Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"Red Rose"

my old Black sorry broke ass drinks

Tea, now!

Coffee?! Had tah leave that shit alone! Too much caffeine per cup? The compounds and trace elements that are inflammatory tah me...all added up to, "Niggah! Leave that coffee shit alone!"

So I have!

But, I've been researchin some shit about Teas polyphenols, antioxidants...type of shit!

And I mean, shit!

Been drinkin 'Rose off and on for some twenty years some shit!

But I make thah shit jUSt like US'd make ah pot of coffee and shit!

We have this six-cup coffee maker! I tear and put six packets of loose
'Rose in that basket shit! Along with ah tablespoon of dried ground ginger and ah teaspoon of dried mint!

Don't give ah fuck about all that delicate tea leaves steepin and shit!

If it's good enough for delicioUS

Coffee beans!

It's fuckin good enough for yo second fiddle

Tea leaves sorry ass!

But that dark strong 

'Rose with ah teaspoon of honey with some

Half and Half!?


Don't yo stank ass 


Our Father's speed!

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