Friday, February 13, 2015

Musing Valentine's Day (Twenty-One Years Old, Caucasian Male) 1981

Flowers Per dozen are tripled.
Your pocket this day is very crippled.
A man-made day like the rest,
Every year I seem to flunk the test.
Cupid's arrow and stuff like that,
I could really hit Cupid with a bat.
Every year you seem to buy more,
Wandering around broke in the store.
Yes, the plastic will see much action
This Winter's day of passion.
Buy! Buy! Is the only reason;
For Many of days in every season.
You give and smile like you are thrilled,
And what you are really thinking about is getting billed.
Your loved one that is so happy about the gift you gave,
You're wondering how many bucks you could have saved
If you could have just given a traditional card,
As they look at the five by eight and think,
"You can take this and shove this up your ass, real hard."
Even though you have been taught it's the thought,
Your love is now based on the price of the gift you've bought.
So you have to give an expensive gift, then wine and dine,
Because that is when you really shine!
Just remember that this is just one day out of many,
That you will spend your every penny,
So, as the days of the year accumulate,
Your available credit will dissipate;
But don't forget it's all for love,
That is why you are in debt woefully above,
You sit around thinking what to do?
Put the relationship on hold until the days are through?
No! Now, that would be too easy and a whole lot cheaper.
Is it really cheaper to keep her?...

I'm convinced days like this and so many more,
Were made up by the retail and floral stores.

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