Friday, March 7, 2025

"Democrats' Anti-Trump Meme Attempt Goes Viral For All The Wrong Reasons - HuffPost"

God damned muh fuckin skippy! 

First evil FED Commie Maxine "Dirty" Waters! Then Andre "Dumbass" Carson! Then  Ayanna "Manly" Pressley! Then Al "Pimp-old-daddy" Green! ... Now these other sorry ass FED Commie niggers!

And what thah fuck did US RighteoUS Black people inform US back in thah muh fuckin day God damnit?!

"Let White folks fight with White folks!"?!

And what these Black sorry ass evil FED Commie niggers do?!

Jumpin in! Fightin with White folks! Thah fuck's wrong with these US FED commie niggers!?

Like in CIA influenced Jonestown massacre, US niggUS done drank thah fuckin tainted 

"Kool-Aid" and shit?! 

I mean, shit! Some US muh fuckin shameful Black sorry ass shit!

Can't make this fucked-up conditioned FED commie nigger shit up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!

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