Monday, June 3, 2024

Sheinbaum: Mexico's President? Thee Holy Fuck?

 Thah fuck 's wrong with US

Mexican SistUS and BrothUS?!

God damn y'all!

Y'all done let thah muh fuckin evil ZJ's in God damnit!

And as President of Mexico tah boot!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Thah bitch was 

Head of Government in Mexico City and yah see how that shit goin?!

Ovah ah million Mexican citizens about tah run thah fuck out of water and shit! But this bitch gets thah muh fuckin nod!? So where thah fuck do y'all muh fuckahs envision thah shit?! I mean fuck Mexico City, we talkin bout thah muh fuckin entire country of Mexico?! Where thah fuck y'all think that ill ass political move is goin?! In three fuckin months?! Gonnah be some sad muh fuckin shit three months aftah takin office! Then all y'all muh fuckahs will be herded up North! Uhm!

Shit! In US's own country and shit! Them ZJs callin, US niggUS, the nice evil ones': Shwartzes. The evil-evil ZJs just straight up call US niggers and shit! And US niggUS were born in this bitch! Workin on like seven or more generations some shit! Them muh fuckahs new tah some shit and kickin ass and takin muh fuckin numbahs! God damn! And ain't nobody stoppin this mighty ZJ take-ovah! Fuck!...

And in y'alls own Mexican country, them evil muh fuckahs gonnah start callin y'all some shit like: 


Right in front of yo sorry broke ass faces! Shit even y'all gonnah be like, 


Kindah fuckin shit?!

Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!




Our Father's speed, 

my Dear Sweet broke Mexican SistUS and BrothUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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