Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fuck These RighteoUSly Fired FED Commie Muh FuckUS!

 Student muh fuckin sorry ass loans!

God damn!

Talkin bout owin for bein just ah muh fuckin slave!

Fuckin evil Commie fucked-up brilliance!?

Got my old Black sorry needin tah pay back ig'nant ass! (Allegedly!)

I couldn't even get ah viable Federal job becaUSe I was delinquent in my student loans! Then how thah fuck is ah muh fuckah s'posed tah pay some shit back!? If ah niggah can't obtain legal employment?! Still ain't heard shit?! And it's 2025 with my old graduatin from thah university ass in 

Circa 1990?! Thah fuck?!




Prisons and shit!

I mean, shit!

I can't speak for US!

But them evil plottin some fucked-up enslavin...sorry ass muh fuckahs

Got my old Black sorry broke owin ig'nant ass!

Oh! They got my old Black still student loan owin ass!

Ye! Them evil muh fuckahs can give close tah half ah trillion USD's tah thah non-US

"Ukrainian/Russian War"!?

I mean, shit!?

Please help an old about tah die sorry ass Black broke muh fuckah out?!

Where thah Holy fuck is thah sorry ass muh fuckin

Ukraine!? And where thah Holy fuck is thah sorry ass muh fuckin


In these






I mean, try tah make an old Black broke ass niggah about tah die muh fuckah makes some US taxpaying, RighteoUS sense out of that fucked up FED Commie shit!

But thah ill shit's happenin! And still happenin!

And y'alls stank hypocrytical evil FED Commie assUS can't forgive an old niggUS 28,000 USDs (Allegedly! Fuck that shit!) student loans?!

And I've paid FED and state taxUS all my close tah three-score US lifetime?!

And these Ukrainians/Israelis...and whoevah thah fucked-up, non-taxpayin fucked-up fuck!...gettin close tah ah half 

Trillion USDS!!! Let me put that shit in numbers, shall ah niggah?! Fuck yes!


my old about tah die old Black ass looks ah lil somethin like this! Hit it!...


Non-US Taxpaying muh fuckah: 500,000,000,000

Taxpaying Student Loan Owing muh fuckah:000,000,028,000!

With 499,999,972,000 USD taxpayin dollUS left God damnit! my old Black ass shit ain't even made ah dent in that muh fuckah!

Them FED Commies givin away US's taxpayin USDs could have fuckin forgiven

Over 17,000,000 US taxpayin sorry ass broke muh fuckUS in my negative financial student loan owin sorry ass position!

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't tryin tah get out of no student loan (alleged) shit!



But if yah givin non-US taxpayin citizens, fuck it, othah countries thah



US tax paying citizens'

Bounty tah anothah 


That ain't paid not one soon tah be ghosted 


Penny of



Forgive my broke student loan shit!

How thah fuck that shit work?!

Got US's broke sorry assUS on thah muh fuckin cut!

With y'alls

evil, fucked-up, 



Shit of givin US's shit tah othah muh fuckahs don't have dick tah do about US's shit!

What thee Holy fuck done went wrong with 



And not one of those evil sorry ass degenerate propagandists' minions have sat one day behind confined



Oh! Thah fuck! Done happened tah 


I mean, some pitiful fucked-up broke slave conditioned type of weird psychological fucked-up

US shit!

And my old Black sorry broke ass receives ah fuckin student loan bill every fuckin month!


Ukraine, Israel...and whoevah thah non-taxpayin US country and shit!

Don't have tah pay that shit back!?

US's USDs!?

How thah Holy fuck does this fucked-up FED Commie shit work?!

And what thah Holy fuck's went wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!

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