Friday, June 2, 2023

Them evil Muh Fuckahs Ain't Thinkin Straight! Cause They Always Thinking Crooked! II

 I'm appalled by them evil muh fuckahs! And quite disappointed!

How thah fuck yo evil sorry ass got ah grand opportunity tah caUSe some major fatalities?!

And y'alls evil sorry asses take thah pressure off!?

Y'all had US asses!

Muh fuckahs gettin mad and shit about anothah muh fuckah spreadin shit tah them by not wearin that sorry ass mask!? Not bein six feet apart!?...

Puttin their broke ass lives in danger!?

Then what did them evil muh fuckahs do?!

"We have successfully gotten through the first strain!"


Them evil muh fuckahs never fuckin stop!


Cause they know

US are some gullible sorry ass broke muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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