Sunday, April 9, 2023

US, IN "No Turn On Red" Proposal?

 Muh fuckahs all up in arms because of thah 

"No Turn On Red" proposal!

Shit! I stated that shit ah long fuckin time ago!

My ol Black sorry broke ass is/was fuckin broke!

Bein able tah turn on red with US broke ass pedestrians was/is ah fuckin absurdity tah begin with! 

Red means stop muh fuckahs! Period!

My ol Black sorry broke ass lived in downtown Indianapolis more than ah decade before I got married!

"Oh, you must not have been broke then because downtown Indianapolis is very expensive to live in!"

Yeah, that's now!

My Ol broke Black sorry ass talkin bout more than twenty years ago and shit!

They had these shits owned by, "Zender Properties"!

Wasn't thah best apartments tah live in, but they were affordable, secure and did I mention affordable?! Yeah, in downtown Indianapolis! Anyway...

My Black broke sorry ass would eithah take ah fuckin bus or fuckin walk! I owned ah vehicle! But fuck it! That bitch stayed fuckin parked for many days!

And do US IN undahstand I can't count how many times the sign stated 'Walk' and ah muh fuckah at thah red light, not payin attention, almost ran my Black broke ass ovah!?


Now rich and middle class people findin it all thah rage tah be centrally located are movin thah fuck downtown! These muh fuckin politicians and lawmakers makin sure them muh fuckahs stay safe!

They didn't give ah shit about US broke sorry asses gettin injured or killed back in thah day!?...

Ain't that ah bitch!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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