Monday, March 3, 2025

The Global World In US Real Time Movie's Unexpected Twisted End!

It ain't lookin too good for these evil FED Commie muh fuckahs!


No! And with all that God damned money!? Fuckin imbeciles! 

Look at this fucked up

US FED Commie shitshow


Got broke muh fuckUS talkin ill of

President Trump and shit, and thah muh fuckah been in office less than two months and shit!?

I mean, shit!

US put up with Biden's worthlUSs, Alzheimer's, pedo...sorry ass for four fuckin years and shit!

Lettin every God damned non-American in this


God damn!

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't sayin that this WW3 shit ain't gonnah go down!

But, I mean, shit!

If US is ah broke muh fuckah like me?!

Shut thah US fuck up!

Grab your homemade 

Popcorn!  Your

Drink of choice!

Kick back!

And let's enjoy thah evil

FED Commie fucked-up 


Fuck walkin out this complicated, don't make no sense, made for public consumption sorry ass them evil muh fuckahs been force-feedin movie!



BecaUSe this Global World shitshow,

Shall have 


Hell of an

Interestin as fuck


And an old niggah,

Can't wait!

That's if Our Father allows me tah witnUSs that proper US RighteoUS Reckoning ending shit!?

Our Father's speed!

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