Monday, February 9, 2015

The End of The Petrodollar Is The Beginning of The End (Anonymous) 2017

“Look at me! Look at me!” So says each titty as it is presented in this vast second hand supermarket of visual rotten product; byproduct of the mind being blind from brainstorm’s warm silky sexy essence. The long phallic causing dramatics as the jeans screams at its seams, as the ladies seem taken aback at the noticeable protuberance; a bulge, enhanced by a non-partial vein of conditioned vanity of a humane society which has never shown humanity. Fancy another animal whence one was evolved. We have solved the quandary of the other creatures that are featured in this Global motion picture. Being rational is not even a solution that’s deemed final! Cannibals vying for a bigger piece of meat that is in abundance on this terra firma as we all are afforded man-made concrete. Trying to throw attention from a “reasoned” dimension, “I live! And the others’ give!” An elitist thinking; not even drunk or have been drinking. Soberly avowing sane speak. Peek around the corner of the cross street you’re about to meet, instead of looking straight ahead. It ain’t all about you, Boo-Boo. Boohoo! We all stand in this realm. Overwhelmed by how we let our Eden necrotize into this blighted mess now un-sanitized. Confess with empty chest. Capitalized to the point of bankruptcy. Chapter seven will not even put us into solvency. Yet, we still keep spending; getting ever more in debt. Well the Creditor is demanding a remittance. Time to serve our sentence. The penance…life; without the possibility of parole; to help get back the Loveliness in this existence. Don't let the evil control! “It is finished! Amen!” Now, go gather the whole.

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