Thursday, October 20, 2011

Backseat Mothah Fuckin Drivers! (Black American, Male, Stand-Up Comedian) 2001

Mothah fuckahs wants tah sit in the fuckin passenger seat complainin bout cho muh fuckin drivin! Shiiiit! Okee-the-fuck-dokee-smokey! So, you pull yo Black ass ovah. Fuck this shit! For real! Say to them,"Take the fuck ovah cause a niggah's tired!" They scramble out of the car, can't wait tah take the fuckin control, the wheel. Go head with you bad ass! Go the fuck ohn! You sit whence they once were. Get all comfy and cozy. Close your eyes. Fuck it! I need some fuckin rest!

Then, what do they have the nerve tah do? Callin yo name. Shakin yo tired ass every fuckin minute or so sayin, "Which way should we go?" Naw, mothah fuckah! Hell naw! Not, "We"! Fuck that! You! Whatevah way yo ass wantstah take is fine by me! A niggah tryin tah cop some Zs. For real!

Then, they start cussin you out and shit. Whatevah muh fuckah! Drive! Drive, with yo sorry backseat drivin ass! I don't give ah real bad fuck!

Aftah awhile they get tired of drivin, bein lost. Wake yo tired ass up! And state, "You drive! I'm tired of this shit!" Get some You! Right on! And get the fuck ovah in that passenger seat where you should have stayed before! And please shut the fuck up from now on, cause I ain't scared tah give this mothah fuckah back to yo sorry ass!

I may be tired, mothah fuckah, that's for damn sure! But I'll get US where we need tah be! Without all that fuckin complainin! Cause, I ain't scared and I'm used tah bein tired! Yah heard may?

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