Saturday, January 8, 2022

Just To Breath Again!

 These muh fuckahs out of their fuckin minds. So Beiden's crew stated:

There are three reasons people are quitting low paying jobs,

1) To get better pay and greater opportunities.

2) Fear of contracting Covid from other employees.

3) Child care is hard on the American workforce.

Thee fuck! 


The fuck niggah!

You evah tried tah wear a mask in a hot ass warehouse, havin tah move all the God damned time in a hundred degree environment for ten fuckin hours or more!?

Motha fuckahs fallin the fuck out cause of the lack of oxygen from this mandated shit!

It's more to it than just this bullshit yall talkin!

Shiiiought! I gives ah fuck!

Bout what challs clueless asses sayin!

But the first one of those motha fuckahs on that list should have been:

1) Niggahs just wannah work and breath freely...

(Peace! More to come...)

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