Sunday, July 31, 2022

Forever Entitlements Only Apply To The Sorry Ass Elite! For Now...

 Broke muh fuckahs tryin tah talk about laws, rights and shit!


Them muh fuckahs don't give ah good sorry God damned shit bout Our muh fuckin sorry ass perceived rights or Our sorry ass perceived laws!

Yah see? 

There's always ah disconnect!

Cause rich muh fuckahs don't fuckin work!

But We do!

We always have to work fo Our 

God given rights!

But they don't!


"Draining the swamp!"

Doesn't have fuckin dick tah do with US!

Fuck no!

That shit has every muh fuckin thing tah do with the

Blood sucking invasive vampirical mosquitos We know as thah sorry ass lazy entitled elite! 

They feed off of Our sorry stupid blind asses!

But it's high time fo Our sorry broke asses tah start fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

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