Thursday, March 6, 2025

US "COVID" Lock-Down Fucked Over US YOUths! And Ecclesiastes 12:1

 Talkin bout payin every God damned muh fuckin YOUth undah 22years of age and shit for fuckin US Life! God damnit!

These YOUng muh fuckUS gots some psyop COVID Lock-Down fo four years PTSD shit for US's sorry broke assUS! US fucked these YOUng muh fuckUS ovah! Don't give ah fuck! US old muh fuckUS are some sorry selfish muh fuckUS! This time US willingly gave US consent tah violate US YOUths! Welcomin this evil FED Commie Vampirical lead US country!

Them pitiful YOUng muh fuckUS still tryin tah process that ovah four years and countin Global psychological bullshit! And bein forced-fed socially DEI, BLM, US allowin grown ass men and women makin boys intah girls and girls intah boys... that sprung its evil head durin and subsequent tah thah US lock-downs! Couldn't freely interact with their friends for four fuckin years! Couldn't go tah thah movies, go out to eat, go to the store...fuck it! Go outside their God damned home without ah muh fuckin mask! 

While masking

US beauty!

Masking now,

US global

Still Sovereign fucked-up


And US old knowin bettah sorry broke ass muh fuckUS,

Still ain't protectin 



YOUths from this

Global, but most importantly, from this abhorrent diabolical brilliant

US evil!

And US old muh fuckUS gots thah nerves tah honestly let come out of US's non-protectin US's beautiful YOUths sorry ass mouths,

"What's wrong with these YOUng people?!"

Thah fuck?!

Thah fuck yo sorry clueless ass been thah last four fuckin years some change and shit?!

CaUSe my old Black broke sorry ass is almost three score and shit,

And I'm still in 

Disbelief and


And I can't even begin tah imagine what thah fuck





Are goin thah fuck through


Thah fuck! 

Give'em ah God damn shameful break for fuck's sake and back thah fuck 



Our Father's speed

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