Monday, January 31, 2022

On A Sour Note

 I absolutely love dill pickles!

Not just any dill pickles,

Preferably "Claussen"!

If my money ain't right, "Vlasic"!

And when I want tah go straight ballin on that ass,

"Shapiro's" pickles!

I still love those big ass pickles yo Broke ass gets from the convenient store in the individual plastic whole pickle servings? Reminds me of my childhood! Eat one of those shits all fuckin day long! Drink a lil pickle juice out the mothah fuckah, nibble on the pickle! Fuckin tasty as hell! Nevah worry bout that mothah fuckah spoilin! Now these shits ain't like the previous three mentioned! But they damn sho do the job in ah fuckin pinch! When a niggah jonesin!

"Jonesin fo a fuckin dill pickle?"

Fuck yeah! 

Worse than a fuckin pregnant woman!

Y'all already know I loves me some sauerkraut! Oh, shit! Don't get me started!

Olives of any fuckin colah!

And for some damn reason I like the pits in 'em! 

I like kinda doin work with my food!

I'm a flat kindah mothah fuckah onah chicken wing...

Shit! Don't ask me where the shit comes from!

"Shit! Don't look at me! That niggah writin! Not me!"

Yah see! You didn't have to say a God damned thing else!

"Fuck you Love! I done told yo Black sorry broke ass, 

I don't like pickles!"

How thah fuck we been gettin along all these years then?



(Peace! More to come...)

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