Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bird Flu? And Recombination? No Fucking US Sale!

 Recombination! That's thah muh fuckin sorry ass lingo these 'virology experts' talkin bout and shit!

"It's like a pig getting the bird flu and human flu at the same time. That's what we call recombination. Then the virus will adapt and spread differently..."

Them evil Commie scientist muh fuckahs are still talkin bout ah fuckin form of 


Whethah in ah fuckin chicken, ah fuckin pig, ah Human being...God damnit!

Degenerates still gettin US simple minded muh fuckUS hyped up about muh fuckin


Common Colds!


BecaUSe the Common Cold has outward symptoms for US tah witnUSs!

And with US simple mindednUSs, ah muh fuckah coughs or sneezes, which is ubiquitoUS in US presently, muh fuckUS be like,

"Oh my gosh! You have the bird flu!"! Ignant Commie infused wretches!

What thah fuck done went wrong with US Sonshines! What thah Holy fuck done went wrong with...

US! And

What thah fuck is an old niggah missin and shit!?

Our Father's speed!

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