Tuesday, March 4, 2025

US SHHS "RFK Jr. Does 180 On Vaccines - Multiple Platforms' Headline"



Shit, that's what's called great US

Diplomacy God damnit!

I mean, shit!

Talk all thah shit yo ass wants outside that FED Commie shit! But once yo stank ass gots thah nerves tah get inside?! Now, that shit is ah whole nothah US thang!

Yeah, on thah outside thah muh fuckah said some shit like, "I'd ban all vaccines!"

Now, on thah inside thah muh fuckah be like, "A vaccine is a personal choice. If a person doesn't want to take a vaccine they should not have to. We're Americans. We have choice. I'm not saying people shouldn't take vaccines, I'm not saying that at all. But what I am saying is that it's a personal choice."

See what I mean?

"Fuck no!"

I undahstand! But check it?!

Remember when these muh fuckUS back in thah day, smokin like ah muh fuckah! Shit there wasn't ah warnin tah be seen on thah muh fuckin pack! Then they "researched" and found out squares were killin US muh fuckUS! Them evil muh fuckahs didn't banned 'em or stop makin 'em!



Those FED Commies made it a law tah put warnings on them shits and slapped ah warnin label on all packs of cigarettes and kept that lucrative unhealthy shit movin! Smoke now with yo broke assUS, y'alls sorry assUS have been evil FED Commie duly "Warned"!

Same thing US SHHS RFK Jr. tryin tah do diplomatically and shit!

Vaccines are like cirgarrettes, we evil FED Commie muh fuckahs been knowin them ill shits are killin y'all broke ass muh fuckUS! 

So yo broke assUS can at least have thah malice aforethought of thah innumeroUS vaccines deaths and injuries because yo broke assUS get some shit injected!

Same fuckin thing!

But, I mean, shit!

At least IN US, US broke assUS have tah be 21 tah buy ah pack of squares!

These God damned fucked up lethal vaccines have no muh fuckin




Now, that's fucked up!

Our Father's speed!

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