Saturday, January 8, 2022

Thy Creator's Vexation

I've come a long ass way My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Y'all know that!

When yo Black sorry broke ass 


That negative shit gotstah pass!

Oh, it will always come!

But just as quick!

That mothah fuckah gotstah go!

Yo sorry Black ass brought somebody else intah this shit!

And You!

Mothah fuckah!

Gottah do whatevah yo Black sorry broke ass needs tah do!

To make it better for Her! 

So I have no othah choice as a co-creator,

But to believe in this firmament!

I've went "All In"!

You might be sayin to yourself,

"Fuck You!"

And I understand!

All I can say in my defense is:

"This shit's all We've got! 

Let US at least fuckin try,

To make this shit work out!

For all of Our mothah fuckin sakes!"...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

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