Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Idle Time? Now Y'alls Stupid Asses Got Pro'lems! (Black American, Male, Stand-Up Comedian) 2011

These muh fuckahs just always thinkin they can get away with lyin. Rich men and men in general for thousands of years and more thinkin somehow, some way they have found the ultimate lie or con. Like Bania used to avow on Seinfeld, "Gold, Jerry! It's gold I tell yah!" Fools gold! Yao Ming?

Rich mothah fuckahs and this here Federal-fuckin-gov'ment been lyin their asses off and thinkin we are some stupid sorry ass bastards. What the fuck! What's a muh fuckah supposed to do when companies are tellin people by the thousands, "We're sorry, we have to let you go." And they escort your ass off the company's property, waive goodbye, "Peace My Brothah!"

And this economy is gettin better? The fuck I look like? Boo-boo-the-foo'? Shiit, they need tah quit that noise!

They thinkin we are so stupid that we are not goin, on those now off hours since yo sorry ass is unemployed, to start seein what's goin on? Shiiit, a muh fuckah gottah lottah time now to watch the news, surf the Net and talk to the other numerous unemployed folk.

Now, here's the quandary with y'alls rich and rich/political dumbasses, those same muh fuckahs yo silly asses done put into the unemployment line start gettin more armed with understandin, witnessin what the fuck has been really goin on, becomin aware of the bullshit they been missin while workin their asses off so many wasted years, you dumb sons of bad cocks!

Don't they understand that? Mothah fuckahs sittin up here with Ivy League educations and shit, and don't have any common sense whatsoevah! Tryin that juvenile psychology bullshit, "Since you did this before for free and now you want to make a living demanding pay, we will no longer provide you work." You super-silly-arrogant-sorry-inhumane-mothah-fuckahs, You! How they think so many mothah fuckahs have all this time for that, Wallstreet protests shit that's goin on all across the country? Cause, y'alls asses conditioned a slave to work like a fuckin dog until they die. And whatahsurprise! They ain't dead yet; albeit, y'alls rich motha fuckin asses wish they were...then yo sorry asses gots the nerve tah take the work from'em! Just because I gotstah pay those ignant poor mothah fuckahs now and I used tah not have to pay those sorry poor animals shit! The fuck?!

The more a slave works,albeit yo greedy ass gotstah pay'em a lil som'ehn-som'ehn now, the less idle time they have to finally read, research...find out what's been goin on the last fifteen years they've been workin sixteen hours, goin home, sleepin seven hours and it's back to the grind!

Nah! Keep the muh fuckahs workin! Then your lies stay true because who gives a fuck as long as a muh fuckah is gettin paid, stayin solvent! Don't lay muh fuckahs off or start downsizin... give incentives to companies that work the shit out of their employees. Then muh fuckahs don't have time to be informed about the lies you tellin. Doin shit half ass backwards. Just fuckin dumb!

These elite, entitled, lazy pieces of shit didn't learn shit from their ancestors, those damn worthless, shiftless, greedy, inhumane slave owners.

You work the shit out of a slave. Work a broke, poor mothah fuckah for 16-23 hours straight, on a regulah, and I guaran-fuckin-tee that muh fuckah ain't gonna think about escapin or gettin long as yo silly ass breaks'em off a lil som'ehn-som-ehn! Yous ain't gonnah have nos problems from d'em! Hell-to-the-nah! All that muh fuckah is gonna be thinkin 'bout, aftah all those hours of slavin, is gettin some fuckin rest and gettin some fuckin sleep. And yous have no pro'lems at-all! Believe dat son! Yah heard may?!

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