US are some
Beautiful muh fuckUS!
US muh fuckUS!
But US old ass muh fuckUS got this uglinUSs of gettin "News" information from thah major non-subscription, non-paid for...fucked-up disinformation "news" agencies and shit!
US old assUS rememberin "Walter Cronkite", "Dan Rather", "60 Minutes",...and all thah othah currently Commie infiltrated US "News" progandists' minions fucked-up "News" programs on thah major "Free" networks and shit!
And here in lies thah fucked up evil FED Commie
So, with US old non-technological sorry muh fuckin assUS!
Get with US's Grand-Children tah teach US how tah research this fucked-up evil
Disinformational age that US sorry old assUS are currently livin in and shit!
So, thah disinformational evil Commie mainstream shall not lead
US old muh fuckUS down thah road tah imminent fucked-up
Hell and damnation!!!
And believe my old Black sorry broke ass when I suggest tah US othah old ass muh fuckUS,
If I can kind of undahstand this otherworldly technological "Alternative News" Internet fucked up shit!?
So too
Shall you, my othah old Beautiful ass Sistren and Brethren muh fuckUS!'!
Let these YOUng Beautiful muh fuckUS guide US! Ain't no shame in that righteoUS shit! US old assUS don't know every fuckin thing! But with this new Internet shit! Them YOUng muh fuckUS know how tah work that ill ass shit! But...
Continue tah old school
US shall be
And thah Beautiful thang about these YOUng Grand Children, YOUng Children...they are more than willing tah teach US broke old assUS about this current confusing technological disinformational age! But thah mainstream will get US old assUS illy US broke old muh fuckUS
And thah Beauty about that shit! Them YOUng ass muh fuckUS love tah teach US sorry old assUS about this
New fucked-up confusin technological shit!
Now, ah Beautiful muh fuckin
USA thang!
Our Father's speed you othah old ass muh fuckUS!
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