Does US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS experience every God damned day from thah time US awaken! Go tah fuckin work! Spend eight muh fuckin hours walkin around in pain because yo broke ass gots tah make ah "proper' US livin!? PCP ain't givin ah shit, I mean, shit...unless ah muh fuckah wants tah evilly have hip and knee replacement surgeries!
Them evil desensitized orthopedic surgeons don't give one solid US fuck!
Now...that my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS is some
InHumane type of evil shit
US is
Y'alls sorry evil assUS can honestly sit in front of my old Black sorry broke osteoarthritic diagnosed tellin me:
You can heart transplant! You can liver transplant! You can penile transplant! Make a girl into a boy! And a boy into a girl!...
But thah science doesn't look too well for close tah 52.1 million Americans dealin with this obvioUS disease! And thah best these FED commie scientists, doctors, surgeons have come up with is,
"You're going to have hip and knee replacement surgeries Meredith."
That's thah best you sorry ass doctors and scienific muh fuckahs have fucked-up
US got?!
Openin up, sawin on an old niggUS bones, replacin thah shit with this type of manmade alloy metal shit that my broke Black ass, has not ah clue thah origin! Ye! Old US muh fuckUS clockin my fucked-up walkin be like,
"You need that hip and knee replacement surgeries Son!"
There has tah be ah muh fuckin
US bettah!
In this
Created Our Father's
There is a natural way!
US old assUS supposed tah
Die while livin in
Now that's fucked-up!
Our Father's speed!
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