Sunday, January 8, 2023

Evil Will Get Stronger! Until US Decides To Quit Fucking And Starve Them Blessedly Out! III

 I mean the elite are sick chronic demonic adulterers! They take the oath to US, but it means as much as the vows which they took with their given spouses!


The last thing they really wanted to do! But they have to for their tribal perpetual bloodline sakes!

And them sorry muh fuckahs know they're doin wrong!

If them sorry degenerate muh fuckahs are lying about raping lil boys and girls, drinking adrenochrome, drinking blood, eating lil babies fetuses, consuming human flesh, human sacrifices...


Them hypocritical miscreants are the ones who sent their cronies sittin up there makin that catchy phrase:

"When one admits they have a problem, one starts the steps to healing!"

And them muh fuckahs ain't even trying to fuckin get healed!


There is no hope for them!

And they need to be


By any means!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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