Sunday, July 3, 2022

Royal Bloodlines? Go To Work!

 But did yah peep thah game these sorry asses did

And are still doin tah US?

Oh, the niggers! Oh, the Mexicans. Those damn Africans!!!...

Whatevah you evil muh fuckahs!?

Don't mean dick!

Cause when it came down tah this here agenda of thah vaccines?!




I don't give ah good fuck!

Yo sorry broke asses gonnah take this shit! 

Or else!


Bettah start recognizin?

They laughin their evil, shiftless, entitled...sorry asses off at US!

Gettin ah fuckin bellyful off Our sorry asses!

Them muh fuckahs gots too much time on their fuckin hands with those lazy asses!...


When We gonnah fuckin overstand!

It has nevah been about fucking skin color!

It has nevah been about fucking male or female! Oh, shit...whatevah...

It has never been about gender identification!...

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck naw!

Tah all that muh fuckin noise!...

But it has always been about thah fuckin elite 

Red Tribalism!

So their lazy no count havin asses can come up with thah plethora of reasons their sorry lazy asses won't evah have tah  muh fuckin


Like thah fuckin rest of 

US do!

Because of their sorry ugly ass 

Lineage of


God damned!


NiggUS please!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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