Monday, January 2, 2023

It's Thah Sho nuff 'P' Word

Ain't US tired in US niggah neighborhoods talkin and fuckin complainin bout that crazy shit,

'It takes a village...', 

'We needs mo Po-lice gettin involved...' (Niggah churches still tryin that sorry ass shit!)

'We needs mo neighbahhoods with a crime watch program...'

'We needs tah takes all these guns off our streets...'...

On and on that blame sorry ass game goes!

Not once did they say a God damn thing about muh fuckin 




And anothah word that not even sorry ass pimp preachers use any longer,

Pray!? "Let US pray!" Then they go intah their sorry ass soliloquy! Fuck what yo sorry ass talkin bout playah! I go that fo US! And what thah fuck are you doin sorry ass up there on thah dais? I know thah fuck yo sorry ass ain't prayin!? 

Cause they want tah do it for US sorry broke without faith Black ass selves! They don't want US tah have ah direct relationship with Our Father! Them sorry ass pimp preachers preying in front of muh fuckahs and they ain't praying about US shit! And them muh fuckahs good and well know ah muh fuckah ain't supposed tah outwardly pray! "Doth not thy hypocrite do also?"...

They don't give ah shit about US! Most often than not they don't even know US timely tithing names and shit! But stop givin yo muh fuckin tithes and see what thah fuck happens on 'Our Father's' pulpit!? That shit sho as shit is about tah turn intah ah Bully pulpit for "God"!


US niggahs are an absurd bunch!

Them wolves in sheep's clothin 

Preying bout their shit! 


Praying bout

US shit!

Each of US has an individual God given right tah have ah close relationship with 



Our Father



In a God damn

Blessed righteoUS closet!

Personally with 



And just 

A.S.K. (Ask Seek Knock.)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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