Sunday, April 2, 2023

Why Y'alls Immigrant Ungrateful Asses Here?!

 Them evil muh fuckahs got thah nerves talkin bout US niggahs!

Fuck around with these Zionist Jews that are controllin every fuckin thing!

Get US's feelins fuckin hurt!

Now I get it! Black ass niggahs from Haiti, Nigeria, Dominican ol Black sorry broke ass gets it!

US gets thah Black dregs from othah countries! And thah White muh fuckin dregs too! Cause I ain't broken law one and still in this bitch aftah fifty-seven years! US heard may?!

I fuckin get it!

But this is still ah beautiful muh fuckin country!

"Land of the free! And the home of the brave!"

God damned right about that righteoUS shit!

US ain't ovah in y'alls so-called homeland!

Y'all some sorry ass diasporic muh fuckahs!

True US!

Does not have two 


Nor do US have tah bust ah move tah anothah country tah muh fuckin jUSt simply fuckin



But yah sit yo immigrant ass up there proudly in US and avow,

"In my country every food that is made is fresh!..."

Yah get thah way I'm goin with this shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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