Friday, October 21, 2011

The Welfare Government...And Rich (Political Satirist) 2010

They say fools never change but they are the ones that rearrange. It’s a shame how they are in control; quite disturbing; quite strange. We pay them their government welfare check to chat on the happenings amid this new world order. Like the ghettos who they throw garbage at because of their trivial government allotment, not working for their money of need. So doth thy political administration; sitting back talking and talking about nothing and getting paid for non-productive work. The employers which employ us call that cause for termination, “Egregious misuse of company time!” They cause chaos and disorder, like the ghettos with their people causing violence because they are being non-productive; but its okay while they have to justify their civil servant elected position. Firing fingers at misdemeanors! Hypocritical transgressors. Never has peace come to the many countries of their given regions or nations. Who’s really on welfare? Situations tumbling out of control as the bombs scare; we stare at the violence whence the outcome of the fools’ job security. Happily we live as this earth comes to its end right in front of our eyes; giving out checks to elect the suspects, subsequent murderers of dialects. Our souls conditioned for apathy to no surprise; lies have become truth; truth turned into lies.

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