Monday, January 31, 2022

Circa 1990. Thanks Aaron. Your Advice Couldn't Have Come At A Better Time In My Fucked Up life!

 I remember one of my oldest nephews, Aaron, said, "Uncle Meredith! You gottah see this shit man! The shit is funny as shit!...And interesting as hell." And when Aaron said the last statement it was kind of offhandedly like he, now, was thinking more about the movie than just farce!

"Whatcha got?"

"Uncle Meredith? "Pump Up The Volume"!"

"Pump what? Niggah I ain't evah heard of that shit! Hell naw I ain't spendin my hard earned money on that bullshit!"

"Unc! I'll go with you! Pay for the shit! You the type of mothah fuckah 'preciate this kindah shit!"

"You payin?"

"Yeah! The hell?!"

"I undahstand you gonnah foot the bill. But Aaron? That ain't gonnah give you no mothah fuckin right tah talk all through the mothah fuckin movie! You know how you do? "Check this out?" "Watch this!" know what I'm sayin!"

"Yeah! But listen! You gottah see this shit Unc! For real!"


Since it went from the theaters, to video, then DVR!

I've watched and still watch that movie monthly!

And that movie, for what I was going through


At that point and time in my life!


My life!

And continues to do so!


Whatevahs clevah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A long Walk

 Meander for awhile down this road of life.

Kick rocks!

 Deep thinking!...

With your earbuds in 

While listenin tah:

"Harlem River / Kevin Morby"!

Mothah fuckah can't sing fo shit!

But it works like a muh fuckah!

Just walk!


And kick mothah fuckin rocks for a lil


(Peace! More to come...)

Carry Your Own Fuckin Carry-ons!

 Oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

My ass feels lonely as fuck!

"But chou married?!"

Don't got the fuck tah do with shit!

My wife will go to a restaurant and get Chilean Sea Bass!

Thee Holy fuck!

Ain't no way I'm gonnah spend or ordah 35 dollahs fo any fuckin thing I ingest!

Especially a mothah fuckin fish!

For her? Yes!

For me?! Fuck that!

"Just taste it?"

Fuck no! What the crack dealers suggest, "Just try the shit!"

Got that kindah money fo that bullshit!...

But she ain't me!


I am not she!...


Yo shit!

Ain't cho spouse's shit!

Nor should it be!

Nobody wannah hear that noise? 

Especially when that person lives with you 24 and 7!

And especially when the person said "Yes" tah yo sorry broke Black ass! 

Nah, that's the kinda of shit that cha broke Black ass keeps inside!

Less, your spouse says some shit like, 

"For some reason I felt so lonely today!"


You too boo?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

On A Sour Note

 I absolutely love dill pickles!

Not just any dill pickles,

Preferably "Claussen"!

If my money ain't right, "Vlasic"!

And when I want tah go straight ballin on that ass,

"Shapiro's" pickles!

I still love those big ass pickles yo Broke ass gets from the convenient store in the individual plastic whole pickle servings? Reminds me of my childhood! Eat one of those shits all fuckin day long! Drink a lil pickle juice out the mothah fuckah, nibble on the pickle! Fuckin tasty as hell! Nevah worry bout that mothah fuckah spoilin! Now these shits ain't like the previous three mentioned! But they damn sho do the job in ah fuckin pinch! When a niggah jonesin!

"Jonesin fo a fuckin dill pickle?"

Fuck yeah! 

Worse than a fuckin pregnant woman!

Y'all already know I loves me some sauerkraut! Oh, shit! Don't get me started!

Olives of any fuckin colah!

And for some damn reason I like the pits in 'em! 

I like kinda doin work with my food!

I'm a flat kindah mothah fuckah onah chicken wing...

Shit! Don't ask me where the shit comes from!

"Shit! Don't look at me! That niggah writin! Not me!"

Yah see! You didn't have to say a God damned thing else!

"Fuck you Love! I done told yo Black sorry broke ass, 

I don't like pickles!"

How thah fuck we been gettin along all these years then?



(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 30, 2022

You! Are US!

 That's what it's all bout!

Just lil ol You!

And lil ol me!

Why do you think they give yo sorry ass a choice?!

Swipe left? 

Swipe Right?





Fucking Matter!

"Get it togethah babay!"



And lets show'em how this shit really fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Absurdity Of Man! II

The big three! 

I have deduced that:

Money ain't an essential motivator!

Look at the shit!?

Congress people makin ovah one-hundred-and-fifty thousand dollahs tah not do anything but fuckin


Plus benefits!...


And get three months off and dress to the nines?!

Sign my broke Black sorry ass up then!

Cause a niggah loves tah fuckin talk!

Make a ridiculous amount of money tah do so?

Senators and the president!

Clockin dollahs Sonshines!...

Check it?!

Yah ain't worked one fuckin second in ah mothah fuckin day mothah fuckahs!

Ain't shit got done!

And Y'all sorry lazy asses still gettin fuckin paid!?



(Peace! More to come...)

The Absurdity Of Man!

 Let's take an American professional football player?

Makin sixteen million dollahs a year? 

Yo sorry Black ass makin one million fo an hour's work mothah fuckahs!?

And they got the nerves tah be bitchin!?



We done heard from the retired "NBA"'s Allen Iverson bout that shit,

"We talkin bout practice? Practice man!"...

Practice just the shit that keeps yah fit for that 


Fuckin hour of work!

I mean shit! Four quarters times fifteen minutes is what?

I thought so!

We ain't even gonnah get into the amount of time on offense or defense the team plays!


A mill for less than an hour's work!?...

Yo sorry Black ass makin a fuckin mill fo that shit!


Still bitchin bout the management and the work environment!?

And still with yo professional Black sorry ass,

Fo "workin" less than one hour million's work ah fuckin hour?!...


Fuckin losin?!


I'll be God damned!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tabula Rasa

 If you are going to question!

If you are going to research!

If you are trying to understand The Holy Bible!...

Wipe the slate!



Do it!


Do it,

Sans conditional governance!

Or what's the fuckin point?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"D. C. Stephenson"

 Read about the mothah fuckah and his lineage while the information is still out there!

The mothah fuckah wasn't no damn "White" man!

Dig a little bit!

We'll be all right!

Believe me!

Everything is gonnah be just fine Sonshines!

And, as you and I both know,

It's about fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Get That Shit! My Niggahs!

 The best time tah gather the truth is




A niggah never 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Final Mental Meltdown! Some of Us Do Stills Reads! And Writes!

 I ain't that type of niggah!



Muh fuckahs wantstah read documents of so-called truths on vlogs, 

As evidence of what the fuck is goin on?!


If my ass really concerned bout the shit yo Black sorry broke ass spittin?!

Why would I be clockin yo shit niggahs and nigresses?!

Shit niggahs and nigresses!

I know how tah sho nuff fuckin read!

And tah do the fuckin research!


I'm mindful in the knowledge you've been

Spittin that is in adverse to the multitude?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Home Body. For US!

 That's what I am!


Max fourteen! Membah that shit?

Fuck it!

I ain't evah gonnah be ashamed of the niggah who I have become!

And shit,

I don't mind at all!

He awright!

Certainly not a straight fuckin dick anymore!

He workin on his shit.

Ain't shit out there Sonshines!

Create a peaceful 

Home for you and yours!

"Let us take of our own garden!" The Turk  (Candide-Voltaire)

Fuck their shit!

There's enough tah work on in yo own mothah fuckin sorry broke Black ass life that needs real


(Peace! More to come...)

What Is Your Inspiration?!

 I love to write while listening to, "Wildfires" by Sault.

The keys just flow from my tips. Not missing one. Unlocking whatever I choose. Cleansing! Just flowing over them. Making words. Maybe a given spawned thought! But who knows? I'm in a happy place. I love to face. Never deface! 

Let me keep the flow as these words go across the screen looking so serene. No mention to the sending means to defend. 

We will always end. 

And We will always begin.


(Peace! More to come...)

Gotcha! / The Deceptive Sinister Perpetual Trans-Agenda Muh Fuckin Shit! "Just Say No!" To Porn!

 Look at some old ass porn!


"I don't watch porn!"

Then don't watch the shit then!

I'm just tellin yah what I know!

But, today?!

It's all out in the open without ah mention!

But back in the day?!

Our asses were jackin off on

A genetically modified organism!

That nevah was biologically a


"Vanessa del Rio" et al...

Got muh fuckahs til this day talkin that shameful shit,

"Ooooh-weee! That Vanessa del Rio could suck a mothah fuckin mean ass dick!"

I don't say a God damned thing!

But I'm sayin tah myself,

"Uhm! I wonder why?"

Muh fuckahs gottah find out some shit in their own mothah fuckin human


Shock Therapy?!

Be God damned...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 28, 2022

Scared to go to hospitals!

 Isn't that akin tah the ol ass fuckin phrase:

"If yah scared? Go to church."


Hospitals are Euthanization spots now!

While they playin!

You remember in, "Soylent Green"?

You took yo given up on this shit life havin ass 

Downtah the clinic?

 Where you would,

"Die with dignity!"

Then get cho ass ate!

Member that shit?



Mothah fuckahs!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Conspiracy Theory? Is Oxymoronic!


There's a 

Conspiracy muh fuckahs!

But that statement ain't no fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Verily Vigilant Variants' Complications

 You know why I love people and their individual truths?

Cause yah can't evah control the shit!

Way too many variants!

And that is...

A beautiful mothah fuckin thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Tryin tah keep the face in this fast evil 

Vast place.

Pass the veil!

Clothe yourself!


There is no use!


If yah wannah!

Gonnah be like a sauna?!


But shit!

We've already been there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Because: "It's A Magic Number!"

 There're only three mothah fuckahs in this motha fuckah!

Read me on this!

You got mothah fuckahs that skew!

You got the mothah fuckahs that don't have a fuckin clue!

And you have the sorry mothah fuckahs that know how to 


Just sayin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Rockford Files - S2/Ep05" Just Be What's In Your Muh Fuckin Pocket!

 Ol' Rockford gottah way with the women!

And yah broke Black sorry ass gottah give ah muh fuckah ah righteous


Well, if yah watch the shit enough, you start understandin real fuckin quick the answering machine messages in the intro to the show, in various genders, dialects...he's just a normal mothah fuckah!


Like all of US,

With his own mothah fuckin style! 

Well, the answerin message on this episode went a lil somethin like this:

"Jim. I would love to! But do we have to eat at the taco stand?!"

But the bitch at least called a mothah fuckah back!

Dreaded taco stand and the fuck all!


It's the lil shit that's in yo sorry Black broke ass!

That makes



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 Take your arms and hands and reach to capacity!

How far?

You'll know!


The popping noise is a dead fuckin giveaway!


I'll tell yah what will trip yo ass out!

While stretching to capacity!

Twist that shit!

Tah capacity!




Twist! That motha fuckahs sorry ass PoliLuciferianticians' neck...!

Now punch!


Harder than you ever have!

Grab again!...

Then stop!

And if yah did the shit right?!...

Niggahs and Niggresses?!...

(Peace! More to come....)


 The worst thing you can do to


Is tah take away!

What cho sorry so-called professional asses said,

"We're going to prescribe you...!"



The prescription!


Wakin the fuck up!


Fucked up!...

But I'm gonnah be fine Sonshines.

And You are too!

Got at the most fourteen yeeahs

To be diagnosed as: 


No fucking more!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Guilt Free!

 I gottah confess somethin tah yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

And I ain't ashamed of it eithah!

Hence, the reason I'm bloggin the shit!

Just kiddin!

I don't give ah good solid Holy fuck anymore!

At some point in yo Black broke ass sorry life yah gottah stand amid yo fellow humans 


While yo sorry Black ass willfully and rightfully stands in judgement!

Tah "Shake the dust off thine feet"!

I got at the most My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs

Fourteen yeeahs!

Time tah get clean before I rest for the last time!

On my work days I eat "McDonald's" for lunch with bottled water...and sometimes a large "Diet Coke"!


I said it! Fuck it! 

You see that's what I do!

Mothah fuckahs talkin that shit,

"Intermittent fasting"!

Thee fuck!

We broke niggahs been knowin bout that shit fo yeeahs!

With our broke Black sorry asses!

Now the mothah fuckahs slap a name on the shit!

And it's all the rage!


"Intermittent fasting" my still broke Black ass!

Some of the shit I do, I practice...

Most would say, 

"You just a cheap mothah fuckah!"

And I undahstand.

But look at this way for a line or a few?

I don't like eatin really!

Eatin makes yah shit!

And I hate shittin!

Big fuckin waste of time of wipin up the shit ya took in! 

If yah ask me?!

Butcha Black broke ass gottah do, the doo-doo!

I hate that shit!


I eat because that's what you do tah sustain livin.

"McDonald's" is about consistency, a certain taste.

And I don't get just anything My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I think the fuck not!

"McDouble with extra pickles. Medium Fries."

Three dollahs and some low change latah!

Lunch son!

Less than twenty dollahs a week!?

Come ohn naw?!

The only othah thing I eat in a workday is a bowl of homemade sauerkraut when I get home!

The next mornin?!

Thah doo-doo is upon you!

Which my Black broke sorry ass hates!

And that lunch is sho nuff flushed!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

The Directional Human Elemental Of Fluidity

 Many mothah fuckahs I talk to on ah daily, 

On ah regulah?


And I ain't braggin bout that shit eithah!

I mean what ah niggah gonnah do?

It's part of my mothah fuckin job mothah fuckahs!

But I don't mind the shit!

I'm not a people person at all!

But I love peoples' stories!

Like ol Spock would say,


Love that shit!...

Fuck it!

I mean what else yo sorry Black ass gottah do for the next eight hours?!

All I can tell yah is this My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs:

There's a certain flow to a conversation.

We all know that.


My mothah fuckahs!

You, the well fuck bettah start noticin

The often times miniscule change

Of the muh fuckin flow!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


 The only truth there is!

And will evah be!


The truth




(Peace! More to come...)

Sidney Poitier's Quad Career

 The only movies worth a good God damned from the mothah fuckah are in this ordah:

"To Sir With Love".

"In The Heat of The Night",

"Uptown Saturday Night",

And lastly,

"Let's Do It Again".

All his other movies are straight


Just sayin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Good Luck With That Shit!

 Yo Black sorry ass ain't gonnah imbue no fuckin knowledge intah anothah mothah fuckah!

Ain't gonnah happen Sonshines!

Mothah fuckahs want ah argue?!

Thee Holy fuck!


I'm sorry! 

Please forgive me!

Raisin yo Black sorry ass voice,

Cussin mothah fuckahs out,


Beatin up on mothah fuckahs!

Is gonnah get the job done propahly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Need tah close down a plethora of Human Factories in this muh fuckah with a fuckin quickness!

 The fuck mothah fuckahs need more than one child fo?

Ain't no fuckin farms round this bitch where yo Black sorry ass needstah work with all them damn children!

In Indianapolis?!


Maybe in outlinin and outlyin counties!

But in Nap?!!

Mothah fuckahs are fucking mad mahn!

This mothah fuckah came in to pick up glasses with his daughtah,

And the sorry mothah fuckah couldn't even tell me the lil mothah fuckah's

Birth date!

"I'm sorry. I'm trippin'! Forgive me? But she's just one of fourteen."

Like that's a good enough excuse for his abhorrent memory lapse?!

Thah fuck niggah!

And ol daddy didn't look the fuck ovah thirty-fuckin-five!

Again! Thah fuck niggah!

Yeah mothah fuckah!

Yo Black sorry ass been trippin niggah! That's fo damn sho!

But now it's way pass thah mothah fuckin time fo yo broke Black ass tah


Fuckin trippin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Domed Teams Are For Shit!

In Super Bowl history!

For the past fifty-six years!

Dome teams?

Are never a good bet!

Football is supposed to be played


(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day Farmers? It is! What it ain't! But, fuck it!

 So it ain't cho shit!?

But chou gonnah tell muh fuckahs

How they preparin and cookin the shit is



Well, I'll be royally fucked!

Raise, farm and eat yo own fuckin shit muh fuckahs!


Shut the fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monetization & Merch

 People kill my broke Black sorry ass!

For real!

Information that helps US!

Should always be 


(Peace! More to come...)



They comin playahs and playesses!

They's be comin!


Whatcho ass really gonnah do?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 21, 2022

Why Vaping?


Don't take it from me,

I'm just one mothah fuckah!

Just my shit I put out there!


The shit kinda slanted!

Yao ming?

But shit!

When I don't have the money?

I don't have the money!

Based on a certain 'hit' standard!

I don't have to purchase a disposable vape!

But, shiiiought!

All I can tell yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

When I smoked cigarettes!


My ass would jones like a muh fuckah!

And when my Black broke sorry ass, 

Even off of a copped non-filtered "Kentucky's Best" cigarette,

Hit that shit!

Smiled evah so slightly!

The smoke with the chemicals tellin my body,

"I'm back bitches!"

This shit gottah go!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck! Their Noise!

 Appreciate yo shit!


I can't be Denzel Washington God damnit!




With challs sorry Black asses!


Mothah fuckah! 

Can't even!

On his best fuckin day!


Like me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Ever Be Afraid! There's Always The Unspeakable Alternative!


Just lil ol me talkin, 

The fuck get it!

I undahstand bout wantin tah disconnect for ah time!


But constantly!?...


Until I die?...

Not bein me?!...

Fo just a lil while?!...

Always chemically induced!...


Jack that round mothah fuckah!

And do the damn thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Proper Fag and Cocktail, "Esco Bars-Peach Ice" 2500 Puffs, 5% Nicotine 6 ML E.L. + Old Camp Peach Pecan Whiskey

 If yah vape?!

If yah love peach!?

If yah love whiskey?!


And that EBDD (Esco-Bars Disposable Device)

Will last you all fuckin work week!

Three dollahs and some change a day!

Is way fuckin bettah than what 

Fags are goin fo naw!

And the hit is way fuckin bettah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Holy Ghost

 Read me!


I'm intah makin homemade sauerkraut!

For some fucking reason!?

If yah like sauerkraut, this is the mecca!


You talkin bout a natural probiotic!?

I'm writin yah!

I used tah take omeprazole every fucking day for the last fifteen years!

Since makin this shit for the household!

Eatin the shit everyday!

And shit! 

I loves me some sauerkraut!

I don't take that acid reflux shit no fuckin mo!


Can a niggah get ah witness?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Stand Your Ground?

 Don't chou just feel the shit closin in!? 

Oh, shit! 

That mothah fuckah's comin!

Now, for real though!?

What that ass gonnah do

When they come bangin on that mothah fuckin

Front doe!

Back doe?!


Be God damned!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 The various Sciences were set up to






To form and carry out

their truth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Just Talkin About Civility

 The only three movies that came out of Hollywood worth a good

God damned!


"Pump Up The Volume"!

And lastly,

"To Sir With Love"!


I loves me some

"To Sir With Love"!

Talkin bout Life and Truth!?


I watch this shit at the very least,

Three times a week!




(Peace! More to come...)

The Set-Up

 Read me!


The shit ain't all that bad!



We ain't even gonnah talk bout 


Cabrini-Green Homes et al!?



Gonnah give the mothah fuckahs shit!

Practically free!


Take it away!

With their sorry Black sorry asses!


My ass!

A cautionary tale!

Of the evil spell!

That is prone to

Release in the multitude!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Honest To Our Father's Truth! Just Between US.

 There is nothing that can fool you without some






With yo Black sorry broke ass!

That shit comes with a caveat! 

That bein,

Yo Black sorry broke asses can't do shit!

Bout mothah fuckahs that wants tah do!


The wrong muh fuckin things tah


(Peace! More to come....)

Future Realities And Forever Queries

 "Come on?" I said.

"Where to?" My future wife asked.

"Does it really matter?" I said...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Cellular Connection

 Are we fucking nuts?!

I mean God damned!

Look round chou!

Almost eighty percent of US lookin the fuck down!

Or checkin the shit!

Holdin the shit!

Starin at the shit!...

The fuck wrong with US?!

I saw a mothah fuckah last week!


Back into where I work!

Looked down at one of the two tables in the dispensary,

Snatched the mothah fuckah up like the shit was goin tah run 

The fuck away!

Looked at all US in the dispensary,

Lookin at him!

Raised his retrieved cellphone! 

And said,

"Don't leave home without it!"

And walked the fuck out!






(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 So I'm lookin at some shit!

The backdrop worded: "Sinking Joe"

Yah see?!

They even tellin yah bout the nasty sorry paedo mothah fuckah!

Get it?!




(Peace! More to come...)

Them Sorry Bitches! II

 And anothah thing!

At the very least!

How hard mothah fuckahs been hit financially by y'alls shenanigans!

Y'alls sorry asses could have stated, from the beginning of  2020!

That every individual American will not have to pay federal income taxes until the end of this shit!

But cha dickless wonders didn't do that shit eithah!

Kept takin those tax dollahs!

And ta this fucking day!

The shit they still imprison US for?!

They doin the same God damned thing!

Givin all Our hard labored money to the mothah fuckin

Drug dealers!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them Sorry Bitches!

 Buyin Beiden, buyin again with Our motha fuckin tax payahs, hard earned, mothah fuckin federal tax dollahs!

The fuck again!



"1 Billion Rapid Covid-19 tests kits to give to Americans for free!" 

So if yo sorry monkey ass buyin a billion!? 

How much you givin those mothah fuckahs tah "buy" that billion!?

Fuckin throwin money at those sorry ass pharmaceutical motha fuckahs!

Makin the shit rain like no othah!


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 17, 2022

Would Be The Longest Workday Ever! And You Wouldn't Get Paid No Fucking Overtime!

 Why in the holy fuck do niggahs go tah work high!

The fuck niggah!

Hit some shit!

Go to work!


It's gotta be time for lunch!?

And a niggah only been there fifteen fuckin minutes!


The fuck!

Fuck that!

I'll pass!

Smokin weed and goin tah work is some wasteful shit! 

Especially if the shits hittin yo Black broke ass right!



It's yo shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Fuck you worried bout?

Kills me!

Mothah fuckahs singin that tired ass song for real:

"Swing low/Sweet chariot..."

Fuck that noise!

Just believe in somethin

Othah than yo God damned sorry broke Black ass 


(Peace! More to come...)


 Systems beget systems!

You put a welfare system in place!

Thah fuck!

In order for it to sustain itself,

It has to grow!



Pissin dollahs in the wind!

Them mothah fuckahs are either stupid as fuck!


Fuckin brilliant!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Acting 101/Act Like US

 Sometimes my Black broke ass just wantsta say,

"Fuck it!"

If just for a lil while.

I don't mean like mothah fuckahs that don't understand a thang or two about:

Human Acting!

Yah see?!

Yo Black sorry broke ass can do whatevah!...

Yo Black sorry ass wants!

Inside where yo Black sorry broke ass decides tah lay yo Black sorry ass greasy head!

But once you come out that mothah fuckah!






(Peace! More to come...)

Animal Rights? Bipeds v. Quadrupeds.

 Mothah fuckahs will treat a fuckin quadruped...a fuckin dog!

Better than a human.

So this Miami-Dade policeman shoots this dog six times!

"And animal rights activists have criticized the incident, arguing that police officers should be better trained in how to handle animals."



Them mothah fuckahs barely trained in how tah handle a human!...

(Peace! More to come...)


Sunday, January 16, 2022

"Delicious Destinations, "San Francisco" S2/Ep01, 2015"

 So the mothah fuckah says,

"We probably do, seven-hundred of these a day!"

Then you look the mothah fuckah up!

"$49.95" for the shit! 

You do the mothah fuckin math!

That's an ugly amount of dollahs!

Off of just one fuckin item on the menu!

In one fuckin day!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Your Beautiful Baptism!

 Look at yourself hard

From within!

Ask yourself humanly!











Is the real


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 15, 2022

"Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel" Clandestine Infusion. II

"Sephra and Sue" means "Just redress."

When the mothah fuckah made the song he spoke of, 

"You live in sin/ Ten years ago..."

He would have been twelve ready to turn


The song came out the year before his

"Twenty-third" birthday.

There are no coincidences.....

(Peace! More to come...)

If Yo Broke Black Sorry Asses Have To Still Asks Questions! You, Still Ain't Ready!

 Muh fuckahs hate tah say that they've been wrong all these fuckin years of most of Our sorry broke Black sorry ass lives!

"Why would, My and your local, state and federal officials, who you and I, elected, be going along with this absurd crazy shit you talkin? Mister "Conspiracy Theorist" fucker?!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 14, 2022


 If you talkin bout art!?


I can't get with that shit! 

For shit!

Have a big ass human next to ah lil ol house!



Yeah, Mothah fuckah!


But yo sorry ass gives me two or more mothah fuckahs talkin tah one anothah!?

My Black sorry broke ass can and will most definitely!

Size that shit up!

With a quickness!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Freedom: Never Malodorous

 It ain't about chou Sonshines!

Smile at the Son!

Sit a spell!







And finally,

Detect the

Fleeting beautiful distinct smell!

It ain't at all funky!


Why are so many mothah fuckahs runnin away from the shit?!....

(Peace! More to come...)

A Fucked Up Team Concept!

 You evah watch these quarterbacks throw an interception!

Then you have the running backs or wide receivers stop the "Pick 6"!?


I ain't stoppin a God damned thing!


While yah playin!

Our sorry just intercepted asses supposed tah be makin touchdowns!

Not stoppin touchdowns!

I gives ah fuck!

"You're not a fuckin team player mother fucker!"

Oh, I'm a playah mothah fuckah!

Best believe that shit!

That's why my Black sorry ass is here!

Makin the League minimum!

But, team?!

Let me let you onah lil secret,


Mothah fuckah! 

That just threw that atrocious shit!

Is making Twelve million a year!







And niggresses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Idea For A Business: "Sans Cell"...

Take an eating place.

Reservations only.

Pay for the one dinner offered per night.

Have an attached bar where only the reservationists subsequent to their given meal time can patronize.

While making one's reservation one would have to upload their I.D.

Then the software would only give the face and questionnaire answers to confirmed reservationists to be able to sit at the various two chaired, four chaired or six chaired tables offered with the pictured future reservationist.


If your face does not match the photo I.D. uploaded, you will not be granted access pass the "Reservation Specialist". All moneys forfeited.

The dinner would be always pre-paid with only purified water as a drink with the one meal option.

The bar on the other hand. Would be paid by the various reservationists visiting.

Upon being granted access, 

One would have to agree to give up their given cellular device and the various collectives put into a lockbox; the restaurant's built "Cell Cubby Lockers". Without acquiescence from an individual at this step? The guest would be asked to leave by the "Reservation Specialist". 

Again, all moneys forfeited....

(Peace! More to come...)


Thursday, January 13, 2022

"Michael Jackson - Heartbreak Hotel" Clandestine Infusion.

 When I was young!

Bangin beat!


Really listen to this shit!


Yah see the difference?!

Now with my ol ass!

Bangin beat!


What that niggah really be sayin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Acoustic Alchemy - Jamaican Heartbeat" Coming to a town near You!

 Can't you feel the energy between US!



The lust


Finally taking down

The clowns,

From various downtowns!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Chi - Senor Samurai" EWO (Elite Wilding Out) Must Expeditiously Be Ceased! By Any Means!

 Make believe that it's not real!

Steal their will

Of our fellow elite humans.

Let them dance!

For awhile!



Never finds peace!

At least,

Not from wildness!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ottmar Liebert-Heart Still Beating" Peace of Mind! A Reckoning Cometh!

 Take no ends!

Sends perilous answers 

To the deadly cancers!

Winds of sins

Pens an erroneous falsehood


By the masses!

Lower classes!

With our sorry asses!

But we're gonnah be okay!

Amid the fray!

Amid the decay!

So I say!

But that's okay!

There is coming!


A brighter,

Dark gray hellacious,


Rainy stormy day...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Diet Mountain Dew" And "Coopers's Craft Bourbon 100 Proof Whiskey"

 Works perfectly with one another.


Quite drinkable.


You like more bourbon than Dew?


You like more Dew than bourbon!?


Just "Dew".

What the "Diet Dew" do! 

Cause it's All

Bout chou boo!...

Need I say more? 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Slash-Obsession Confession" Come Ohn!


No need to fuss !


Or be angry.

Take a piece of this delicious candy

We All



Only dreams!

So it seems!

But we gonnah be all right!

A very pleasant warm light!

Shining effulgently bright!

What a lovely sight!

We've never!


Lost the fight!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Shit's Gettin Serious! Quit Playin!

 Come ohn naw!

Come ohn!

You know when you foul!

And yo sorry Black ass knows most definitely when yo Black sorry ass 


The fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Personal Travail Of Biblical Proportions

 Ask mothah fuckahs about a book in the King James Bible!  

Then take out a scripture!

Read it to them!

Then if they need to, 

Let them read it for themselves!


God damned!

Them mothah fuckahs talk all kinds of shit!

I'm thinkin, 

The fuck niggah!

The fuck you readin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Adrenochrome! Poor Folks Can't Afford This Hit!


The shit is straight up real!

And will change yo mothah fuckin ol ass for real!

"What we talkin playah, then?!"

Sixty-Six injections!

Thirty-three days apart from the previous one to the second and to the day!

"Yo ass be young again and shit!?"

Fuck yeah!

"Again? What we talkin playah?!"

Three mill a hit!

And a shitload of dead baby's bodies along the way!

"Thah fuck niggah!? Kindah shit!?..."


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Jolly Rancher Drink Mix-Green Apple!

 I love candy! 

Don't know why!?

But fuck it!

I do!

Niggahs and Niggresses!

You like Jolly Ranchers?

I'm tellin you!

The closest thing to drinkin pure deciously sweet granny smith Jolly Rancher's apple juice!

Without the mothah fuckin sugah!



And ingenious!

Come ohn naw!?

You already know!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Rockford Files (S1/Ep17)

So the mothah fuckah says,

"Hey! You forgot your painting!"

Ol Rockford retorts,

"Not yet! But I'm tryin!"

That shits funny as fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

666,666 Will Be Guillotined!

 All them!



Gotstah pay for this shit!

All US goin through!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 10, 2022


 Bein an old mothah fuckah hurts!

Hips hurt!

Knees hurt!

Life hurts!...

But fo some reason My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

Yo old achin broke sorry Black ass,


Here as a mothah fuckin witness!

And I'm still not convinced if that is

A Beautiful Thing?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 9, 2022

"A Wolf In Sheep's..."

 Listen to "Phantogram's-Mission Impossible"!



 But I still have to say,

A bangin mothah fuckin beat!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Your Real Passion?

 Give me an unconventional mothah fuckah!

Any time of the day!

Unconventional mothah fuckahs are thinkers!

Fuck it man!

Kinda attitude!

Love that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Lionel Donald (Slot Back, Kick-Off, Punt Returner, Run & Shoot Offense, Sophomore, Marian University, Indianapolis, Indiana) Circa 2025

 Oh, you have to appreciate some shit!

When you a left slot back and you get that football, 

Wagon Train Right!?


Yo ass becomes Michael Jackson then!

Out of bounds has no place on this dancefloor!

 And at least one mothah fuckah gettin their mothah fuckin ankles broke!...


Rightfully Overcompensated!

 You have to appreciate your being!

You have to!

There is nothing else on this earth like you!






(Peace! More to come...)

"Bob Saget Dead At Age 65"

Alternate Storyline: 

"You can't keep doin 'caine and fuckin pros at 65!"

(Peace! More to come...)

Quit Fucking Coveting!

 You have to appreciate some shit you notice.

These motha fuckahs be promotin all these designers!

But have you seen one of those mothah fuckahs in them designers official commercials!?



Niggahs! Talk, rap, converse,... and ultimately wear, drive, live...

I really don't give ah real solid holy fuck! And I really don't see where the fuck this is going?! But, I'm busy! Please forgive me?

If we get a piece of you people!? 


But cho Black sorry ass needs tah undahstand some shit bout business!

We have very wealthy clientele!

And they don't look like you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

These Sorry Ass Preachers Ain't Even Said, "Shit!"

 A separation of church and state.

If a religious exemption is not granted!

There is no more church

amid the state!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Conspiracy Theory?


Operation Snow White,

was real!?


Our federal government,


Taken ovah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Nanos ( Doctor Ean Flemming, Ireland's Health Minister) 23Mar2022 V

 I know what I said. Again.

I'm trying to be as transparent as possible guys. Please!?... 


Fuck it.

Let's get down to real Irish fucking delicious Aged Cheese!

With a pint of Guinness! 

Shall we!...

Contractually Speaking

 My daughter watches "Cory Kenshin" on "Youtube" and shit. 

I watch it with her sometimes cause he's kinda, in a geeky way, entertaining.



 Mothah fuckah!

Lost his rabbit ass mind cause "Youtube" 'Struck' the mothah fuckah!?


You takin the money!

You read the shit about shit?!

You did!?


Don't fuck up again!

Yah see!?

It's like a motha fuckah you rentin  a room to and you tell the mothah fuckah,

When you check the mothah fuckah aftah the umpteenth time!

He get all full of himself,

"This my shit! I be payin fo this shit!..."


"It's in your lease. No loud music after nine PM,"...

Moral of the story is?








(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Creator's Vexation

I've come a long ass way My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Y'all know that!

When yo Black sorry broke ass 


That negative shit gotstah pass!

Oh, it will always come!

But just as quick!

That mothah fuckah gotstah go!

Yo sorry Black ass brought somebody else intah this shit!

And You!

Mothah fuckah!

Gottah do whatevah yo Black sorry broke ass needs tah do!

To make it better for Her! 

So I have no othah choice as a co-creator,

But to believe in this firmament!

I've went "All In"!

You might be sayin to yourself,

"Fuck You!"

And I understand!

All I can say in my defense is:

"This shit's all We've got! 

Let US at least fuckin try,

To make this shit work out!

For all of Our mothah fuckin sakes!"...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

The Monetization Plantation Situation

"You need to monetize!"

You see?!

That's what kills the shit!


As soon as you think mothah fuckahs will pay for what you've been puttin out there for free!?

Your sorry ass been monetized!

And have just been, 

With your broke Black sorry sad-a-while ass,


(Peace! More to come...)

Masked Up! The Eyes Have It?


Just put a robot in front of me and shit,

That kinda looks like a human being and shit!

I mean,

Fuck it!

Ain't we gettin the same motha fuckin thing!

You see mothah fuckahs eyes and shit but yo Black sorry ass can't see shit else!

You hearin a voice!

Damn right about that shit!

But is that comin from yo sorry ass that's lookin at me?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Time Travel Is Real! All You Need Is A lil Green!


You don't have tah be physically in a motha fuckin place!

To be in that mothah fuckin place!

Weed done taught US all that, at the very least!

I time travel all the God damned time!

You ever heard of bein 


That's what all US be!

And when you be!

You can travel in

The pasts,

As well as travel in the future!

If you are willing to whisper to the winds, the final battle cry of avowing,

"Going Verdant"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just To Breath Again!

 These muh fuckahs out of their fuckin minds. So Beiden's crew stated:

There are three reasons people are quitting low paying jobs,

1) To get better pay and greater opportunities.

2) Fear of contracting Covid from other employees.

3) Child care is hard on the American workforce.

Thee fuck! 


The fuck niggah!

You evah tried tah wear a mask in a hot ass warehouse, havin tah move all the God damned time in a hundred degree environment for ten fuckin hours or more!?

Motha fuckahs fallin the fuck out cause of the lack of oxygen from this mandated shit!

It's more to it than just this bullshit yall talkin!

Shiiiought! I gives ah fuck!

Bout what challs clueless asses sayin!

But the first one of those motha fuckahs on that list should have been:

1) Niggahs just wannah work and breath freely...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 6, 2022


 Put cho shit out there cause it needs tah be put out there without cost!

Fuck the views!

Fuck the likes!...


I mean,


You have to pay for!

Is worth anything!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Beauty Within

 There's an invisible timeline to your individual life.

Not surprising.

But that timeline isn't written in any "Truth Book", "Fact Book",...

Cause the motha fuckah is immeasurable....

And that's a beautiful thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nanos ( Doctor Ean Flemming, Ireland's Health Minister) 23Mar2022 IV

 I know what I said.

But covid is real! 

We just took the opportunity to piggyback upon a revolutionary element to humankind since humankind! 

Don't you see? 

A world without violence!? 

Finally achieved!?

Nanos ( Doctor Ean Flemming, Ireland's Health Minister) 23Mar2022 III

 Am I vaccinated?

By birth you see?

I'm not a violent man....

"Private Selection-Vanilla Cream Soft Caramels"

 I just woke up my wife.

Showed her the package,

Said to her with all endearment,

"Don't chou evah bring these evil mothah fuckin things in this household again!"

She laughed at me.

Looked me in the eye, and said,

"You're welcome Love!"

"Now give me some sugah!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Nanos ( Doctor Ean Flemming, Ireland's Health Minister) 23Mar2022 II


My word. Look at it like this, because I don't want to bore you with the science. Covid? No. Violence? Yes! It is in all intent and purposes an effective anti-violence vaccine. That is constantly learning and perfecting violent obsolescence. A panacea to the human element! You see?

How so?

Well to not bore you once more. Think of it like this. Violence isn't needed in Our society. These particulates attack the organs when the building block of violence is detected! Not, honed quite yet. But we are on the right track with this thing. Believe me. Revolutionary!...

Salty Sweet

 I'll take salty over sweet any damn time!

Fuck sweet!

It's just fuckin an amalgamation of various sugars!

Sweet masks!

Salty however!

Preserves, enhances, revives, good, mothah fuckin, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Again! Them Rich Mothah Fuckahs Need "Real" Jobs!

 I mean!


Is not working!


 You mean tah tell me you take that tabula rasa?! 

And the best yo sorry controllin lazy asses got!?

Is a fuckin vaccine!?...



But that's some fucked up shit!

And yo lazy asses still haven't lifted a fuckin finger!...

(Peace! More to come!...)

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Chronis Bulimia

 The beautiful thing about the written prose, 

You go about it in your own way and at your own speed. 


Being fed. 


Why thee Holy fuck!

Is a mothah fuckah eating, being fed!



Want tah stick their mothah fuckin sorry ass finger down their sorry ass throats?!

Why the fuck did you finish the plate!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Mothah fuckahs kill my broke Black sorry mothah fuckin ass!

For real!

The fuck you think you gonna do?!

That Jesus couldn't do?!


This shit is a perpetual cycle cause mothah fuckahs are forevah absurd!

The Holy Bible been round for eons cause it's not bout,

"What eventually will become of US!"

Fuck no!

But it is about,

"Always havin to put Our stupid mothah fuckin asses in Our God damned place!"

How dare you!

Trying to be me again!?

I've seen this shit before!

Aftah all these plethora of human cycles...!

Y'all still... stupid as fuckin hell!

Fuckin heathens!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Diagnosis: Colorblind?

 I love motha fuckahs that have the fuckin nerves tah say:

"Color doesn't matter!"

The fuck you talkin too?

Muh fuckah!

Yo sorry ass tellin me?

If yo ass hostin ah white-tie event?

Which usually is ah bunch of rich white folks!

You see a mothah fuckah a different colah than any of your

"Invited Guests"?!

Come ohn naw?

Come ohn!

Yo ass know the first thang that ass be thinkin,

"The fuck! We didn't invite no damn fucking niggers!"

Come ohn!

And help ah brothah out!?

Can I get a mothah fuckin witness?!...

Can't cha just hear the Boogie Boys,

"I want to live/ In a colorblind world..."

Just sayin!...

(Peace! More to come...)








(Peace! More to come...)

Nanos ( Doctor Ean Flemming, Ireland's Health Minister) 23Mar2022

 Well what they do, based on the injection, but it is most certainly the case. Well, what happens is that these things that you have now put into your body has a voice. And that voice says, "No Violence." You might be asking yourself, the fuck do you mean, "No Violence." So what they do, they are constantly working in an aerosol form, from variant carriers all day long. Well what happens then is they get together about the happenings. Like a nice dinner with friends. Well the stories that can be told. And still being told. You see that's what they are intended to do. "No Violence" because of the various receptors that go off given the circumstance. This is what is known. Well sometimes they get it wrong. Well. Hell, I can only say it is at its infancy stage at the best. But given the We are pretty sure we are on the right track with this thing....

The Non-Labor Labor Union of The Elite (NLLUTE)

They call "working", tellin house and field niggahs, 

Black or white,

What the fuck tah do!?

Thee Holy fuck!


Yah damn skippy! 

Nigga tell me a white, brown, yellow....Black...I's really don't give a real solid God damned fuck at this point... mothah fuckah's filthy rich!?

All my Black sorry ass be doin is lookin round, thinkin,

Let me see this sorry lazy nasty ass mothah fuckah!

And now niggahs can carry guns!?

Come ohn naw!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Creating A Perfect World!

 You want to make a new beautiful history!

You get rid of all the pasts obsequious voices!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Spittle Free

 Motha fuckas kill my broke Black sorry ass!

Oh! Shit!

Yo Black broke ass ain't gonna convince no damn body of fuckin shit!

Spoutin out from the mouth cause yo Black sorry ass thinks they know some shit!

Whatevah yo sorry Black ass is spittin!

And yo fuckin ass been spittin a-whole-fuckin-lot son!

If not one nano-particulate slingin on not One of US!?


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Eagles Would Possibly Soar!

 "Antonio Brown"!


No doubt about it!

Would you want him on yo mothah fuckin professional football team?!



Cause that mothah fuckah's crazy!

Shit in professional American football, I'll take eleven muh fuckin out of their minds mothah fuckahs, instead of eleven sane lame sorry ass motha fuckahs! I gives ah fuck!

And Hurts would feed the dogshit out of'im!

Black ass, Crazy ass and all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Revolution "Shall" Not Be Televised!" Gil Scott-Heron

 "Over my dead body"

Then it will be most definitely ovah yo dead body!

Stupid motha fuckahs!

Motha fuckahs! 

Don't be so damn absurd tah tell muh fuckahs what chou about!

God! Damn!

Keep some motha fuckin secrets to yo damn sorry ass self!

Yo sorry ass and yo family's asses safah that way!

Then when the time is right.

You do whatchou gottah do without any fuckin damn hassles

To you or your's!...

(Peace! More to come...)