Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Conversations of Truths?

 I don't know!

Yeah, I said that shit!

I don't fucking know!

Tired of being ashamed of that shit!

Fuck it!

Ah muh fuckah tells me some shit I don't know?!

'Shit, naw man I ain't heard that shit? Preach!'

Then I go home research some shit see if thah muh fuckah's solid for real information and shit!

I ain't talkin bout no current events no shit like that, though thah shit is topical and kickin US in thah muh fuckin ass, I'm talkin bout, you talkin tah ah muh fuckah then thah muh fuckah might say some shit like,

"And you see what they are doing with CBDC, chemtrails and shit!"

US gettin thah picture of thah conversation!

Now this is ah muh fuckah my ol Black sorry broke ass can have ah true muh fuckin conversation with!... 

(Peace! More to come...)

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