Saturday, February 22, 2025

Fuck These evil Propagandists' Treasonist Minion Commies! Fuck 'em! Fuck'em! And...If my Old Black Sorry Broke Ass Didn't Write, "Fuck 'em"! Fuck 'em!

 evil despicable Commie propagandists' minions still talkin that Commie shit!

Fuck that shit!

This US sovereignty shit has gotten critical as fuck!

For four fuckin years US witnUSsed these degenerate assholes takin US tah thah brink of

'The Lake of Fire' God damnit tah fuck!

Now, these Commie minions want tah speak out on some 


RighteoUS shit!

Fuck yah, don't fuckin feed yah!

CaUSe US show thah fuck don't need

Y'alls sorry need tah be 

Guillotined and bloodletted fucked-up asses!



I mean, shit!

"Kill 'em all Drill Sergeant! Let God sort it out!"!

God damned muh fuckin skippy!

Keep prayin my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

There shall be 



Days tah



Our Father's speed!

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