Thursday, April 6, 2023


 I try tah frequent 'Aldi'!

But for some damn reason, whichevah store I decide tah go to,

The shit seems ah store of desperation for some damn reason!

Lighting is kind of fucked up! 

Their stocking leaves somethin tah thah imagination!

Then yah see those muh fuckahs that are siftin through the empty used stock boxes tah carry their shit out in, cause thah sorry cheap ass muh fuckahs don't want tah pay twelve fuckin cents for ah paper bag at checkout!...

And their employees, yo sorry ass ain't seen so many employees of ah company that don't fuckin smile for shit!

Most of the "Aldi" items are heavily salted! Shit, read thah nutrition labels on their shit! Especially thah muh fuckin snacks and shit!...

The only thing I like about thah muh fuckah is the beer and there are no aisle displays! Plenty of room for movement with your 25 cent rented shoppin cart! But yah get thah 25 cents back if yo lazy ass takes it back where yo sorry broke ass got it from!...

But for some damn reason, "Aldi" makes me melancholy!

So I go there sparingly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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