Sunday, February 23, 2025

Walmart? Fuck That evil Shit! And Sam Walton Was FED Commie US Army Intelligence!

 Thah last time I went tah Walmart was about ah year and ah half ago some shit! Off of 46th and Lafayette Road and shit! That's when I said tah myself,

Fuck it!

Old Black ass muh fuckah like me, standin near the exit, as I was walkin out demanded,

"I need to see your receipt, please."

'What? Are you stating that I stole something that I just purchased? This is illegal detention. And I'm not showing you anything.' He had irritated thah dogshit out of me and shit!

"It's cool brothah! Have a nice day!"!

Walked my Black broke payin ass out!

And nevah thah fuck have I returned since that ill ass shit!



What thah fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

What thee Holy fuckin, fuck!?

Our Father's speed!

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