Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We Some Grown Asses! Fuck That Diversity Training Bullshit! (Broke Black Prophet) October, 2006

Meredith S. Hopson

Mike McGavick:

Re: Diversity

Dear Mr. McGavick:

Since becoming employed by Safeco, just seven weeks ago as a Customer Service Representative in the Indianapolis Contact Center, I was more than excited to work for such a progressive company. I am a Black American man. Thirty-seven years old and was quite offended by, “The Color of Fear” workshop. In all due respect Mr. McGavick, I don’t understand the rationale behind it whatsoever. I listened to my fellow co-workers of their views on the video we had just watched? All I could think of is that it was structured to have that type of outcome. I understand completely the position the two white males were in, being that it was six minorities to two of the majority. The video was set up to have the white males acquiesce or there would be no reason to shoot the video nor would any profits result subsequently. The two white males went through what was commonly known as the Stockholm Syndrome. Not saying they were taken captive but they certainly agreed to a period of time at the location to speak about their perspective viewpoints about race based issues. After the one white man quickly acquiesced it was just a matter of time before the other, more stoic white man to succumb. He had no allies. The outcome is in direct correlation of how society works, the majority views always wins.

Are you no different? I asked this with the deepest of respect Mr. McGavick. You avow to the company that you want diversity in SafeCo and that, “ a company that isn’t concentrating on diversity is a company that is eventually going to fail.” Fine and wonderful. But there is one flaw in your vision. Like companies who have said the same thing have done, they have always started from the bottom up, like you did, not the top down, like you did not. All nine in SafeCo’s Executive Management are white. Lily. No diversity whatsoever. Oh, I’m sorry, there was one female. Definitely monochromatic though. No person of color to be seen. I posed this question to one of our “Color of Fear” facilitators and he said, “It takes time. There is a limited pool of candidates in the minority pool...” I quit listening at that point. This was a Black man saying that. A very limited pool of minority candidates to take an executive position? So what, the majority pool is limitless?

Indulge me for a moment Mr. Mcgavick please. When is Safeco going to stop saying, like so many other Corporate American companies have been saying to blacks and minorities all this time, hurry up and wait. Don’t you and everyone else understand that it is easy to pad numbers on the bottom to make your company look diverse, but we both understand that is not where the ‘real’ money is made. Smoke and mirrors. Talk and numbers, that’s all it is. Just like the Director of The Color of Fear, there is an outcome I do believe you want to come out of your vision. I must question after one of the aforementioned 100 percent white executive ran visionary’s action is not congruous to said diversity statement. My question would be to you, “What is your real motivation?” I understand it isn’t because you are trying to elevate qualified blacks and minorities into the executive levels of management. My only answer then would be, its all about the money. If that be the case, please try another angle. We do not need another company using “diversity” as a way to put more money in their pockets. As a way to make the populous at large to think SafeCo is going to do anything different than what other companies have been doing throughout our corporate history, to exploit the ones who are struggling for the company’s ‘greater good.’

As far as the “Color of Fear,” if I were you I would save myself a lot of money and not do it any longer. I wish you would take another look at it the way I looked at the video. Mr. McGavick we are all adults and no workshop in the world is going to make a racist see themselves, especially a workshop done in a corporate setting. But hey, it’s your and SafeCo’s money. Make everyone understand it is up to all of us to be tolerant of other people’s culture. If not all day, for at least eight hours or however long you are at work. Hey, one has to start somewhere and walking starts with a step. We are not school children who cannot get along with their fellow playmates who have to be set in the corner, or in this case watch a video and discuss your views, in order to get along. That’s what that workshop felt like to me, like I had been bad and I need to have more training, in this instance ‘diversity training.’ Like Nike professed in an ad campaign, “Just do it!”

In closing, I hope to God this does not lead to my career demise at SafeCo. Mr. McGavick sometimes I tire so much of hearing rhetoric. Meaningless words. Endless banter about change, yet, the same steps are taken time and time again and no change has ever come. I don’t see any change coming from this workshop nor instituting an individual over diversity. I’ll tell you why. Whenever one appoints a person over a system it is hard to discontinue or purge that system because of job loss and the overall reason of creating said position, “To add more diversity and instill tolerance of people who are intolerant.” Once the system is created then the solution is not viable. One looses their job when a solution or solutions come to the fore; ergo, one has created a system that is going to work in adverse of what it is really was supposed to be put into place to overcome. But, I hope Mr. Carter is worth the plethora of money that will eventually be spent. Remember, and I am sure you are aware, a system begets systems.

Thanking you in advance for your time. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


Meredith S. Hopson

Two months later they fired my Black ass!  Corporate America is about conformity.  Individuality?  Kiss my ass!  You better recognize My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!  For real!

I couldn't stand Corporate America at that point. Still can't! Never will be able to be in a Corporate atmosphere ever again. Just stinks of lies. Yah heard may? Peace! More to come...


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