Saturday, October 1, 2011

Conditioned Response (The Blog Author, Tribe Person And Quasi-Satirist) 2007

Adept communicators? Intelligent? Highly effective decision makers?...Name me any of those qualities that any of these politicians possesses. Something good to put on a resume but this is the real world muh fuckah. Straight Up!

Yeah! Yeah! Of course I'll be on time, I will never miss a day! Don't believe in it! I believe in being loyal to your employer. Very effective communicator with years of customer service experience. Complaints? Never!...Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah!

Then you get the job, what does your silly ass do? "Yeah, this is Meredith! Yeah, I'm not going to be in today, I'm sick." Fuck it! If my Black ass is sick, it stands to reason I'm callin in sick because I'm...well...sick! Damn! Didn't you tell me upon hire I have ten of those muh fuckahs? Then, I'm sick! Pay up muh fuckah! Rhetoric will have that ass paying my black ass for my ten sick days this year, that they say you shouldn't take! Fuck that! And don't forget about the two weeks of paid vacation my Black ass gets either! You gave me the job and I know my parameters. Pay me my damn money for my sickly and vacationed ass! Please, help a brothah out! Am I the only one that sees shit the way that I'm seein it?

Rhetoric! Good lord! All that talkin and muh fuckahs end up every time, like a muh fuckah in the hood walkin up on a fool and bustin 'em in the mouth or poppin ah cap in that ass, these muh fuckahs in Washington D.C. are no different, "Fuck it! Let's go to war!" Ain't that what they do out on the street, "Fuck talkin! Time to lay some bones and lay a lot of lead! Cause muh fuckahs ain't listenin!" And they puttin us in jail because we're mimicking their abhorrent behavior?

We tell our children not to fight; Be of good will; Try to talk things out; You shouldn't be puttin your hands on anyone... And what does this US of Assholes do every fuckin time? They bring on the war cry and have other US of Assholes backin 'em, "Fuck with this talkin shit! Those sand niggers and chink bastards aren't listening. We need to go to War! We need tah kick some ass!" The fuck! Is a muh fuckah missin somethin? The year 2007 and this the best the supposedly "Richest country and the most civilized on this planet," has to offer this world? Shit, we ain't no damn children! That, "Do as I say, not like I do!" Don't wash with grown folks! Shiiiit! While yah playin! If these Assholes ain't gonna put up! Then shut the fuck up! Cause our asses livin in troubled times, the real fuckin world. Give a muh fuckah some leeway here. If you can do it, so should we all. And don't punish my Black ass because I'm mockin your so-called guidance of righteousness. Yao Ming?

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