Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Watching The Wheels (Blog Author, Tribe Person, Quasi-Satirist) 2008

Most people read the Bible for comfort. I read the shit for entertainment and folly. Insults my intelligence so. Unbelievable! The fuck I look like? Oh, blasphemy Meredith! You will burn in the intense fires of hell! Okay, and tell me pre-tell where your ass gonna be? Coolin your heels in Heaven? Puh-leeze! So called Christians fartin with their mouths, or asses, whatevah is clevah, they are both the same because they speak from both equally. Blowing that malordorous wind wherever and whenever they please. Funkin the place up! And fuckin this place up! Are you crazy Meredith? The fuck's wrong with you bo-ay? Not'in! Absolutely, positively, not'in! If muh fuckahs believed what I've been readin tonight the human existence would be heaven on earth. Shiiit! We wouldn't have to wait to be judged! Kiss my ass! Burn every one of those pages in that piece of shit! And if all of what I write is wrong...than get your ass out there and work! Spread not only the word, but the damn joy! That's all I'm sayin. And a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is!

What does anything mean? Your name? Your words? Your moral character? Your existence? I was just reading the Bible and I smiled and laughed so hard I almost cried. I remember Brother Rice, a member of Christ Temple like Mommy was so long ago stated, “You know you have to smile and laugh at this stuff to keep yourself from crying all the time.” And he was serious as cancer. I don’t think he died from cancer but I know the man was a good man and he died of something, like all good and bad people do. Yo ass dies of something. Sho you right. You best believe that shit! No ifs, ands or buts about it. You will die! But when? That there is the million dollar question. People always talking, sayin shit like, they would like to know. Would you really muh fuckah? What be you then? How would your life change so drastically if one knew their given due date, their appointment with destiny? I mean yo ass knows now that you probably won’t live more than at the high end, ninety years and I don’t see muh fuckahs out here in droves doin things any differently than what they are doin to this very day. With the understanding they have no more than ninety years to do the damn thang! Whatever that damn thang is. Yao Ming.

You see it really doesn’t matter because it is all bullshit. Even if we knew, because we know now, shit yo ass is mortal not immortal, so things wouldn’t change in our lives. We would just fade away like we surely do every second of every passing day. Ain’t nothing gonna change. Ever. Cause we don’t want it to. Less...

People love habits. They absolutely hate change even if it is for the betterment of not only their existence but for the generations to come. Why? You may be asking yourself about these little words forming on your computer screen. Because change is nothing but work and oft times than not, change takes a lifetime and a muh fuckah don’t want to be working for the rest of their lives. Shiiit! While yah playin. Ain’t no fun in workin. Fuck the future! The future is now damnit! Let those other bastards do it, while I suck on my Cubans, and ride in my Bentley; buy more shit than my ass could possibly need or want. Vex about kickin another muh fuckahs ass. Talk about bullshit every fuckin day that is counterproductive… Now that’s fun!

People want to talk about makin money. Shiiit makin money is easy if that’s all this life is about. Shit you can sale your ass for money. Up close and personal muh fuckah and you don’t even have to step outside the door. But I don’t see everybody doing it. So it is more than just makin money. Our existence is elusive; the query so profound, “Why am I here?” And the answer is slap dead in your sorry ass face you elitist muh fuckahs! You see, yo sorry ass been askin the wrong fuckin question goddamn it! The question isn't, "Why am I here?", but "Why are We here?" Plural not singular. Ain't shit gonnah get done with just one muh fuckah doin the damn work. I am not One but I am made up of many!

We are here to aide one another, to love one another, to look out for one another, to make sure every one of our Brothahs and Sistahs are taken care of, to have just as much as the other, no more and no less. Even to the detriment to our own lives. And if you don’t believe that! Well…as I stated earlier, ain’t nothing gonna change! Ever! And that…ain’t no Beautiful thang! Yah heard may!

So keep smiling and laughing! Avoidance is a muh fuckah! But don't forget to wipe your ass with Hope! And please don't forget to flush! For real!

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