Thursday, February 26, 2015

I Wish You Were Here! (Once Recovered Black Stoner, Now A Stoner Once More, Washington D.C. Native) 2015

Sending stars from above as the lift off occurs;
Blurs through my sight as the lights of the earth get a little smaller.
I holler from the lovely emotion speeding toward the atmosphere as my soul starts to level off;
I select a better view as the jettisons stop.
I hop on my back to pay attention to outer space,
Throwing up a peace sign as I stare in wonder;
The thunder rumbles through my back and out of my chest,
Aftershocks from the sky a little below me.
The best is yet to come as my soul gets ready for re-entry...
Being gone what seemed for so long.
I land so softly upon the green earth, touching down.
I turn around and say,
"Fire it up again nigga! 'Cause I'm goin for nother round!"
The sound is tremendous as the smoke is sucked in,
The rockets burning off what isn't needed.
And it's lift off. . .all over again.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Face Of America? (Broke Black Prophet) 2009

"I'm going to do what's best for America!" These sorry ass politicians say time and time again with their lyin asses! Niggahs, puh-leeze! The fuck you think you talkin too? We ain't no lowly, depressed and shiftless slaves anymo mah fuckahs! No, we be edumacated. Why yah playin. We's can read and we's can writes! Yao Ming?

How in the fuck can these mah fuckahs do anything for us when you only have party systems? Please tell a niggah cause he would really like to know? Shiiit! That dog don't hunt here anymore juniah! Unh-the-fuck-unh! With your dirty faces! Y'alls asses have to start takin accountability for your actions now. Done laid so many of us sorry asses off, fired mah fuckahs, sent jobs overseas and givin jobs to everyone in America that isn't an American! The fuck?

And I don't wannah hear that shit no mo bout Mexicans! Fuck that! They are just some of tens of millions in America gettin our American jobs. Lets talk bout all these non-naturalized Irish, Russian, British...just tah name a few, flyin under the color washed radar. Yeah, let's talk bout these white illegals! My Black American ass is tired of hearin bout the ones of color. Let's talk bout y'alls white foreign asses gettin a pass from this white oriented media and political arena. While yah playin. But ain't nobody talkin bout that shit! Oh, and what a surprise! We all have been conditioned to think only people of color do wrong, one of them bein, workin illegally in America! Fuck You!

And what do the Mexicans do? Just like American niggahs do, go on the defensive. Talkin bout they have rights and shit! No! No! No! You silly son of a Bastard! Wrong-fuckin-argument! What y'alls broke Mexican niggah asses need tah do is start pointin fingers toward all these white illegals workin in this mah fuckah, that far surpass y'alls Mexican asses in numbers. But, no, what do you do? Keep talkin bout cho rights. And I hate tah tell yah, with yo ignant asses, American niggahs been talkin that shit fo a long ass time and look how far we've come? Those mah fuckahs ain't tryin tah hear that bullshit!

You see whether yo ass is Puerto Rican, Spanish, Ecuadorean, still considered by the white American media and the white populous at large, a fuckin wetback. Don't chew see? The complexion, texture and color of your hair and especially the accent is a dead ass give away in rural Idaho, Indiana, Ohio...shit, pick a state mah fuckah in the US of fuckin A. You see what our Black sorry asses been goin through? Get some! Yous an easy ass target just by your characteristics to this white owned media and white ass federal gov'ment. And a lot of y'all havin the nerves tah hate us, niggahs? The fuck you thinkin boo-boo? Cause we from the same mah fuckin boat, literally and figuratively! With yo ignant asses. Take old, Vladimir from Russia or Helga from Germany... well to those said rural places in America, well, shit, that's what America is about.  That's what is considered: The Face Of America.  They blend the fuck in. But not cho darky ass! Do you understand what I'm tryin to convey?

Anyway. Just a thought. Shiit! Next time My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! The next time. Cause we need tah quit all this bullshit.  Cause the only real Americans are Native Americans and yo broke asses see how this here You-S-of-Fuckin-A's treatin "real" Americans!

But for now, I won't take any more of your precious time! And it is still, a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! More to come...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Voice Of Reason (Broke Black Prophet) 2008

So, the mah fucah was sittin up there, right? Mindin his own business, doin what any male does that has this here Internet, piquing his interest which oft times is prurient! Should be called InterTube because that was the only shit to be watchin. Shit, Youtube, Pornotube...pick your poison mah fuckah. But that's what he was doin. Any how. The mah fuckah come across one of the millions of tubes out there, and commences tah watchin it. Well he clicked on it at first, because he thought it would be interestin, so to make a long story short, it was a woman havin anal sex with a man. The rough nasty kind. Well, he was surprised because the tag line showed, "Steve Irwin's Stingray death." And his ass was like, "What the fuck?" But what made his ass even more fucked up was when he didn't click out of that tube in time, while the mah fuckahs was still doin their b'ness, oh, you didn't hear the usual moanin, shit naw! Some type of fucked up evil voice comin over loud and clear tah his ass, and he could have sworn just before the tube ended, by the swift left click of his mouse, he could have sworn he heard in this slow, know...this shit you done heard the devil sounded like all your fuckin life...well anyway, that mah fuckah said tah him, "Doooon'ttt gooooo doooooowwwwn ttttthiiiiissss rooooaaaaadddddd! Yooooooouuuuuu haaaaaavvvvvvve Beeeeeeennnnnnnn fooooooooorrrrrrrrwaaaaarrrrrnnnnnneeeeedddddd. Meredith!" Like a 45 runnin on 33 and a third speed, then at the end, with his name runnin on the right speed for the 45 record. Out of all that he knew he heard the latter part, his name.

Leave the shit alone mah fuckah! Been cured ever since. And that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! Yah heard may? More to come...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fucking Children Ain't Cool! Most Of The Elite Are Pedophiles. And They Need To Die...Soon! (POPO-HED, General Angel Martinez, Speaking To The City Of Hollywood Council Members) 2018

When it hurts the people in power then there are changes made to the laws that everyone is supposed to be abiding by.  Because woe is me if a person like I gets caught doing a misdeed.  “Tis the gallows for thee!  And off with thine kinky hair!”  But when those same people in power are breaking said laws everybody should be just keepin it movin, cause we know what’s we doin you ingrates! 
But we have all heard that bullshit before, over and the fuck over and the fuck over and the fuck…does a niggah really needs tah keep going for all of you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs tah see what the fuck has and is happening in this bitch contained in this world we call life?  Oh, you the fuck see it!  Live and in HD colah muh fuckuhs!  And they ain’t even tryin tah make the quality of what the real deal Holyfield look fuzzy.  Fuck no!  Why the fuck would they do that shit?  We still buying like all good citizens do.  We still watching the various mediums they have created for us to keep us busy and docile, like the good low-life dogs that we are.  Yet, they have the propensity in such an un-transparent way to fuck and fuck up our youth with their very aggressive and perpetually carried out of the pedophile doctrine that has always been implemented and carried out by the elite of this life in every corner of this fucked up world.

If a child is unable to be just a child in this world, then what is life?  This is where we came up with the underground, Pedophile Offense Perpetrators Officers Hollywood Enforcement Division.

Our Motto :We don't give a shit who you are!  If you fuck children, you are never above the law of California!  And you best believe, there are some inmates waiting to meet you.  

(to be continued…)

Cloyingly Sweet Love (BBP) 2007

Love is sweet.
The warmth engulfs me,
Molecules racing around
At an enormous speed in my body;
A catalyst has been implemented;
Causing a reaction that I cannot control.
Love is sugar to the emotions;
If enough is added,
There is nothing I can do,
But keep tasting the sugary nauseating sweetness;
And let the molecules race;
And be in awe of the speed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Declaration D'Amour (Traduction Par Vingt-Quatre Ans Le Mâle Noir) 2007

I look into your eyes,
With no surprise
I realize,
And see affection
Oh; alas, not pointed in this direction;
But I wish with an abundance of expectation.

But your heart is too dissected,
Not one,like me, being selected,
by your love that is apparent,
A love for others that is inherent,
From Maternal obligation
And subjugation.
That is not the question,
Whether you know real love or not,
The consensus: we are all a mixed up lot.

One of these days you will choose me or another,
And show the real Love you do smother;
Then you have taken the step to go further,
Down life's dark road;
Which many have come back with horrors told;
But some are still traveling down,
Trudging fearlessly without a frown.

They have decided to go down that road: that journey
Oft times not finding it blissful or funny;
But they have found it to be exhilarating and interesting,
Not Boring.

And believe it or not...even Sunny.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hunting: That's What Y'All Men Folk Call Sport? (Black American Satirist) 1983

Now, in America, they did studies, sayin that if a woman has lil titties, they can't fuck. Talkin bout some kind of insecurity, not measurin up. Some bullshit! I hear that on the opposite side, women talkin bout lil dick muh fuckuhs. So, what's the fuckin point?

I mean, in China, I ain't heard no man talkin bout those lil titty Asian women. Or the lil titty Asian women talkin bout lil dick Asian men. So again, what's the fuckin point? Your fuckin environment and it's people make up your beliefs... And your fuckin points! That ain't nothin scientific. Fuckin fact. No science involved, just fuckin natural, is all.

If I were a deer, I'd be laughin my ass off at the muh fuckuh with his camos huntin garb on waitin, thinkin he blendin in and shit. But yah see, my ass is a full-timer, muh fuckuh! I see yo pathetic, part-time-havin-nature-sorry-ass, but a muh fuckuh needs his sustenance, needs tah fuckin eat! Just befo my life as a buck ceases.

But my ass is human! So fuck those muh fuckuhs tryin tah fool Nature's Angels! Yo ass ain't gottah do that shit no mo! For real!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Musing Valentine's Day (Twenty-One Years Old, Caucasian Male) 1981

Flowers Per dozen are tripled.
Your pocket this day is very crippled.
A man-made day like the rest,
Every year I seem to flunk the test.
Cupid's arrow and stuff like that,
I could really hit Cupid with a bat.
Every year you seem to buy more,
Wandering around broke in the store.
Yes, the plastic will see much action
This Winter's day of passion.
Buy! Buy! Is the only reason;
For Many of days in every season.
You give and smile like you are thrilled,
And what you are really thinking about is getting billed.
Your loved one that is so happy about the gift you gave,
You're wondering how many bucks you could have saved
If you could have just given a traditional card,
As they look at the five by eight and think,
"You can take this and shove this up your ass, real hard."
Even though you have been taught it's the thought,
Your love is now based on the price of the gift you've bought.
So you have to give an expensive gift, then wine and dine,
Because that is when you really shine!
Just remember that this is just one day out of many,
That you will spend your every penny,
So, as the days of the year accumulate,
Your available credit will dissipate;
But don't forget it's all for love,
That is why you are in debt woefully above,
You sit around thinking what to do?
Put the relationship on hold until the days are through?
No! Now, that would be too easy and a whole lot cheaper.
Is it really cheaper to keep her?...

I'm convinced days like this and so many more,
Were made up by the retail and floral stores.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jersey Girls (Black Stand-Up Comedian And Satirist, Lambert Jones) 2008

Gottah woman lovin the shit out of that ass and shit! Oft times fuckin the dogshit out of yah! Down fo her mothah fuckin man! No mattah the circumstance! Shiiit!

Then what does yo sorry ass go do? You go put anothah mothah fuckahs name on yo sorry ass back, male no less, with corresponding team and number tah boot! The fuck?! That's some gay ass shit, with yo hypocritical, homophobic, no count havin ass! Like Ol Seinfeld said, "Not sayin there's anything wrong with that!" No! Hell no! Not-the-fuck-at-all!

But don't sit yo happy ass up there and condemn gay men for lovin men. And yo ass sittin up there havin: Brady; Manning; Wayne; Jordan; every damn body tah see and tah witness, on the back of yah damn shirt! And payin good fuckin ass money for the shit! The fuck you think you foolin?

Yo woman's name ain't proudly silk screened on the back of that mothah fuckah! And she's tearin yo shit up! Gratis! Oh, No! A man's last name is on the back of yo shit that you paid, at the very least, fifty fuckin dollahs and the mothah fuckah ain't even suckin yo damn nasty, smelly ass dick and balls! The fuck wrong with y'all "bitches"?

Brings a whole new mothah fuckin meanin to, "I gots that name and number!" Really? Uhm! You sorry mothah fuckin "real" men! That shit ain't sharp at all! It's gay as hell! And I ain't mad at cha at-the-fuck-all! Belee dat son!

All I'm sayin is, just step the fuck out that mothah fuckin closet! And tell that Beautiful woman yo ass been foolin, she's relieved of her womanly duties. Cause I gotsah man to take care of my needs and fantasies. Right cheer ons my back! And tell all the gay men, "I'm sorry!" Cause you are!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The End of The Petrodollar Is The Beginning of The End (Anonymous) 2017

“Look at me! Look at me!” So says each titty as it is presented in this vast second hand supermarket of visual rotten product; byproduct of the mind being blind from brainstorm’s warm silky sexy essence. The long phallic causing dramatics as the jeans screams at its seams, as the ladies seem taken aback at the noticeable protuberance; a bulge, enhanced by a non-partial vein of conditioned vanity of a humane society which has never shown humanity. Fancy another animal whence one was evolved. We have solved the quandary of the other creatures that are featured in this Global motion picture. Being rational is not even a solution that’s deemed final! Cannibals vying for a bigger piece of meat that is in abundance on this terra firma as we all are afforded man-made concrete. Trying to throw attention from a “reasoned” dimension, “I live! And the others’ give!” An elitist thinking; not even drunk or have been drinking. Soberly avowing sane speak. Peek around the corner of the cross street you’re about to meet, instead of looking straight ahead. It ain’t all about you, Boo-Boo. Boohoo! We all stand in this realm. Overwhelmed by how we let our Eden necrotize into this blighted mess now un-sanitized. Confess with empty chest. Capitalized to the point of bankruptcy. Chapter seven will not even put us into solvency. Yet, we still keep spending; getting ever more in debt. Well the Creditor is demanding a remittance. Time to serve our sentence. The penance…life; without the possibility of parole; to help get back the Loveliness in this existence. Don't let the evil control! “It is finished! Amen!” Now, go gather the whole.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Seeing Is Believing...continued... (Loquacious, Thirty-Two Years Old, Male, Tribe Person) 1976

...Think about what it will be like if there is a heaven. It has to be one of the worst things that could happen to a person. All day every day paying homage and praising an entity all the day long. Or will it still be incremental as in days? Maybe there will be no time. Maybe one will just be. Maybe. Maybe there will be no sleep. Maybe one will have no time to themselves. Maybe one will always be in the company of others passing something other than time. Maybe one will just be glad they are not in the other place. Whatever that may be. A lot of Maybes.

I often think of what it will be like if there is a Heaven. I often think. I think about these people like to this day no matter how good life has been for them they complain like nobody’s business. You know if there is a Heaven there will be the ones that complain after awhile. Complaining that there is nothing to do in this so sterile environment. Nothing to do but praise “Him.” People may say the things I am writing are blasphemous but if I feel the way I do in the written prose what difference does it make? I mean if I do not say it does it not make it less true to me? I feel it so I say that it is the truth.

You see everyone is looking for a savior. Looking for someone to instill the truth into them. If it was the truth, the Gospel, people would not be doing a tenth of what they indulge into on a daily basis. There would be a crime free world with people working together and doing what they had to do for the human condition. Understanding we are not alone in this world and we can not progress in this society or this earth without others. Others make us solidify the truth as we know it. Other individuals make us understand our own existence. If we did not have other people to view and to make up what we know as reality we could not make sense out of our own life. We could not say with total certainty that we do exist without seeing other life forms. I remember reading some philosopher making the statement of, “I think; therefore, I exist!” Do we really as it pertains to that statement? I mean without witnessing another life form or another creature or living entities, can one honestly say they exist? Sure one can if one makes up their own reality but after awhile that wears thin and one must need another living entity to reaffirm their belief in their own existence.  And even if one looks at just pure thought, how would one be aware of their sentient awareness without the physical body...(to be continued)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tangents (BBP) 2004

Tangents, dissecting...then the puzzling begins. We are innate human puzzlers. Sometimes I just wish my mind would shut down...and shut the fuck up, if just for a little while. Fall into a thoughtless, blissful slumber. Ummm! But my time is short just like all of my human companions. And we must make and take the best of it! Yao Ming? This was on my mind and it took on its own volition so I just let my mind take a well needed shit, and now I'm sending the shit to you. Yah heard may? And you will not even have to clean the screen after reading it. And a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is. Check it out, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...


People think they do things on their own. They avow, “I did this by myself! Built this business up with my bare hands! Blood, sweat and tears!” Niggah pu-leeze! Narcissistic rhetoric for sure! Best believe that shit! How did you get that job? It took someone to believe in you and hire you. Then it took someone else to hire them for their given position to be hiring you. And on and on it goes on up to the CEO. The board of directors hired that mah fuckah or that mah fuckah is the sole owner and he only has his position because a bank loaned him the money to start the business. And the bank was only able to do just that because of the many people who have savings, checking, IRAs…in that given banking institution. Nothing on this earth is done by oneself. People need people or nothing would get done, nor would anyone have a goddamned thing to brag about that they ill perceived have acquired solely.

People talk about they are an excellent driver. “I have never had an accident or ticket!” They avow proudly. Are you really mah fuckah or are you just a little too full of yourself to see the real deal going on all around you to make that little statement possible? Did you not notice that to make that possible the other drivers around yo ass somehow stay in their given lanes and all it would take is for one to swerve or brake unexpectedly…then your ass would be saying, “I only had one accident in my life.” It isn’t you solely who has made that possible. You ever been driving on the interstate and get side by side with a sixteen wheeler? And the only thing your ass sees when you look over are axles and wheels and all that mah fuckah needs to do is to start coming over and that ass is grass! Yao Ming? But somehow that mah fuckah keeps it together between the lines. You see we all work together to make the smallest things we take for granted possible.

“This is my house!” Haven’t you heard that shit! They say that they bought it so it is their possession but I didn’t see them building that mah fuckah. Moreover, don’t pay property taxes on that bitch for about five years and see what happens. “Well you have to pay property taxes that’s the law!” But it’s your house, so you said! “That’s just the way it is!” Shit I don’t have to pay wearing taxes on this shirt, pants or shoes I've adorned. You see, you own the house, mah fuckahs will give you that, but that property which that home sits upon will forever be owned by local, state and federal entities; ergo property taxes because you don’t own the property, only the home, the property you are leasing and that lease is good as long as your ass pays the taxes on the property. Oh, they’ll let you own a car on your own because a car ain’t worth shit if you can’t drive the damn thing; hence, tags. As long as you plate that mah fuckah to pay the taxes to be able to drive your vehicle on our streets and highways, you are good to go. And don’t your ass dare park that piece of shit on the street without plates or plates that are expired. Oh, sure, it’s your ride but it is sitting on our streets illegally; ergo, we gonna tow your possession and keep it until it is properly plated or sale your vehicle without your sanction because it is ours now because it was setting on our property, an inanimate trespasser which we must arrest.

Get behind on federal taxes and those mah fuckahs will come take “Your” home, car, television, rare books…so as you can see, you don’t own shit! Everything you buy is conditional. Sometimes take your husband and wife given that you both were co-conspirators of tax evasion. Then try to take your children and give them to family members or place them in the system. Or take your children because they deem you negligent, an ill parent. So, as you see everything is conditional and you don’t do anything by yourself because of said conditions put into place by the elite to keep the slaves from trying to break free from enslavement. Keeping your ass in check clandestinely. But we don’t see this transparent reality and that is the beauty of this ruse. Unspoken conditions which we abide by like the good slaves that we are.

In another event, I was looking at Newt Gingrich on Meet the Press one day with Tim Russert. Gingrich as usual, talkin shit! And he said something that I would have taxed his ass if I was Russert. Russert asked, “Do you think that you were wrong for trying to impeach former president Bill Clinton for what he did?” Gingrich responded, “Tim, I’ve been divorced two times…” Whah! Whah mah fuckah! Stop the fuck right there! But let me continue because this was priceless what he said subsequently, “…and during those times, I was deposed. And I had to tell the truth. He lied in front of a federal judge. A federal judge! That is something I and the American people just couldn’t stand for.” And if I was old Russert, I would have said, “You’re a very religious man Former Mister Speaker aren’t you?” And I’m sure old Gingrich would have taken the bait hook, line and sinker. I can see him now, “Of course I am and that’s why I had to do what I did.” Then I would have asked him so calmly, showing him nothing, not letting him see what I was setting him up for, “And you would agree that a federal judge is not higher or isn’t on the level of God?” And he probably would have a good time telling me how ridiculous that question was, because now he is in a no win situation because he has to be on the side of God, his constituents would eat that mah fuckah alive and his career would be done son. And after which I would ask him with finality, “So you took vows, promises, oaths in front of man and most importantly God, to be wed through sickness and in health…til death due us part. You lied in front of God, not just once but twice and you sit here and try to tell me how you had to try to impeach a man for a stain on a dress?” You’re done son! The mah fuckah would have been babbling his ass off! Where are the true hard news reporters anymore? Please tell a niggah! All died along with real news. We just stuck with bullshit now. Fluff and stuff! That’s what they should call the news now, “Today on Fluff and Stuff…” Anyway.

Let me tell you something My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. When the real truth starts revealing itself about this life, it’s gonna be so ugly. Revolts, chaos and disorder will blanket this earth. But it will be so Beautiful! An ugly Beautiful mess! I just hope I live long enough to witness it. My battle cry when the plethora of the walls of lies start crumbling down, brick by sorry ass brick, will be, “Get some you! Get some!” And that…will be a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it will!

Meredith Singleton Circa 2000

Peace! More to come...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We Some Grown Asses! Fuck That Diversity Training Bullshit! (Broke Black Prophet) October, 2006

Meredith S. Hopson

Mike McGavick:

Re: Diversity

Dear Mr. McGavick:

Since becoming employed by Safeco, just seven weeks ago as a Customer Service Representative in the Indianapolis Contact Center, I was more than excited to work for such a progressive company. I am a Black American man. Thirty-seven years old and was quite offended by, “The Color of Fear” workshop. In all due respect Mr. McGavick, I don’t understand the rationale behind it whatsoever. I listened to my fellow co-workers of their views on the video we had just watched? All I could think of is that it was structured to have that type of outcome. I understand completely the position the two white males were in, being that it was six minorities to two of the majority. The video was set up to have the white males acquiesce or there would be no reason to shoot the video nor would any profits result subsequently. The two white males went through what was commonly known as the Stockholm Syndrome. Not saying they were taken captive but they certainly agreed to a period of time at the location to speak about their perspective viewpoints about race based issues. After the one white man quickly acquiesced it was just a matter of time before the other, more stoic white man to succumb. He had no allies. The outcome is in direct correlation of how society works, the majority views always wins.

Are you no different? I asked this with the deepest of respect Mr. McGavick. You avow to the company that you want diversity in SafeCo and that, “ a company that isn’t concentrating on diversity is a company that is eventually going to fail.” Fine and wonderful. But there is one flaw in your vision. Like companies who have said the same thing have done, they have always started from the bottom up, like you did, not the top down, like you did not. All nine in SafeCo’s Executive Management are white. Lily. No diversity whatsoever. Oh, I’m sorry, there was one female. Definitely monochromatic though. No person of color to be seen. I posed this question to one of our “Color of Fear” facilitators and he said, “It takes time. There is a limited pool of candidates in the minority pool...” I quit listening at that point. This was a Black man saying that. A very limited pool of minority candidates to take an executive position? So what, the majority pool is limitless?

Indulge me for a moment Mr. Mcgavick please. When is Safeco going to stop saying, like so many other Corporate American companies have been saying to blacks and minorities all this time, hurry up and wait. Don’t you and everyone else understand that it is easy to pad numbers on the bottom to make your company look diverse, but we both understand that is not where the ‘real’ money is made. Smoke and mirrors. Talk and numbers, that’s all it is. Just like the Director of The Color of Fear, there is an outcome I do believe you want to come out of your vision. I must question after one of the aforementioned 100 percent white executive ran visionary’s action is not congruous to said diversity statement. My question would be to you, “What is your real motivation?” I understand it isn’t because you are trying to elevate qualified blacks and minorities into the executive levels of management. My only answer then would be, its all about the money. If that be the case, please try another angle. We do not need another company using “diversity” as a way to put more money in their pockets. As a way to make the populous at large to think SafeCo is going to do anything different than what other companies have been doing throughout our corporate history, to exploit the ones who are struggling for the company’s ‘greater good.’

As far as the “Color of Fear,” if I were you I would save myself a lot of money and not do it any longer. I wish you would take another look at it the way I looked at the video. Mr. McGavick we are all adults and no workshop in the world is going to make a racist see themselves, especially a workshop done in a corporate setting. But hey, it’s your and SafeCo’s money. Make everyone understand it is up to all of us to be tolerant of other people’s culture. If not all day, for at least eight hours or however long you are at work. Hey, one has to start somewhere and walking starts with a step. We are not school children who cannot get along with their fellow playmates who have to be set in the corner, or in this case watch a video and discuss your views, in order to get along. That’s what that workshop felt like to me, like I had been bad and I need to have more training, in this instance ‘diversity training.’ Like Nike professed in an ad campaign, “Just do it!”

In closing, I hope to God this does not lead to my career demise at SafeCo. Mr. McGavick sometimes I tire so much of hearing rhetoric. Meaningless words. Endless banter about change, yet, the same steps are taken time and time again and no change has ever come. I don’t see any change coming from this workshop nor instituting an individual over diversity. I’ll tell you why. Whenever one appoints a person over a system it is hard to discontinue or purge that system because of job loss and the overall reason of creating said position, “To add more diversity and instill tolerance of people who are intolerant.” Once the system is created then the solution is not viable. One looses their job when a solution or solutions come to the fore; ergo, one has created a system that is going to work in adverse of what it is really was supposed to be put into place to overcome. But, I hope Mr. Carter is worth the plethora of money that will eventually be spent. Remember, and I am sure you are aware, a system begets systems.

Thanking you in advance for your time. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


Meredith S. Hopson

Two months later they fired my Black ass!  Corporate America is about conformity.  Individuality?  Kiss my ass!  You better recognize My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!  For real!

I couldn't stand Corporate America at that point. Still can't! Never will be able to be in a Corporate atmosphere ever again. Just stinks of lies. Yah heard may? Peace! More to come...


Monday, February 2, 2015

Jame's Thoughts (Elaine Hopson II, Aspiring Writer) 2018

He really didn’t know what he would do if she left him. He had not a clue. He had heard from an elderly person a profound statement. he was just sitting with the man conversing with him and being interested as hell, he loved talking with elderly people, they had so much knowledge and so many stories. “Boy let me tell you,” he started, “ You hear all that noise, ‘ya’ marry a woman because you can live with her.’ I say damn all that...”, as he stopped to catch his breath having the nasal cannula perpetually inserted into both nostrils and the oxygen tank that went with him connected to the long hose which led to the cannula lugging around and behind him when he sat or walked, “...yeah damn all that. Ya’ marry a woman because you can’t live without her. Ya’ see what I mean son? Shit you can live with anybody if you want or had to. But can your life continue as it is without that woman in your life. Ya’ see what I mean?” As he took another long breath as to steady himself. Shit he knew exactly what that old man had told him. He was looking at the woman every day. Living with her. He had not a clue what he would do without this woman. He did not believe he could live without her. He was sure he would just wonder through the rest of this life in a perpetual daze until he expired. Oh, he loved her. Loved her stupid. Oh, loved her so much, if she told him she did not want him any longer and she wanted to move on, he would certainly let her go without any hesitation. That is how much he loved her. If she wanted to move on with another individual that would be fine by him. He would not be able to eat subsequently for maybe half a year or more then the daze would start, he would hope. He didn’t think he could live this life without her in a functioning manner. A zombie would be the closest to his lifeless body. But he would let her go. That was love. That was unconditional, pure love. He would not make it hard for her to leave. He would still be there for her. But, he would let her go. Just so she would be happy.

He had heard motha’ fuckas’ talking all that noise about if their woman left them for another man they would shoot the ‘bitch’ and the ‘nigga’, “Ya, know what I’m saying?” would be their last statement and he would always tell them, “no!” They would look at him with a quizzical look and he would continue, speaking the old mans knowledge to the motha fuckas, “Ya, see brah. That ain’t love. That’s obsession. That’s controlling. That’s for selfish reasons not love reasons. That act would be all about you not about the woman. So a relationship is nothing more than your feelings not the woman’s. So, shit, you are not in a relationship, you, then are in a master- pet-relationship. If you love that woman you let her go. Now, that’s real. Let her fucking go and let her flap her wings. Set her free with not a hint of negativity. And if you see her subsequent to the relationship being dissolved you respect her enough to speak to her and who she is with and smile with not a hint of jealously in your soul or exterior. Smile because you are happy for her. Rejoice because you had time that you had spent with her. Now that is love. Pure love. Amen.”

“That’s bullshit,” would usually be the response.
“Is it now?” was always his with a wry smile on his face and ending the conversation by raising his eyebrows and addressing the person once more, “Good talking to you!” Oh he wouldn’t feel good about it at all, the relationship ending but if that is what made her happy then so be it. All he ever wanted for her was to make her happy and to see her happy. If he was not making her happy then by all means let her move on. She never did understand that part of him. He realized that. She would look at him as though he were some foreign person she had not yet met when he would tell her certain things, “If I ever fail to make you happy in this life please move on. I just want you to be happy,” or, “If I disappoint you in any way I would understand if you needed someone other than me.” He would be so sincere in his words. He never thought he deserved her. She had this inner light within her which beamed constantly but not to the radiation which it could which he found absolutely breathtaking. Oh, she experienced other men, he was sure of that, but he never asked and never wanted to know about her past relationships. “Why don’t you ever ask me about my past relationships? And when I try to give you some insight you say you really think I should keep those things to myself. Why do you do that?”

“Del listen,” he began, “ the most significant word in past relationships is the first. Meaning they are in the past. Don’t get me wrong, it is not like I don’t care about you but why do you think I do not divulge information about my past relationships? I do that for the same reason I just told you, they are in the past. Does that make sense or should I explain more?”

“Please, if you would James. I am trying to understand really I am. I don’t see any harm in sharing our past relationships or not because they are in the past. They do not make a difference now.”

“Exactly. My point exactly,” he said to her.

“I guess I missed something. It is almost like you are talking in some kind of hidden code,” she said not upset but in a genuinely confused tone. She knew He would explain himself very thoroughly, that was one of the qualities she loved about him: patience and conciseness. She guessed that was two of the qualities she loved about him.

They were walking and talking. As always, getting to know one another. Their hands, usually when they walked together, holding one another. He had squeezed a little and released the pressure as if to say , stay with me on this.

“Del, what I have found with people and even within myself, is that all of us carry way too much baggage. Especially when we deal with another person in a relationship. What I have found to be true, my truth, is we base our existing relationship on all the other relationships we have been in. That in my opinion and in my truth is wrong...”

“So what are we supposed to do? Purge everything we have ever experienced in our life or in relationships in general and like when we are born become a tabula rasa all over again?” she said releasing his hand to gesticulate a little with both hands making her point. Reached again and took his hand in hers as they continued to walk.

“Touche,” he smiled at her and she smiled back, “Now I will explain myself.” he said and continued to smile and she smiled back and said, “Please do handsome,” as she took her off hand and squeezed his bicep as she moved close to him and put her head briefly on his shoulder, “Okay continue. I will not interrupt again, I promise.”

“Oh Del,” he said and lovingly kissed her softly on the forehead. “All I am saying is this, When one is in a relationship with another person one must not think of past relationships which will eventually lead to them comparing their most recent relationship with their past relationship or ‘ships. Which, I believe, is not fare to the person with which they are having a relationship presently. You see whenever we compare an individual to another in a past relationship, like how they are treating you or how they speak to you or even getting sexual with penis sizes or breast sizes...”

“What? I’m sorry James you threw me off with that last statement. What does that have to do with the price of butter?”

“I thought you said you wouldn’t interrupt me until I explained fully?” he asked rhetorically smiling all the while.

“Hey. Shoot me. I’m human. You’re the one that got on dick and titty sizes.” she said having fun with it.

“I know but it is all for a reason, trust me,” he said to her as he played with it too.

“And so I will. I promise I won’t interrupt again.” She said as if she was a child looking down and swinging her arm which made his arm swing also.
“Like I was saying,” he looked down at her playfully and he knew she knew he was looking at her. She just kept her head straight with a smile and jabbed him playfully in his side, prodding him to continue. He laughed out loud and began, “As I was saying, when one is comparing PENIS sizes or Breast sizes, Uh, um...” he looked down at her again to play with her about her use of the non P.C. words for the human anatomy. She jabbed at his side again and both of them laughed loudly in the crisp night air. (to be continued...)