Thursday, January 5, 2023

Back Then: Put Doubt To Evil. Now: Put Evil To Doubt!

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black broke sorry ass!


Yeah! I know and undahstand! Believe me I do!

But fuck it!

Men dressin as women and women dressin as men!

Well, back in thah day they did that shit because they trained the boys and the men defensive combat!

Yo rich ass try tah rape me with my dressin up girly boy ass, I'll kick or kill that ass...if I wants to!

It was about protecting the female!

As fucked up as that shit reads!

Yah see, if ah foe doesn't know who in thah family is really ah male or ah female, then they can't figure out the prized females they need to 


(Peace! More to come...)

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