Monday, January 31, 2022

Circa 1990. Thanks Aaron. Your Advice Couldn't Have Come At A Better Time In My Fucked Up life!

 I remember one of my oldest nephews, Aaron, said, "Uncle Meredith! You gottah see this shit man! The shit is funny as shit!...And interesting as hell." And when Aaron said the last statement it was kind of offhandedly like he, now, was thinking more about the movie than just farce!

"Whatcha got?"

"Uncle Meredith? "Pump Up The Volume"!"

"Pump what? Niggah I ain't evah heard of that shit! Hell naw I ain't spendin my hard earned money on that bullshit!"

"Unc! I'll go with you! Pay for the shit! You the type of mothah fuckah 'preciate this kindah shit!"

"You payin?"

"Yeah! The hell?!"

"I undahstand you gonnah foot the bill. But Aaron? That ain't gonnah give you no mothah fuckin right tah talk all through the mothah fuckin movie! You know how you do? "Check this out?" "Watch this!" know what I'm sayin!"

"Yeah! But listen! You gottah see this shit Unc! For real!"


Since it went from the theaters, to video, then DVR!

I've watched and still watch that movie monthly!

And that movie, for what I was going through


At that point and time in my life!


My life!

And continues to do so!


Whatevahs clevah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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