Monday, February 23, 2015

The Face Of America? (Broke Black Prophet) 2009

"I'm going to do what's best for America!" These sorry ass politicians say time and time again with their lyin asses! Niggahs, puh-leeze! The fuck you think you talkin too? We ain't no lowly, depressed and shiftless slaves anymo mah fuckahs! No, we be edumacated. Why yah playin. We's can read and we's can writes! Yao Ming?

How in the fuck can these mah fuckahs do anything for us when you only have party systems? Please tell a niggah cause he would really like to know? Shiiit! That dog don't hunt here anymore juniah! Unh-the-fuck-unh! With your dirty faces! Y'alls asses have to start takin accountability for your actions now. Done laid so many of us sorry asses off, fired mah fuckahs, sent jobs overseas and givin jobs to everyone in America that isn't an American! The fuck?

And I don't wannah hear that shit no mo bout Mexicans! Fuck that! They are just some of tens of millions in America gettin our American jobs. Lets talk bout all these non-naturalized Irish, Russian, British...just tah name a few, flyin under the color washed radar. Yeah, let's talk bout these white illegals! My Black American ass is tired of hearin bout the ones of color. Let's talk bout y'alls white foreign asses gettin a pass from this white oriented media and political arena. While yah playin. But ain't nobody talkin bout that shit! Oh, and what a surprise! We all have been conditioned to think only people of color do wrong, one of them bein, workin illegally in America! Fuck You!

And what do the Mexicans do? Just like American niggahs do, go on the defensive. Talkin bout they have rights and shit! No! No! No! You silly son of a Bastard! Wrong-fuckin-argument! What y'alls broke Mexican niggah asses need tah do is start pointin fingers toward all these white illegals workin in this mah fuckah, that far surpass y'alls Mexican asses in numbers. But, no, what do you do? Keep talkin bout cho rights. And I hate tah tell yah, with yo ignant asses, American niggahs been talkin that shit fo a long ass time and look how far we've come? Those mah fuckahs ain't tryin tah hear that bullshit!

You see whether yo ass is Puerto Rican, Spanish, Ecuadorean, still considered by the white American media and the white populous at large, a fuckin wetback. Don't chew see? The complexion, texture and color of your hair and especially the accent is a dead ass give away in rural Idaho, Indiana, Ohio...shit, pick a state mah fuckah in the US of fuckin A. You see what our Black sorry asses been goin through? Get some! Yous an easy ass target just by your characteristics to this white owned media and white ass federal gov'ment. And a lot of y'all havin the nerves tah hate us, niggahs? The fuck you thinkin boo-boo? Cause we from the same mah fuckin boat, literally and figuratively! With yo ignant asses. Take old, Vladimir from Russia or Helga from Germany... well to those said rural places in America, well, shit, that's what America is about.  That's what is considered: The Face Of America.  They blend the fuck in. But not cho darky ass! Do you understand what I'm tryin to convey?

Anyway. Just a thought. Shiit! Next time My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! The next time. Cause we need tah quit all this bullshit.  Cause the only real Americans are Native Americans and yo broke asses see how this here You-S-of-Fuckin-A's treatin "real" Americans!

But for now, I won't take any more of your precious time! And it is still, a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! More to come...

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