Wednesday, March 5, 2025

US Tex Dem Ho's of Rep "Pimp" Al Green

 What thee Holy fuck is an old niggah witnUSsin and shit?!

Ain't US muh fuckin niggUS learned shit?!

Anothah close tah ah FED Commie octogenarian sorry ass muh fuckah ain't about shit!

Close tah eighty years old colorin his muh fuckin hair and gots thah fuckin nerves tah have ah muh fuckin ponytail God damnit! Shit US not! Lookin like ah straight up nigger-pimp!

Shame before Our Father lookin like an old

Fuckin gorilla and shit!

Go sit yo no-count happy ass down someplace evil FED Commie


Thah fuck's wrong with US?

Our Father's speed!

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