Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Crazy "8"! Ain't Fuckin Crazy! And Thank You!

 Well, I am ah non-custodial parent of Our Daughter! Well, when she was youngah, niggah's ends were hurtin bad! Still ain't showin no signs of  fuckin life but fuck it! 

So, IndyGo here thah fuck We go negro!

There weren't too many children on IndyGo when ah niggah was strugglin hard!

God damn! 

Our Father!

Whew! Nigggahs and Nigresses!

You two muh fuckahs that visit this shit on ah regulah!

Undahstand some beautiful shit about 


When Our Daughter wasn't with me on the "8"!

Sometimes I'd take thah double nickels thah "55"!

Fuck that shit!

Muh fuckahs talkin ill as fuck!



Good Lawd....

Our Daughter was with me on thah "8", "28", "16", "10" or any othah bus route her and I had tah take tah get thah fuck home!


Them muh fuckahs didn't say shit ill out of respect for jUSt 

One of US

Youths being present!


US is goin tah be jUSt fuckin fine


(Peace! More to come...)

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