Saturday, July 30, 2022

State Of Lugubriousness

He’d like to think that it was all a dream. But how could it be when he was assuredly awake. Was he? Of course, he was awake. Preposterous to think any different.

He was driving to work on a Monday. From home to work with light traffic it took him a little over sixteen minutes and some change. And though it was a short trip to work he dreaded it, especially on a Monday with four more days of the grind left, that’s if he got through today?

He didn’t drive with the radio on, or drive with an audio book…he just listened to the cars one hundred eighty thousand miles engine with a little of the outside noise coming through the various crevices and thought.

Fifty-six years old and still work taking away critical seconds, minutes, hours, days…that he had left. He smiled solemnly to that last thought. He was in a melancholy mood, which wasn’t uncommon but today it was getting the best of him. Why? Cause life was ticking bye ever so swiftly with the banality of working to live. Oh, he never lived to work like some of his coworkers did. He thought that was strange somehow.

He flipped down his indicator lever to signal going over into the passing lane. Looked over at his driver side mirror, then looked over his left shoulder into the passing lane making sure there was no one in his blind spot …

(Peace! More to come...)

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