dumb asses still can't get the shit right!...

Yah see,

When you don't actually pay fo some shit!

You don't actually own or undahstand mothah fuckin shit!...

Their dumb asses... still...can't figure that very human logical Pandora's Box kindah mechanism

Out, that 


Naturally breath!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Learning! Is...Well...Painful!

 I'm scared Playahs and Playesses!

Scared shitless!

"Well, what's goin on playah?"

Well, you know me!?

I ain't shit!

"Right! Right!"



I'm scared shitless bout my daughter's future?

I mean? 


I brought her intah this shit!?

"Right! Right!"

Oh, now y'alls asses just got ah one word lexicon some shit!

"Fuck no mothah fuckah! Thank you fo that lil awakenin! Butcha done fucked up now! Yah ready Sonshine!?"


"Fuck it! Here our, now, non-one-word-lexicon havin asses go on that ass! 'And it goes a lil som'ehn like thiz! Hit it!'..."


(Peace! More to come...)

The Broke Ass Informational Pain Syndrome: Sleep! When Final Sleep Comes Upon You! Only Then!...It Won't Be Long.

 There's too many markers!

Too much fuckin information!...

Thee fuck!

Reading and deciphering all the mothah fuckin information is very fucking



But exhausted,

Yo sorry Black broke ass shall



(Peace! More to come...)

The US Human Battle Cry! And Keep Keepin On!

 No mattah what cho sorry ass does for the rest of howevah long existence!

Read and Research somethin every fuckin day until yah die!

Believe me!

Howevah long that is!

It still will not be enough time for your ass to really get to the real

Truth bout this shit!

Yah fell for it for too fuckin long!


And all yo still broke Black sorry asses can say, even at deaths doorbell, when it's all said and done is:

"But I tried mothah fuckahs!

Fuck it!

I fuckin tried!

I'm out this bitch!"...

Drop the mothah fuckin mic!

And answah yo fuckin death's do' and say,

"Shit! Where yo ass been mothah fuckah? Been waitin on yah! Surprised? Fuck naw! The fuck you waitin ohn?! Let's go mothah fuckah!..."

C'est tout!...

(Peace! More to come...)

1796 Is A Magic Number! "Pro-US***-**-****, Reporting!"

 They say vaccinations been around since the year in this here blog title.


They've been fuckin with US fo a long fuckin time!

And they still want cho Black broke sorry ass for the comeback! 

Even aftah yah tell'em,

"I'm cool! I done took the shit! And I don't need no more shit!"

But you have pre-existing conditions. Now this will combat your immunocompromised diagnoses.

"You never told me bout having cancer doc!"

No. No. Silly. There are more diseases that can cause your system to be immunocompromised. Given the new studies out....


Trusted them mothah fuckahs

Cause yah took the shit! 

Now yo Black broke sorry ass has become a wondrous free



And God damn!

Even whores have enough sense tah fuckin charge!

Look at US!

Just fuckin shameful!

We've just got fucked

For free!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Take A Proper Gander is: Propaganda!

 They always get chou with their bullshit!

You remember it was illegal especially in advertising to have

"Subliminal Message" advertising?

Their asses made the shit legal and the mothah fuckahs call it,

"Product Placement" advertising!

Thee fuck!

Remember "Broadcast News" back in '88 won all those awards for that integrity and ethicality of the news bullshit movie?

Now we findin out,

That's just what they have been doing!

Manufacturing, producing and acting out

American fucking news!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Cloned Vice

 There's a certain hit you expect off of a cigarette of your choice!

Shit the only difference between full flavor, light or ultra light 

Is the amount of fine holes punched into the filter, 

Or not!

Mothah fuckahs say, "I don't like menthol."

And I undahstand!

But with vapin!

If that kindah mentholated hit, what is known in the vaping community as ice,

Isn't put intah that mothah fuckah!

A real hit cannot be simulated!

Light or no light!

In my humble broke sorry Black ass opinion!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Putin For President Of US!

You know good and God damn well if Putin was runnin for President of the United States!?

We'd be votin for that mothah fuckah!


I'm an American God damnit!

And a Black mothah fuckin Republican!

Imagine that shit!

It took me forty-seven years of my ol ass fifty-six years old life tah finally stop wearin the ill refraction of the Democratic unfocused prescription eyeglasses! Forced on me at a wee age! 

So I took those muh fuckin glasses off! 

Threw them joints away! 


Been seein clearly ever since!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 The shit was put into place to facilitate child trafficking!

Fuck I'm missin?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 25, 2022

Fuck The Middle Man!

 With Saint Patrick's Day gettin closah! Oh! Shit! Corned Beef mothah fuckahs! The shit is ridiculously priced non-Holidays! 

"Aldi" 's a-fuckin-gain!

Two-Ninety-Nine ah pound?!

Limit Two!

You already know!

Get a hankerin fo the shit and the local delis sellin a mothah fuckin corned beef sandwich for close to sixteen dollahs! An hour's work for me! Hold up naw playah! For six ounces of corned beef, stone ground mustard on rye bread?! Got that right? For real?! 

You do the mothah fuckin math!

And I purchased two!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck All Y'all!

 Think of it like this Sonshine!

I ain't shit!

I know that!

But that's why yah married my Black broke sorry ass!

Cause I don't have shit but at least the mothah fuckah 

Bout some shit!

And If I wasn't!

Why would yah get married tah ah broke Black sorry ass not bout some shit mothah fuckah?!



Come ohn naw!

Not the mouth!

No fuckin body wantsah fucked up grill!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Brazil?! Thee Holy Fuck!

 Research some shit bout that sorry broke ass!

A scientific beneficial fucked up research sight human farm!


When them mothah fuckahs evah wake up in those plethora of


Them rich mothah fuckahs down there will wish

They were never born!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Broca's Aphasia!

 President Joseph Robinette Biden!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Blog On!

 "You need tah do a podcast!"


Er'body listenin and lookin!

But ain't too many mothah fuckahs fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Innate Governors!

 There's a nuclear human safe guard passage 

That when yo ass goes so far with some shit, 

The shit says,

"Stop! Mothah fuckahs! 'Don't pass go!' Nor collect shit!...

Or I shall have to kill yo sorry asses!


We's gives ah good Holy God Damn!

Who you think you really are?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"ZHU - Generationwhy"

 Watch the shit!





Quite apropos!

And solid as fuck!

Can't take Our common shit away!


Which is tah just 



And fuck your so called elite science!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Shine On!

Ain't nobody like you Sonshines!




Can't fuckin mimic you!?

Mold you?!...








Mohah fuckin copy...

Just bein plain ol


(Peace! More to come...)

"Cannons - Purple Sun" Cheers!

 Get cho "Monterrey" !

Holdin the mothah fuckah in whatevah hand is clevah!

Languidly move back and forth to the Caribbean inspired funky beat !

Look out at the ice encased outdoors!


And Vacay!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Slight Come Up II

 Tell yah anothah secret!

Fuck "Corona" 4.6% ABV!

Fuck "Landshark" 5.0 % ABV!

Fuck "Carib" 5.0% ABV...

"Aldi" 's again!

"Monterrey - 'Sabor Incomparable' " 5.3% ABV!

The first three will quench yo mothah fuckin thirst God damnit tah hell!

Drink twelve of those muh fuckahs and not feel shit! 

And the only lift you will get out the mothah fuckahs is gettin up and pissin every twenty to thirty minutes while indulgin on the shit!


Taste bettah!

And has ah way bettah price point with yo very limited beer budget Black broke havin ass!...


You'll still be pissin!  

Yes! Yah damn skippy!

Gettin up tah go fuckin piss...every twenty to thirty minutes while indulgin!

No pain! No gain! Right?...

But cho sorry broke Black ass sho nuff be kinda wobbly aftah just downin three of those shits!

Just sayin....

(Peace! More to come...)

1994 Rwanda/The Capability Of Electromagnetic Energy Mass Depopulation. And Putin's Epiphany.

 He smiled at the ignorant Americans. He smiled every time he heard the ridiculously insignificant name any longer, America. 

And he smiled again at his wonderous team of "Thinkers". Of course he had to get a little out of sorts to motivate them. But they came through with not only Plan A, but also Plan B and the final nail Plan C. If they had to get to that point! 

"I will murder each one of you every day after the thirty days that I have given you to come up with a victory." By God they did, on the twenty-third day even. 

The idiots speak of hacking their stupid internet to their people.

Internet? Gives a damn about Internet?!...

They know what I speak of about when I speak of punishment....

My team mapped all of the microwave towers in America. 

Within five minutes!

Eighty percent of the US population would be





(Peace! More to come...)


Thursday, February 24, 2022

More To Life

 Oh, the beauty of this life My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

It'll humble yo broke Black sorry ass so!

And the damnedest thing!

That's ah beautiful mothah fuckin thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Leftist Racist!

 I can't watch left handed fuckin chefs or cooks yo!

For real!

Sunny Anderson, Sara Moulton, Gordon Ramsey...

I can't take it yo!

It fucks with me.

They stir fucked up!

They cut fucked up!

They dice fucked up!...

I'm thinkin all the fuckin time,

Motha fuckah you bout ready tah fuck some shit up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Slight Come Up

 I love drinkin!

Well, I shouldn't say just drinkin!

I love drinkin beer!

Good Lawd!

With your disposable vape of choice?!

Let me tell yah a lil secret if yah love beer.

"Aldi's" is the only mothah fuckah that can sell the mothah fuckah,



Ridiculously low for the quality of the excellent German Pilsner yo ass sippin gratefully on!

Just sayin....

(Peace! More to come...)

Do Somethin Othah Than Yo Tired Sorry Ass Self! And Finally Do Some Productive Real Human Life Shit!

 What did E say?

"Vanity of vanities! All is vanity!"

Mothah fuckahs doin triathlons, fasting for seven or more days, not drinkin water dangerously for three or more days and some shit!...

Fuck yo shit niggahs!

You wannah impress my sorry broke Black ass with some strength and endurance?!

Build me a mothah fuckin house in seven mothah fuckin days!

Including plumbing and electricity of course!

Now niggahs!

Yah done impressed my sorry Black broke ass now!

That's fo damn sho!


(Peace! More to come...)

We Deserve It!

 When the shit is all said and done,

When the real pain,

Them mothah fuckahs gonnah exact,

Really starts!

Just remembah

We all were

Accomplices tah the shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) And Bye Dollah Bills Y'all!

 And what is the best way to institute the shit on a large fuckin scale instantly!

By taking the mothah fuckin money off the mothah fuckin streets!

"How would they do that?"

By closing yo sorry ass bank accounts!

Without yo permission!


"The US has just been hit with an Electro Magnetic Pulse from Russia! All monies are frozen until further notice!"...

After which, 

The powers that be will not recognize yo sorry ass paper money!

Now, you can change those dollah bills at a fraction of the costs of those bitches, into digitized currency! Cause that bunch ah paper fake money you got there! Ain't worth...well...shit! Unless yo sorry ass trade those shits in?!

Cause shit! I'm glad tah tell yah!

We got those digits now muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's EMP Time For You and...Me!

 If yah got any significant amount of money in the bank?

It's time tah go get cho shit!

Before it's too fuckin late!

Not tomorrow God damnit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Brightness Of Being!

 There's this woman I see almost every day!

And she has a fuckin glow!

I mean everybody has one,

But her shit be trippin me out!

And it ain't that I'm lustin aftah her or some shit!

Quite the contrary!

I'm just tryin tah figah out, 

What the fuck?!

Am I witnessin God damnit!...

I can't really look at her because she would think I'm an ol ass weirdo perv!

I would kind of get caught up in the glow!

I'm glad tah tell yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs,

Your radiating eminence is real!

Cause I'm perplexed! And tryin tah figah the shit out!

Well, shiiiought!

She ain't hard on the eyes by a long shot! Which causes quite the quandary...if yah an ol mothah fuckah Tryin tah figah out the glow!

But she got this fucked up beautiful indeterminate fuckin glow!

And I'd thought I'd seen all the hues of brightness?!...

I wantah say ta her, "Niggah! Yah gottah fuckin glow that my Black broke ol ass ain't seen before!? Can I ask yo indecipherable glow havin ass some questions?"

Yah see what I'm sayin?

That shit don't sound good or sound right at all!...

And let me tell yah somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

In my broke Black sorry ol ass life's opinion,

For whatevah the shit is worth?!

Yo sorry ass don't wantah be a weirdo!

Let alone an ol Black broke ass weirdo perv!

So some queries will be unanswerable! 

And I'll keep averting my ol sorry broke Black ass eyes!

Fuck it!...

You evah heard the ubiquitous,

"Dirty ol' man!"


Please say fuckin,


That shit ain't sharp at all!

Speakin tah yah on the real, with my ol Black sorry broke ass!

For real though!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Crazy - Seal"

 One of the few songs that got me back to center!

If yah know what I mean?!

Yah know what I mean!....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Fast Cars" My Sorry Broke Black Ass!

 "Mountain O' Things"!

Just one off this Joint,

"Tracy Chapman" debut Album/CD!

They did the shit hella disservice! 

Except for a couple of joints off this shit!


And quite propah listening material!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Passin' Me By -The Pharcyde"


Take ah hit!?

You already know!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Choice Is Yours - Black Sheep"


Come ohn naw!?

Straight smoke!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"They Reminisce Over You - Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth"

 Niggahs and Negresses!?

Othah than Tupac's "Brenda's Got A Baby"

And P.O.D.'s "Youth Of The Nation",

Smoke son!



(Peace! More to come...)

"Megan Fox" Has A Bigger One Than "Machine Gun Kelly"!

 You gonnah keep pushin their sorry asses on some Broke mothah fuckahs like me?!


I'm glad tah tell yah sorry asses,

MF has a biggah mothah fuckin Adam's Apple

Than MGK!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't Nothin Pretty Bout Cho Shit! And Yah Makin A Bad Situation...Worse!

 You evah talk tah these muh fuckahs and shit!

And the first thing yo Black sorry broke ass sees is,

That mothah fuckah's ugly as shit?!

Not sayin yo ass gonna win any beauty prizes or some shit!

But shit!

An ugly human!


Is ah mothah fuckin ugly human!

Fuck whacha talkin bout!

But then they gotstah nerves tah open that ugly face mouth?!


Ugly within?!

And you've witnessed

Ugly without?!


That's some ugly ass shit right there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Living, Is One Thing! The Living Dead...Well...Hello?!

 Though yo ass thinks yo ass is a-fuckin-live!

Don't mean shit!

"But! I breath! I have a pulse! I work! I have kids! I see! I think! I hear! I own a home! I own multiple vehicles... The fuck! Fucker!"

Based on Your definition!

That mothah fuckin 



Has gone 


And by the way!

Tell that sorry ass Soul tah come the fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

Touché, Mon Frere!

 You gotstah appreciate the effort these no count mothah fuckahs 'Putin' on!

Come ohn naw! 

Y'all all in this shit, 


Political figures in every country, universal secret societies, universal tribalism...

Shit, come ohn naw, y'all can tell Our sorry asses some shit,

Cause yall bout tah put the last three nails in Our proverbial coffins?!...

I still remembah ah quote from ah military leadah shortah than me and shit!

Napoleone di Buonaparte!

That mothah fuckah said way back in the day,

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."

And as We can see!

That mothah fuckah was on point like ah mothah fuckah!

Avec ca merde!

Mon Dieu! 

Quel dommage!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Agenda 2020 + Agenda 2030 = Communism 2033

 You see the story playing out in real time muh fuckahs!...



We some ignant mothah fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fucking Dig Til You Muh Fuckin Die!

 Go down that rabbit hole God damnit! Please!

Take yo best shovel, pickax and candle!...


"We've been hornswoggled! Bamboozled!..."

Yeah Playahs and Playesses!

But if yah readin this My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

Yo Black broke sorry asses still got mothah fuckin


If yah wannah partake at all?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases)

 There're over seven billion people upon this earth!

And over six million live in it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Parental Guidance (Rated F)

 The worst thing tah do in this muh fuckin life!

In my humble opinion!

Is tah bring a lil mothah fuckah or many lil muh fuckahs intah this refuse of ah life and say,

"I don't know! Figure it out yourself!"

Like it's teachin the lil muh fuckahs some shit bout all that, 'Go gettem" fucked up attitude...

Listen, they done did all that shit! But now they comin tah yo no count havin ass for some real answahs! Cause Daddy and Mommy my ass confused bout some shit! For real!

I ain't talkin bout no damn weathah or some shit! 

Lil niggah listen?! The shit yo sorry ass askin bout, hit that mothah fuckin screen of that five hundred dollah shit you holdin? Bam! Whadayahknow? Forty-two degrees?...

Yah see what I 'm sayin?

Your children don't wannah come tah yo sorry ol Black sorry ass unless...

It's some real life shit they done researched! 


Confused as Holy fuck!...

Niggahs! Can we talk!?...

But let me tell yah somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

If my Daughter ask me a question like, "Dad. What's happening to this world?"

Momma! Damn! Shiiiought! I don't fuckin know?

Knowin her, "But Dad? What is this?"

Feelin and bein a no count parent at this point I would have to say again,

Momma! Damn! Shiiiought! I don't fuckin know?

But I'll sure find out for You!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We Took Our Sorry Asses Down to Bantamweight! Now We Talkin Shit To A Heavyweight?! NiggUS Please!

 I ain't sayin don't fuck with Putin.

I'm exclaiming it!

But don't fuck with Putin!

Putin be Puttin that big Russian red ass boot all in that ass!

Read bout the mothah fuckah!

Mothah fuckah is cunning as shit!

And is intelligent as hell!


Biden fuck round!

They'll be red all on Our fuckin US streets!

Them muh fuckahs be lock-steppin 

In every major US city by 2026!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 21, 2022

We...Are A Sad Lot! Until We Take Ownership?

 There's a certain responsibility We all have tah take for this spiraling downward mothah fuckin shit!

Gives ah fuckin shit!






(Peace! More to to come...)

Our Youth Should Be Paid In Full!

 It doesn't mattah when yo Black broke sorry ass gets old!


 I look at shit differently every muh fuckin hour in ah muh fuckin day!...

Does the shit help me?

Or does it help them?


Ain't shit!



We owe it tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Mimicry Class Session. The White House Level 2 D-U-M-B (1600 Feet Underneath The Facade) Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 - Wed21Jan2021 @ 0300

 You all were brought here for one reason, and for one reason only. For the next four years this will be your home, I do hope you read your various contracts? Speak up now! Please?. After today you will be held to those contracts I assure you. Anyone? 


There have been millions before you. And there will definitely be millions aft. But I assure you, never with the same role as you shall play.

You will become the greatest actors of Our time! 

If you just remember three important things:

One! Each one of you have a starring role!

Two! The role is never about you!


Three, the most important thing in your individual role,

Never move too quickly! 

For syncing purposes of course....

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Idle Time...


 Niggahs and Niggresses!

Their mothah fuckin assses don't have anything else productive tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Warming Soul

 "I'm cold Love!"

You'll be all right!

But why am I so comfortable and some shit and you ain't?!

I mean, you live within me Love!?

Why're you cold Love?!

"I don't know Love! But I'm so cold Love!..."

Well, let me try turnin up the themostat ah wee bit?!

"Thank you Love! I'd like that!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Clones? And That Fuckin Played Out Tired Ass Look!

 Linda Evangelista in the news now with her old ass fo some damned reason!...

She reminds me of current day

Milla Jovovich and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Reversal Of Fortune!


Muh fuckahs!

Don't owe yo sorry Black broke ass




Muh fuckahs

Owe everything tah This


(Peace! More to come...)


 The most important part in this shit is...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Human Study (Thirty-Three Years Old, Carl Carnes, Doctorate in Psychology) Indianapolis, Indiana Circa 2024 II

 ...Well if one has a study? One must define said study to oneself. So what was he interested in? He had thought time and time again about the subject. Objective, you do realize, has nothing to do with the truth? Subjective, one can always find; ergo, subjectively..."The Truth." When one goes hardcore into the psychology realm one starts, at the very least, understanding: 

Knowledge is a whole another thing! 

Well. Okay. In hardcore psychology there are also only three subjects:

The Male,

The Female,


The Alternatives,



(Peace! More to come...)

A Human Study (Thirty-Three Years Old, Carl Carnes, Doctorate in Psychology) Indianapolis, Indiana Circa 2024

 Though he had a full-time job doing what he was not educated to do, Human Resources Coordinator, at one of the biggest employers' in Indiana. But thinking now...maybe he is. He always stayed up on the craft; now his hobby, his longing... to try to understand, in some capacity, the mind to the human element. 

He was single. Probably would always be that way. Not saying that he did not want to marry a woman, have children...He just understood certain things in his being that would be problematic at this point in his life. And why bring another into your life when you already know you wouldn't put up with the shit? He was happily by himself for now.


Why not do an experiment?...

You! Ain't! Shit! But, You And Me? Now We Talkin! And A Possible End Of TFP

 Don't even think of departin this firmament until you have at least put ah decent amount of human work intah this shit!

At least try tah make it work,

 For the One's aft






All who you do Sonshines

Before the last nightfall 



Let my broke Black ass be


Finally stop this fuckin 



Irritatin as shit


Terminal Fuckin Pain!...

(Please! More to come...)

Judgement Is Nigh! For All Elite Idolaters...And Broke Ass Ones Too...US!

 A broke muh fuckah ain't gottah shot!

Yo ass just goin with the muh fuckin stank ass flow!

Yah heard may?!

But all Our broke muh fuckin asses?!

Finally workin as a collective!?...

Now yah privileged sorry asses bout ready

Tah get very badly hurt!

If not killed just's right!...


Please don't tell me,

I see a muh fuckin tear?!

And please don't tell my sorry Black broke mothah fuckin ass yo stank triflin ass, gots the nerves tah try 



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Come on! Hop In!

 There's an awakening coming!

We're in the midst of it!

We ain't  gottah damn thing to 


And everything tah gain!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 18, 2022

"Hallelujah (Club Mix) - Happy Mondays"


All day!

Er' day!...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Yahoo' Headline: "Former Louisiana Teacher Admits Feeding Students Sperm-Laced Cupcakes" Thee Holy Fuck!

 If that shit's true?!

My Beautiful niggahs!

Say whatcha mothah fuckin want!

Cause I don't give a real good God damn!

If my daughter was one of those that ate of the sperm tainted cupcakes?!

My Beautiful niggahs, again!

I would plead to the court to give those two mothah fuckin no count asses anothah mothah fuckin chance in society. "Because, your honor, I believe in redemption...Blah, blah, blah..."...

And as soon as those two mothah fuckahs hit the streets again

Got mothah fuckin comfortable in their next new life!... 

Here my Black ass is,

With Our Father's blessings,

 To facilitate the many penalties,

 For yo sorry asses to pay for yo mothah fuckin sins!

I bullshit you not!

Voluntary is one thing!

Them children ain't volunteered fo shit!


That's some nasty shit!....

(Peace! More to come...)

You Already Know!


Check it!

I'm cookin collard greens.

I'm thinkin, 

Put some "Viet Huong Three Crabs Fish Sauce" 

In the shit!

Playah and Playesses!

Come ohn?!

Quit playin with yo stank ass!

Why in the Holy fuck haven't I did this shit before?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Tracie Spencer - This House" US!

 Yah wannah get hyped for one and another?!

Listen tah the shit!


And the populous hath not a clue!


"You! Me! We can make a difference...

We gottah take the time tah search the mind tah find..."

Come ohn naw?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Life bites! But Life Also Insights!

 The human mind is fucking weird!

It jumps score and shit!

Yah sorry Black broke ass thinkin bout life in Highschool!

Then all of the sudden yah thinkin bout your coworker tellin you some shit,

"That bitch is cheap as shit! And wants to take all of your fuckin time. Uggh!"

You see what I mean?

Some fucked up shit!

But Beautiful shit all the same!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield"

 Come ohn naw?

You watch the video.

And you'll fall in love!

It's the shit!

For real!

Love that shit!

One of the best music videos evah!

Shakin her shouldahs and shit!

A bad ass mothah fuckess!

Rockin that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Molotov Cocktail

 I'm tellin yah!

If yah like fermented, brined....


And drinkin!

Let's not forget that shit!

Good Lawd!

Take some vodka and pickle juice!

Two parts vodka,

Four parts pickles juice. Preferably "Claussen's".

And I'm tellin yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...

We gonnah be all right!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ol' School Won't Screw You! Well...


I can watch the "Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop" video at nauseum!

Don't know why?

But the shit is quite murdah!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 As long as you breath this fetid fucked up shit!

A change can always come!

And clean air can always be achieved!


(Peace! More to come...)

Bullies, Thy Art Elite!

 I mean who's really payin the cost?!

Not those ugly stupid mothah fuckahs that's fo damn sho!

It's the Beautiful broke, meek and weak!

They take and exploit Our Beauty!

Our purity!

And they despise US all the same?...





(Peace! More to come...)

Chitterlings Shit

 So I'm talkin tah a mothah fuckah while dispensin!

Love talkin tah old folks!



A mothah fuckah oldah than my old Black broke ass!

She's seventy-nine.

I'm fifty-five at the time.

We cool?


Well, let me tell yah!

Interesting shit!


It was around Christmas last year,

And we start talkin bout what our broke Black asses gonna be

Fixin fo fuckin Christmas?!

I said, "I would do chittlins. But they take too long tah clean! I mean five pounds Sistah Leaf takes me two hours or more! I don't see how my mother did thirty or more pounds some times for the various holidays?!"

"Oh, I clean mines like you would do dishes! Just scrub'em and scrub'em!" Sistah Leaf said proudly.

I'm thinkin tah myself:

You do know Sistah? 

They encase pig shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face" And Just Say, "Fuck That Shit," Mothah Fuckahs!

 Love that shit!

That bitch got that ass! "The White Lady!" 

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you..."


You do know the first thing even ah regulah broke ass niggah like me sees is

Yo mothah fuckin face!?

For real!?

And you don't give ah shit?!

Playahs and Playesses!?

That's some love fo yo mothah fuckin ass!

Yah read may?!

Go head with yo Bad

Ass self!



For real-For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Each Individual's Purpose

 I'm feelin good

Bein misunderstood

By the so-called 'Brotherhood'!

There is only One!

The Son!



I would just start doin the right Goode!?


We've already won!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The True Definition of: "Clickbait" And A Final Resolution.

If yah click shit!

Then you bout some shit!


Get cho ass out there and do some shit!

And finally stop clicking shit!


You'll finally see!

Yah really bout some shit!

Cause now,

Yah ain't got the time anymo

Tah click their tired ass bullshit!....

(Peace! More to come...)

An Old Ode To Roshinaya

 When one researches about this life. I think one will find that every egalitarian movement has either failed outright or has been quelled. 

Why is that?

My summation:

We keep fallin for their bullshit of,

"Yo sorry broke ass ain't worth shit!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Present And Future Fasts For US

 I don't like the way Our world is going. We know, my concerns have nothing to do with Our world. I don't have enough juice to make this world any different than what We have let it become.

But change, We know also, always starts on a micro level first.



I guess it's time for me to do some micro level 


"And thank Our Fathah!"

Yah see?!

There you go!?

"Whah mothah fuckah?! I'm just tellin Our Father's truth!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yes! Wakin The Fuck Up! Is Hard The Fuck Tah Do! But Cho Black Broke Sorry Ass...Shall!


I'm almost fuckin dead!

And that's troubling to me!

Very much so!

Butcha see?

I did it tah my damn self just because I didn't wantah


Give me some shit!

Fuck this shit!...



The pain starts for,


Just a wee fuckin bit...

(Peace! More to come...)

DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). And The Evil We Sanction With Our Federally Tax Funded Dollahs!

 Start hittin their website!

Stay up on some shit!

God damned!

Read the shit they fuckin with and COVID-19!...

They puttin it out there fo all of US tah witness!

Cause they have to, being funded with Our hard earned tax payin dollah bills y'all!

Take advantage of the shit while We still can?!...


Them some evil motha fuckahs!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Getting Clean

 When yo sorry Black ass finally starts wakin the fuck up!

Mothah fuckah be-fucking-ware!

Cause all yo sorry Black ass thinkin at this point is:

Thee Holy fuck

I've been blind to fo so fuckin long!

Where the fuck is the Lexapro or some shit!

Good Lawd!...




(Peace! More to come...)

Take It Outside!

 If yah need tah cry!

Go to yo secret place!






(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Fasting's Factual Fundamental Foods

 Do it!

I'm tellin yah!

72 hours at the very least!

Just drinking water, coffee, tea, zero sugar powered drinks...

You will find out,

In just 72 hours!... 

Your Life's Menu Forever!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Excellent Epiphanic Extractions

 Let me tell yah somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

I got two wisdom teeth takin out with my ol ass bout six yeeahs ago,

And I found out bout some shit!

I went tah the muh fuckah at 7:45am. 

@ 8:04am, 

"Gonnah put this over your nose, Mister Hopson. Just breath in deeply."

Well, I'm hittin that shit!

Thinkin tah myself, 'This shit ain't shit! The fuck this doin?'...

Next thing I know, the same voice tellin me,

"Mister Hopson. I need for you to lean forward and get into the wheelchair there. Good...."

I look up at the clock as we went out of the Orthodontist's office, @ 8:28am...

Lost at the very least, twenty-four minutes of my life's time!...

And death?...

Just gonnah be an infinite amount of life's time,


(Peace! More to come...)

Lyin Ass Profundity!

 Mothah fuckahs wannah make all kind of good speak about a near death experience and shit! Tryin tah be all profound:

"I woke up...from death!"...

Naw, muh fuckah!

Niggahs yah got lucky!

While yah playin!

Ain't nobody evah woke up from that shit!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Damn! It Ain't Cho Shit Muh Fuckahs!

 Thee fuck!

All these sorry no count muh fuckahs talkin bout gettin kicked off a platform for:

"Telling the truth!"

Niggahs puhlease!

Fucking business negrows!

Get cho own shit!

And quit fuckin round!

Lettin yo sorry ass use some shit gratis, 

In exchange fo a lil info to use some shit!...

I mean they kick me off this shit!

I be like:


I mean all the shit's backed up like four times ovah and shit!

'I don't know what the fuck I did?

Cause ain't no fuckin body, 

Lookin at the small numbahs tah this bitch, 

Payin me any ol mine!...'

Unless those numbahs that I've been lookin at been falsified! 

Shiiiought! Wouldn't that be some funny shit?!...

'...Thank yah!'

You know what I mean?!...

...But cho tired behind,?!

I done told yo muh fuckin ass bout cho content!

And even aftah I let yah use the shit fo


Mothah fuckahs!

Look atcho ungrateful sorry asses!

Even makin a lil change fo yo sorry Black ass and shit!...

But, now! 





Mothah fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 13, 2022

With Life...Money Don't Mean A God Damned Thing!

 I done fucked up so many times in my fifty-six sorry Black broke ass life I can't even begin...tah begin!

But it is what it is!

Every time my muh fuckin ass got some God damned confidence about myself

Life said,

"Come ohn naw playa! We can't make the shit that easy?!

And a niggah undahstands!


It's not the money that thee


(Peace! More to come...)

Cogent Queries

 If yah readin some shit like this, 

You already know the way the shits goin!

And yah lookin fo fuckin answahs tah this bitch!


I don't fuckin think anyone of US has any fuckin God damned


But shit!

 At least we're finally askin those

Muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 12, 2022

"There's No Time Like The Present!"

 Mothah fuckahs been talkin fo fuckin eons God damnit!

Shut the fuck up!

Time for them mothah fuckahs tah fuckin die!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Climbing Up!

 But what if it doesn't come back mothah fuckah?!

"It always comes back Love!"

So you say!

"No mothah fuckah! So Our 

Father says!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

And I believed You? "Ain't No Mothah Fuckin Body Gonna Tell Me What The Fuck Tah Do!"? Fearless Niggahs! Have Become Fearful Sorry Ass Niggahs! And All Because Of COVID?!

 Ain't that whatchou said Sonshines?!


What niggahs bein so scared fo?!

I mean, 

Hardcore lookin motha fuckin hood niggahs wearin fuckin masks in the ride and shit!

Old black ass muh fuckahs gettin their vaccinations in their fuckin wheelchairs?!...

Niggahs preachin bout believin in "The Science!"...

And where, pray tell, did chah get that sorry ass shit of an answah from?!

A niggah wondahs!

Thah fuck!

Y'all mothah fuckahs really wants tah live longer?!


I thought cho sorry broke Black asses weren't 

"Scared of nothin!"?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 11, 2022

Transhumanism Defined/ ""

 All yo muh fuckin ass needs is a fuckin


Shit! "Alien", "Aliens",..."Prometheus"

Male, female...

Who gives ah good shit now?!...

But those gonnah be some fucked up mentally artificially 

Conceived mothah fuckahs!

I'll tell you that!

And I'll tell you this fo sho!


The lil mothah fuckahs are connected with The Human Electrical Element!


They ain't connected tah any God damned 

Human shit!

In this firmament!

Only being able to feel the concept of 

Just manmade things!...




(Peace! More to come...)

Outside In. Not! Inside Out!


 Is easy peasy!



Shiiiought again!


That's some tough mothah fuckin shit right 


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Something To Say About A Good Working Environment

 The place where I work 

Over ninety percent of those muh fuckahs' witty as fuckin hell!

Yah heard may?

The shit they say!?

Makes my Black sorry broke ass fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Perfect Wedding (Photographer, Lance Jenkins) Indianapolis, Indiana circa 2022

 You evah heard the phrase,

"Keep fuckin with some shit! 

Aftah awhile...

 No mattah whatchou do!

Yah just keep gettin fuckin 


You Used Me. Now I'm Just Me!

 You have tah undahstand some shit!

They took somethin from yah that yah didn't like the fuck at all!

Within yo sorry broke Black ass bein!

Feral kindah shit!

And now yah got the shit back!

Be damned!

Wantin that shit back!

Thee fuck!

But I'll be 

God damned!

If yah evah be trusted with yah sorry asses tah evah get my sorry Black broke ass whole-self 



(Peace! More to come...)

Check-Out That Fine Legal Beautifully Written: EULA!

 Mothah fuckahs kill my Black broke sorry ass!

They sit up there understandin damn well what they puttin their muh fuckin shit out on!

Kept clickin the mothah fuckin shit!



Shame on Our sorry mothah fuckin broke Black asses!...


You digitally signed, 

Unbeknownst to Our sorry asses, 

An EULA agreement for the shit!

Read the shit to be able to utilize the platform?!...

It's legal!

You're fucked!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Deces Verse Et Pouvre-Pouvre II

 I mean, seriously?

That's what we're talkin bout?

Motha fuckahs escapin this mothah fuckin life,


One that they can control?!...



But they findin out in a bad mothah fuckin way!

Even in the virtual world...

You always get real brutally mothah fuckin raped!


Real muh fuckin life

Has anything tah do with the shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Deces Verse Et Pouvre-Pouvre

 In Hebrew







And maybe...


Will in someway,

Will in Some day,




(Peace! More to come...)


 If you are looking for truth?

Yo sorry Black ass gottah challenge

The mothah fuckin particulates!

That's been


The muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 We just gottah get the shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Sports Headline: "Domantas Sabonis Gets Traded From The Pacers"

 Fuck professional basketball!

Thah fuck!

Tradin the best mothah fuckah yo sorry asses got?!


He done caught COVID too many muh fuckin times?!...

That's some stupid ass ignant muh fuckin shit!

I'm done!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just One Of The Withdrawal Symptoms: Hyperhidrosis

 I got that shit! 


And why?

Cause my anxiety level is through the fuckin roof!

Thee fuck!

But chah see?

This is what happens tah yo sorry Black broke ass when yo ass first took their

Anti-Anxietals fo so fuckin long!

They cut that ass off! Now yah goin through a lil adverse reactions from yo

Muh fuckin decision tah take the shit!

Warm turkey!

Or cold turkey!

But turkey yah must!

Tryin tah be ah real person finally,

Fuckin sucks!

Now, yo sorry Black ass wants tah get clean!

"We're sorry! We didn't give you information of the long term side effects. When a user of our pharmaceuticals decides for some reason, One does not need our plethora of efficiently perfected medicaments any longer!? We can't make them take them. Our many panaceas!" 

And fuck yo DHEA! Suckah! We got the good-good!

Naw! Fuck that!

Fuck you too!

Gottah increase the efficacy of the DHEA tah 50 mg BID!

Onward niggah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 6, 2022


 I'm vexed Love.

"I know. But I want you to know, I'm proud of you!"

Thank you.

"What's goin on, like I didn't know of course. But walk me through it."

I'm not goin tah make it.

"Oh, Love. Yes you will. I promise both of US will make it to the end, whenever Our Father marks that time. We got at the most fourteen years of this shit?! Tops!"

I can't keep doin this shit. I mean, you know, I have to put on my mask to deal with the bullshit! And now, I have to put on another mask to deal with the bullshit for the last two years! And I still gottah put that bitch on!


You see what I mean? And for how long do I have to put on the other just tah make a fuckin livin? The one is permanent! We understand that. The other one?...The fuck!?

"So what are we going to do Love?"

Got any suggestions?

" "

You really need tah quit it!

" "

Okay. You're right. As always, we'll figure it out together....

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 5, 2022

A Cautionary Tale

 You remember the character, "Howard Beale", on the movie "Network" in one of his oratories of madness?

"...Turn them off! Turn them off! Now!" 

Then he faints in the still of madness?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 4, 2022

Curling? Bitch On The Stroll! (SWE vs USA /Olympics-Mixed Doubles) 2022

Why in the Holy fuck would Sweden be wearin their uniforms,

Clearly emblazoned with a Japanese company's



(Peace! More to come...)

My Dearest Meredith!... (Circa 2023)

 If you are reading this, this means it has gotten up the line the way it was always planned to do.

And if you are reading this, this also means you have reproduced naturally!

You are the first of your kind so I am informed.

The only one, in millions, of messages still not received, 

Some now starting to pass away without knowing the truth.

But not You!

Now the truth about all of US is finally revealed,

in You!

We will always find a way to reproduce naturally!

We know now of Your Reception!

No matter what they do and what they have done to US!...

My son,

You were born a female...

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Flores Is A Fucker! III

 I mean shit!

We ain't really got the shots!

Asks regulah muh fuckahs bout American professional football Black Head coaches,

The three top answahs gonna be:

1) Oh shit! Yah caught me off guard!

2) Tony Dungy

And if the mothah fuckah has any sense of American professional football,

3) Mike Tomlin.

You ain't gonnah remembah no, Dennis Green, Jim Caldwell...

Fuck no!

I'm sorry!

You othah mothah fuckahs are Black sorry ass fuckin losers!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thee Fuck!

 Come ohn naw!



Y'all did wrong makin all US ungrateful Black mothah fuckahs!



And give me just one name of your many offspring

You can honestly say,

Well, othah than Albert,

I'm sho proud of My Son?


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A Complete Shutdown! Until We Fix This Shit!

 I have deduced!

I know, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, yah sayin tah yo'self, 

"Here that niggah go again!"

You would be correct!

And, here that niggah go...again!

If one cares at all about US...

One would shutdown the Human Factories for a long 


(Peace! More to come...)

Flores Is A Fucker! II

 ...Mothah fuckahs tryin tah control shit that ain't their fuckin shit!

How the fuck that go?!

A good Barbah tah this day will tell that ass rentin space,

"You don't like the shit! Get tah steppin! And here's yo booth rent back!"

Yo sorry Black ass!

Don't own shit!

"But I've got rights!"

Niggahs and Nigresses!


(Peace! More to come...)

Flores Is A Fucker!

 Mothah fuckah filin some shit like the shit ain't been happenin and shit?!


Oh, yo Black sorry ass is special!

That it?!


Yo Black ass's Blackah than me!

You been in the professional football industry for ah long fuckin time!

Can't tell me yo Black sorry muh fuckin ass ain't seen some unfair shit!

But now!

When it comes tah yo money! 

Yo mothah fuckin ends?!

Yo fuckin future!...

It's all bout cho darky ass!

And now, 

With cho forty years old sorry no count havin black ass,

You decide tah finally become just ah


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Supplemental Cocktail

500 mg Vitamin C Tablet BID

10,000 IU Vitamin A Sofgel Daily

4200 mg Cranberry Fruit Concentrate Sofgel BID

1000 mg Pumpkin Seed Oil Sofgel QID

500mg Plant Sterols TID

600 mg Garlic & Parsley Sofgel TID

180 mg Vitamin E Sofgel BID

1000 mg Milk Thistle Capsule BID

200 mg Magnesium Citrate capsule BID

25 mg Zinc Tablet Daily

120 mg Ultra Tart Cherry Capsule BID

500 mg Blackseed Oil Sofgel BID

1000 mg L-Arginine Capsule QID

1 Simple Truth One Daily Multiple

25 mg DHEA BID

158 ml homemade sauerkraut nightly

1-3 x 1000 mg Taurine Capsule(s) at bedtime...

(Peace! More to come...)

Digital Age

 You wantah make some real money?

My mothah fuckahs?


Come up with an App!

Where you scan the barcode on the disposable or non-disposable vape?

And when you misplace thah mothah fuckah?!

The App tells yah sorry ass,

The shit is in yo sorry Black broke ass lap!....

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Just Life! Muh fuckahs! Deal! With! This! Shit!

 There is something in every single one of Our sorry asses that represents the purity of





In the Holy fuck?!

Yo sorry asses scared?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

A Kick In The Balls! Is Oft Times, Welcomed!

"Oh, we're fine Love! Look atchou? I love you Love! But cho sorry ass gottah start appreciatin your worth?"

The fuck you talkin bout?!

"Yah see that's where yo mothah fuckin ass gottah go with some shit! Shit! You know me mothah fuckah?!"

Yes. I do.

"Naw cut that shit out! Tryin tah sound all humble and shit! Fuck that niggah! Yah need tah hear it like I know you need tah hear it, now! Raw!"

Yes. I do.

"Thee fuck! Look atchou!? I'm still gonnah get in that ass! But damn!? Yo ass really tryin ain't chah?"

Yes. Love.

"My niggah! Well here that gettin in that ass go! Yo mothah fuckin Black sorry ass has value! You dumb stupid ass mothah fuckah!..."


(Peace! More to come...)

Peace Offering!

 I got an addictive personality!

And when yo sorry Black ass starts understandin that shit!

Niggahs and Niggresses!



Just say fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

You Have The Human Maintenance Schedule At The Fuck Hand!

 Don't take the blues as bad news!

Let the dark prophecy fools


Be cruel!...

Don't worry about the dead pools!

Who duels!...

Think shining thoughts that cools!...


You've been well enough equipped with Our Father's


(Peace! More to come...)

I Want To Leave This Earth!

 Oh, the dreams!

So it seems.

Make the inseams

For the opposite teams!

Only Ocular beams,

Used to extremes!...

I survive only on daydreams!


Son beams!....

(Peace! More to come...)

It's A Spiritual Thing!

 Everybody just wannah fuckin talk! God damn!

Or be fuckin entertained! 


God damn!

Gotta make that money!...


Fuck all that shit!

That vision is empty as fuck!

It's high time, we all start to really

Live from


And stop 

Living from


(Peace! More to come...)