Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Voice Of Reason (Broke Black Prophet) 2008

So, the mah fucah was sittin up there, right? Mindin his own business, doin what any male does that has this here Internet, piquing his interest which oft times is prurient! Should be called InterTube because that was the only shit to be watchin. Shit, Youtube, Pornotube...pick your poison mah fuckah. But that's what he was doin. Any how. The mah fuckah come across one of the millions of tubes out there, and commences tah watchin it. Well he clicked on it at first, because he thought it would be interestin, so to make a long story short, it was a woman havin anal sex with a man. The rough nasty kind. Well, he was surprised because the tag line showed, "Steve Irwin's Stingray death." And his ass was like, "What the fuck?" But what made his ass even more fucked up was when he didn't click out of that tube in time, while the mah fuckahs was still doin their b'ness, oh, you didn't hear the usual moanin, shit naw! Some type of fucked up evil voice comin over loud and clear tah his ass, and he could have sworn just before the tube ended, by the swift left click of his mouse, he could have sworn he heard in this slow, know...this shit you done heard the devil sounded like all your fuckin life...well anyway, that mah fuckah said tah him, "Doooon'ttt gooooo doooooowwwwn ttttthiiiiissss rooooaaaaadddddd! Yooooooouuuuuu haaaaaavvvvvvve Beeeeeeennnnnnnn fooooooooorrrrrrrrwaaaaarrrrrnnnnnneeeeedddddd. Meredith!" Like a 45 runnin on 33 and a third speed, then at the end, with his name runnin on the right speed for the 45 record. Out of all that he knew he heard the latter part, his name.

Leave the shit alone mah fuckah! Been cured ever since. And that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! Yah heard may? More to come...

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