Sunday, July 31, 2022

Don't Mess With That Ass!

 I watch this dude's channel on bitchute.

He goes by the name of "Jim Crenshaw".

Don't know if that's his real name or not!

But I's gives ah fuck!

He uploaded this video with ah muh fuckah kickin a fuckin donkey in the face multiple times.

It was brutal!

I ain't no animal rights activists or no shit like that cause I eat animal meat!

Thah Holy fuck!

I can't sit up there and verbally chastise ah muh fuckah doin somethin to an animal and I'm eatin animal meat! Yah know!

But thah shit was rough tah watch!

For real!

I'm lookin at thah shit and sayin tah myself, "Thah fuck muh fuckah! Don't be doin that shit! That's fuckin cruel as shit!"

But oh Sonshines!

That muh fuckah decided he was goin tah mount that ass!

That donkey reached around with his head and bit that muh fuckah's right leg and didn't let go!

And that muh fuckah was squealin like a stuck pig!

Oh, shit!

I laughed until tears came out of my fuckin eyes!

Sweet fuckin revenge fo sho!

One of thah best videos I have evah fuckin seen!


Still laughin at that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 When my wife or my daughter aren't around I break down oft times!

Crying over some bullshit!

People want tah call it depression!


I've always had that shit!

And that shit ain't it!

Some primal bullshit!

Nothing tangible but tangible all the same!

It gets on my fuckin nerves somethin terrible!

I say to myself:

Thee Holy fuck niggah!

Oh, shit you sorry ol Black sorry muh fuckah!

Get cho shit togethah!

I do...eventually!

But I know in my core

It won't be thah last


(Peace! More to come...)


 I got this shit goin on with my immune system causin these ugly red spots all on my ol Black sorry broke ass!

And yes they are even on my ol Black broke sorry ass!


So thah doctor said!

When I first got them I thought to myself:

Thah fuck I do?!

But that last question was and is rhetorical!

I know that!

Disobedience is ah muh fuckah!

Work that shit out niggah!

Just pray!

Quit fuckin up!

Be obedient!

And prayerfully 

No more horrible fuckin Godawful  


It's goin tah be just fine


I pray!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Prayerfully Beautiful!

Pray every fuckin day!

I pray every two hours while awake! 

It cost yo ol Black sorry broke ass no thing!



But the reward Sonshines!


Is fucking priceless for

US all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

At-Will Them!

 Yah see here's why my ol Black sorry ass is fuckin tired!

They have insurmountable proof the muh fuckahs rused US!

But ain't shit happenin!

Nobody done did shit!

Muh fuckahs want tah talk about,

"It takes time for these types of delicate situations to be rectified."




Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckahs are dying cause of their sorry ass lying shit!

We ain't got no time fo no fuckin waltz!

Like MC5 said so long ago:

"Kick out the jams mothah fuckahs!"

Time fo these lazy worthless pieces of shit tah fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Nichelle Nichols Dies At 89"



Fuck "Star Trek"!

I remembah her from "Truck Turner"!

Talkin shit and takin muh fuckin numbahs!

"This fine bitch here worth thirty-four thousand a year!" On her back!

Ah fuckin Madam don't cha know!?

Don't try and play me!


God speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Bill Russell Dies At 88 Years Old"

 Thee Holy fuck!

How long do these muh fuckahs think ah 

Human muh fuckah lasts?!

Take ah shot!

Yah gonnah eventually miss!

Rebound tah happen!


God damn!

God speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuckin Techies!

 I have a niece. 

She's one of maybe thirty.

Yeah I have eleven siblings and when yo sorry Black broke ass comes from an Apostolic/Pentecostal family yah get what cha broke ol Black sorry ass gets.

I love her dearly because she has a good fuckin heart!

But shiiiought!

She, like my wife, is a techy.

So, I sent her some shit!

Her response:

"Video from Android to iPhone" is thumbs down!


I don't give ah fuckin shit!

I'm an ol Black sorry ass muh fuckah just tryin tah keep in touch!

But cha received thah shit that I sent cha right?!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Alt + K Outlook

 Check it!

Shortcuts tah this muh fuckah is ah muh fuckin blast!

Honing Our skills!



Even more 




Even more 


(Peace! More to come...)

Clandestinely Speaking Old School Style

 Muh fuckahs always wants tah show off what thah fuck they doin!

That's ah muh fuckin death sentence muh fuckahs!

Keep that shit on the DL!

Why thah fuck yah gonnah tell thah muh fuckin enemy what cho sorry Black broke ass is doin!?

Shut the fuck up with that shit!

Do We honestly think Tiktok, Facebook, Tinder, Grinder, Yahoo, Google...

Was invented tah facilitate


Get ah muh fuckin clue Sonshines!

It's called espionage!

"Well mister smartass what the fuck are you doing!?"


It's called fucking


Don't nobody fuckin read no fuckin mo!

Hence thah one or two blog views every sorry ass 

Six months!

But a niggah got 


(Peace! More to come...)

Real Help!

 I read and watch a lot of anti-mainstream shit!

Most of the shit is quite proper!

But I smile oft times while reading or watching the shit!

Cause most of the narrative is flawed!

If yo sorry broke ass is gonnah help US othah sorry broke asses!

Yah ain't fuckin helpin US by callin 


Stupid, ignorant, uninformed, uneducated...!

Yah see?!

That's what they're doin!?

But some instances...

We need that type of wake up call kindah shit!


But not all thah fucking time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Forever Entitlements Only Apply To The Sorry Ass Elite! For Now...

 Broke muh fuckahs tryin tah talk about laws, rights and shit!


Them muh fuckahs don't give ah good sorry God damned shit bout Our muh fuckin sorry ass perceived rights or Our sorry ass perceived laws!

Yah see? 

There's always ah disconnect!

Cause rich muh fuckahs don't fuckin work!

But We do!

We always have to work fo Our 

God given rights!

But they don't!


"Draining the swamp!"

Doesn't have fuckin dick tah do with US!

Fuck no!

That shit has every muh fuckin thing tah do with the

Blood sucking invasive vampirical mosquitos We know as thah sorry ass lazy entitled elite! 

They feed off of Our sorry stupid blind asses!

But it's high time fo Our sorry broke asses tah start fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

What Ukraine?! Next Booty On Duty!

 They say tah US that it's ah war ovah in that muh fuckah!

For real!?


That bullshit done went from news?

To no news!

It is said: 

"No news is good news!"

Which means:

Putin done put those Russian Orthodox Christian Red Boots in that New World Order elite loving sorry no count havin,

Zelensky's ass!

And Putin ain't about tah pull them muh fuckahs out anytime soon


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Usury! Makes US Stronger Against Them! And Our Murderous Bloody Revolution Is Nigh!

Usury is 

The greatest demon tah 


Used by, of course, tha lazy no count muh fuckin sorry ass non-workin elite to suppress


But thah most wondrous Beautiful thing that is happening My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs amid


Is that 

We are getting closer to Our Father!

Not getting farther away from Our Father, 

Like these sorry Luciferian Fatherless elite muh fuckahs are tryin tah convince 


To believe!

And them muh fuckhahs are in ah muh fuckin God damned heap load of


(Peace! More to come...)

Given Our Choices! I'd Rather Die A Singleton!


I was one too!

When all that you view, hear, the mainstream?

You become and are mainstream!

But when yo ol Black sorry broke ass starts researchin some shit that's not the main stream!


It becomes a lonely muh fuckin

Absurd place tah be livin


(Peace! More to come...)

State Of Lugubriousness

He’d like to think that it was all a dream. But how could it be when he was assuredly awake. Was he? Of course, he was awake. Preposterous to think any different.

He was driving to work on a Monday. From home to work with light traffic it took him a little over sixteen minutes and some change. And though it was a short trip to work he dreaded it, especially on a Monday with four more days of the grind left, that’s if he got through today?

He didn’t drive with the radio on, or drive with an audio book…he just listened to the cars one hundred eighty thousand miles engine with a little of the outside noise coming through the various crevices and thought.

Fifty-six years old and still work taking away critical seconds, minutes, hours, days…that he had left. He smiled solemnly to that last thought. He was in a melancholy mood, which wasn’t uncommon but today it was getting the best of him. Why? Cause life was ticking bye ever so swiftly with the banality of working to live. Oh, he never lived to work like some of his coworkers did. He thought that was strange somehow.

He flipped down his indicator lever to signal going over into the passing lane. Looked over at his driver side mirror, then looked over his left shoulder into the passing lane making sure there was no one in his blind spot …

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 29, 2022


 I do most of the grocery shopping in this household.

These grocers pricing unfrozen:

Chicken Wings @ $4.99 lb. 

Fucking absurd!

I laughed so hard today at witnessin that shit

A fellow shopper thought I was mad!

And I am most certainly not!

That shit can rot in that refrigerated case as far as I'm concerned!

These no count fuckers!

"Whatever the market will bear?"

Well this household ain't bearing it!

Fuck that noise!


Chicken thighs @ $1.29 lb!

Now that's what this household was 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Basic Training Mantra: "Kill 'em all Drill Sergeant! Let God sort it out!"

 All the shit that comes out of the news, law enforcement, television, Hollywood, politics, judiciary...

Tells Our sorry broke asses to: "Have mercy on the elite murderers cause they don't know what's right! They know not what they do! And if you are a good person? You will not be like them and kill!"


Fuck that sorry tired ass fuckin noise!

Time for them muh fuckahs tah fuckin die!

Even Our Father smiteth!

And I'm tryin tah be just like

Our Father!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 24, 2022

We Are Part Of This US Landscape

 Muh fuckahs kill my Black broke sorry ass!

"Oh here this niggah go...yet, again!"


Ain't no shame!

Fuckin tired!

"Where I'm from it is so beautiful..."

Why thah fuck are you here!

I ain't evah!

Busted ah move tah anothah country tah make ah muh fuckin livin!

Or wanted someplace othah than this place tah be my home!

I'm here Sonshines! 

Always have been!

So the query still stands in repose?


Why thah fuck are you here!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Don't fall for it!

That's all my Black sorry broke ass can suggest tah yah!

We are being hunted!



But it's high time Sonshines tah quit bein thah


(Peace! More to come...)

Black Is White

 Fuck these muh fuckahs!

Have yah noticed in Our fair city of Indianapolis thah muh fuckin uptick in thah African population round these parts?!

I mean like,

Bam muh fuckin "Who's Her's"!

"Well you're African American what are you talking about?"

Oh, I'm definitely American!

And ah Black ass one tah boot!

But let me tell yah somethin Sonshines!

I sho as shit!

Ain't no fuckin


With y'alls black rude muh fuckin darky asses!

And get thah Holy fuck off thah muh fuckin phone!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Perfect Place In Our Human Space

 We have tah start appreciatin Our individual truths


Ain't nothin perfect!

Like Terrell said in Blade Runner tah ol crazy Baty,

"We made you as best as We could Roy."...


So let it be written!

So let it be done!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Massive Greenland ice melt: 18 billion tons in 3 days - Yahoo Homepage"

 It's called weather modification fuckers!

That shit makes me laugh like ah muh fuckah now!

Once yo sorry Black broke ass starts diggin!


I'm hip tah yo tired ass muh fuckin game with y' alls no count, get ah fuckin real job, lazy elite sorry muh fuckin asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"How Did You Die? - Edmund Vance Cooke"

 Which brings US tah this muh fuckah!

My second favorite poem!


Fuckin live!

And be thah best muh fuckah every day that has served



(Peace! More to come...)

"House By The Side Of The Road - Sam Walter Foss" II

 I love this poem!

Absolutely fuckin love this shit!


Yah gonnah die Sonshines!

That's ah muh fuckin 


Yo sorry ass gonnah fuckin die!



But how?!

Not if!

Yo sorry Black ass gonnah fuckin die assuredly!

And again!

But how?...

(Peace! More to come,..)

Kids' Stuff?



Aftah all that muh fuckin pain of havin these lil muh fuckahs!

Yah gonnah let muh fuckahs call 'em


Young muh fuckin quadruped goats!?

God damn!

And get away with thah shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Holly Wood


Talkin bout hidden in plain fuckin sight!



You'll be fuckin blown away by thah


Yo sorry broke asses


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Whatever Is Clever!

 There are two people that keeps my Black sorry broke ass in check!

My Wife!


My Daughter!

Best two gifts that has evah been given tah 

My ol Black lonely broke sorry ass!

For real!


Cause with out 'em!

I'd be straight murderin these elite


For real!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

Think Tank

 I love talkin tah my daughter.

She has some interesting shit that she spits!

I smile inwardly all thah while she's



She's ah muh fuckin 


And God damn!

I'm her co-creator!

How thee Holy Fuck that happened tah ah ol broke Black ass sorry muh fuckah like


(Peace! More to come...)

"Fine Again - Seether"

 This shit's only gonna last ah minute in Our humans' lifetime!

Sorry muh fuckahs tryin tah make ah big deal out some bullshit!


Suck it thah fuck up Sonshines!

Cause We gonna be just fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 21, 2022

FTF (Fuck The Fed) Cocktail

 1 shot vodka

2 shots "Fireball"

3 ounces pineapple juice

3 ounces mango juice

Splash of grenadine

Splash of vermouth


Shake until frothy and chilled.


(Peace! More to come...)

"Just Gotstah Be Ill - NervUSnoUS" Dropped Sunday 01Jan2023 0003


Mothah fuckahs!

I don't know what I just said!


Mothah fuckahs!

I don't know the shit I'm gonna dread!


Mothah fuckahs!

I know the perpetrators keepin me on!


Mothah fuckahs!

And tHey go by the name of muh fuckin


("Please drink responsibly.")

"Where no man has gone before!"

 Come ohn naw!?

Sci-fi shit!

Of course!

Every Human has their own individual

Thought processes!

And now that I got cho muh fuckin sorry ass attention!?

Check this shit out?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Potential Mental Growth

 They stifle it cunningly so!

Quite abhorrent behavior!

Cause We just nevah know thah extent of thah muh fuckah's breadth that yo sorry no count havin asses


(Peace! More to come...)

Truthful Personal Perspectives

 Muh fuckahs wanna keep havin arguments bout





I believe thah shit is flat!

"What! That's absurd!"

And I undahstand!

Yah see how easy thah shit should


Cause fuck it!

Ain't nobody gonna be 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 18, 2022

I Have Been A Woman, A Mouse, A Bee, A Fly, A Pig...

  My next life I'm sure will be

A big ol dick!

Always been an alright dick!

But bein ah big ol dick!?

One can only ponder

Tah evah be such ah big ol


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Black Mirrors Are In 99 Percent Of US Households!

And with CERN kickin the evil electricity up to anothah level times 33!?


 Like Howard Beale would have said so long ago,

"Turn it off! 

Turn the shit off!


What on God's Earth are you people waiting for!?

Turn it the fuck off!

Right fucking 



Boosters!? II

 Then yo sorry ass starts comin tah thah realization that

We gettin boosted because mainstream media tells US so!

There is not one elite mainstream "news" story adverse tah this shit!

Not! Fucking! One!



Yah think!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Brittney Griner Russian Incident


Where they gonnah put that muh fuckah?!

In a Women's jail!?


In a Men's jail!?

Cause Russia ain't supposed tah play that shit!

So whatever they decide!

That'll be yo sorry ass muh fuckin answah!

But shiiiought!

Who thah fuck's sayin sHe's even in 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Alcohol Medicament Predicament

When he saw the stream, he started to panic ever so slightly! More pink than red but usually, until this void, came out slightly yellow or damn near clear. He just stared at the pinkish stream thinking just one thing, Pancreatitis! 

But it didn't surprise him one bit. Since his Father's passing in1994 and his Mother's passing in 2004, which just escalated the drinking, he had medicated himself with at least two or more drinks everyday. Feeling the pressure in his bladder lessen he was still amazed by the still pinkish flow? Please turn yellow or clear. Please.? He was still hoping by the last shake before he tucked in and zipped up. 

He was washing his hands and looking at himself in the mirror located face level right over the bathroom sink. Just looking into his eyes thinking, man whatever it is, this is going to hurt! And I'm going to have to quit drinking!? That thought made him panic even more. He looked down at his hands, now clean. Turned the faucet off. Got a paper towel off of the spool, began drying. He looked up at himself in the mirror again, then said to himself...I'm ready.

Threw away the papery refuse.


It was time to take his bevy of morning supplements when he noticed the one he just started taking since yesterday. The six ounce container of Beet Juice Powder that he was heavy handed with the banana, peanut butter, raspberry, blueberry, coconut milk and beet juice powder smoothie when he had made for himself...yesterday evening...

He smiled big! Then thought to himself:

Thank God! 

I can still drink alcohol!...

(Peace! More to come...)

LaMDA Is Just HAL 9000's Ugly Younger Sibling!

 Thah Holy fuck ah niggah


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 16, 2022


 Fuck I want my wife or somebody else supposed tah be livin their best lives wipin my ol Black sorry tired ass up, from me soilin myself!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Don't know bout chou Sonshines?

But fuck that shit!


Time fo my very tired ol broke Black sorry no count havin ass tah fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 It's coo!

Quite copacetic in 


But I'll tell yah somethin 


Fool me once!

Shame on me!

Fool me twice!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tithes And Shit!


Muh fuckahs talkin bout what's wrong with society and shit!?

I'll sho nuff tell yah!

Cause even when yo sorry broken Black ass goes tah 


Yo muh fuckin sorry broke Black ass still guilted tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Elite Global Human Programming (EGHP), Upside Down Pyramid And They Start With US Children!

 How thah Holy fuck!

Can ah muh fuckin sorry no count havin ass adult!

Write, direct...ah muh fuckin movie made

For children!?

Shouldn't children be writin and directin that

Muh fuckah!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Elite Systemic Starvation Tests (TESST)/Godlessness

 An hungred!

Are some weak muh fuckahs!

And we ain't talkin bout no

Global  tangible edible food


(Peace! More to come....)

Due Date?!

 When yo sorry asses fuckin with thah core of



Yah gottah pay thah muh fuckin vig on that shit!





(Peace! More to come...)


 Look at it like this please


Every evil thing that has evah transgressed


Has always been



(Peace! More to come...)

The Ultimate Cycle

 This universe is just made up of ah manmade firmament!

Oh, the firmament is real!

Always will be!

But Humans?...

We be fuckin up


Less We forget Our


(Peace! More to come...)

"Codex Alimentarius" And Start Stockpiling Supplements!

 Food code! 

A couple of Latin based bullshit words put togethah tah confuse US!

Tryin tah take away Human essential supplements from thah fine US manufacturers still holdin it down makin thah shit for thah benefit of 


Muh fuckahs say, "Well how do you know it is what it is?!"

Cause it is!

If yah take a Kelp supplement yah start undahstandin some shit, there 'll be a slight seaweed aftertaste!

"Well the way science is, they could just formulate the taste given the supplement taken!?"

Too many muh fuckin risks!

Ain't no way they'd be that muh fuckin stupid!

They ain't been around fo the duration of my lifetime and stiffin consumahs all this God damned time!

Fuck no!

And when I witness an organization under the umbrella of the United Nations tryin their fuckin best tah make a supplement a global prescribed medication!? 


We bettah recognize and start fuckin takin and start fuckin

Fightin for

Our daily essential


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Our Heathen Selves! II

 You know My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

I was watchin "Judge Judy" one time

And these two muh fuckahs complainin bout child support and shit!

Oh J.J. told their broke Black sorry asses bout makin babies when yo ass sho nuff can't afford 'em:

"The first One is a mistake! The second One is a misdemeanor! The third One is a


At first I said, God damn that's some cold ass shit!

But then I thought more about it.


She was in Family Court for years!

Now, she's just cuttin through thah muh fuckin 

Human bullshit!

Y'alls sorry lazy ass muh fuckahs just loves tah work at 

Just fuckin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Heathen Selves!

 What's wrong with these muh fuckahs!?


Broke ass muh fuckahs still makin babies!?

Thee Holy fuck!

In this shit We bout tah get hit fuckin real hard with!

Get ah muh fuckin clue!


And muh fuckahs still concernin themselves bout just fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 11, 2022

It's Just All Mysticism! The Chaldean Reckoning...And What About US!?

 "Luciferian Cabal, Jewish Cabal, Masonic Cabal, Catholic Cabal..."

By any other name...

Is still fuckin evil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

F Stops And The Zombie Apocalypse!

 Damn skippy!

Let's look at thah muh fuckin aperture!

My broke Black sorry ass lenses just as genuine as Yours!

But let's talk about yo sorry ass truths?!

Up's down!

Down's up!

Right is wrong!

Wrong is right!...

Got that right!?...


Yah fuckin see!

Yo sorry no count havin asses are even fucking


(Peace! More to come...)


 I remembah this patient I was talkin to. Maybe...shiiiought! Twenty-five years ago some shit! He was from Chicago. We started talkin bout some shit. 

He said, "These lil niggahs thinkin in Nap they hard and shit! Sheeeit! I take 'em tah some of those joints in Chicago!? Where I'm from! They'd be so fuckin scared it'd be pitiful tah fuckin see! They'd be pissin in their drawls and shit!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Channel 8

 Gottah muh fuckin local television station

Lyin their muh fuckin asses off!

And ain't nobody sayin shit!

"All local. All the time."

Is thah fuckin Ukraine 


Washington, D.C.!?...


(Peace! More to come...)

Enough Said!

 You are perfect!

Do you undahstand that shit 

My Dear Sistahs and Brothahs!

You're perfect!


It's them elite muh fucahs tryin tah make yo broke sorry asses


(Peace! More to come...)

Elite Cockroaches!

 Muh fuckahs kill my Black broke sorry ass!


Fuckin tired!


Can't tell ah muh fuckah bout no God damned thang bout US truths! 

Fuck naw!

Just say some aside shit every once and awhile,

Plantin seeds and shit!

That's only all thah fuck yo sorry Black broke ass can fuckin do!


And when that fuckin light that finally comes on within all of


That's only fuckin an half block up and bust that Right!?


Them muh fuckahs gonna scattah like ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 7, 2022

"Judy Holliday" et al!

 Them muh fuckahs been at it fo ah long muh fuckin time Sonshines!

God damned!

And they still don't give ah

Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I smile at myself oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I do that kindah flippity flop shit!

Most of thah time!


Can't stand this shit!

Then given thah circumstance and occasion, somebody will say and do some shit that is so Humanly adorable!...

Yo sorry doubtin ass, even fo a brief moment,

Gotstah give US some straight dap! 


Oh yes!

We gonnah be just fine!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

When In Doubt? Pray!

 Oh, whatevah it takes Sonshines!

By whatevah means!

Our Father

Will not let the



Believe that shit into your sorry broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)

A Pure Naturalist! Lover Of Music! There Is No Character Of Race!

 Some purist wouldn't call it "Music" at all!


"Ever since You was a Peewee/ Down my knee/ With a wee-wee...."

Pac spittin some shit!

Now come ohn!

That's some lyrical melodic shit!

Okay, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

Maybe not!?...

But that shit is music tah my ol Black broke sorry ass

Just thah same!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Zibble Zibble Get The Money - The Gap Band"

 "Zibble zay yeah!..."

One of the best of The Gap Band's songs!


And muh fuckahs still sleepin on thah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Can You Stand The Rain - New Edition"

 That's some beautiful shit tah me Sonshines!

My ol broke Black sorry ass be swayin like ah muh fuckah!

Fuck it!

I'm here Sonshines fo whatevah thah fuck reason!...

"On a perfect day/ I know that I can count on you..."

Come ohn naw!?

"Love unconditional/ I'm not asking just of you..."


(Peace! More to come...)

"Cold Cold Heart - Elton John, Dua Lipa (PNAU Remix)" Bad Shit!

 Thah muh fuckin song is funky as fuck!

My ol Black sorry ass be gone!

Kickin fuckin rocks!

Ol hips be swayin!

Ol ugly face, head noddin like ah muh fuckah!


Thah video is some gay ass shit!

But thah gays 're on tah some shit!

Yo sorry asses remembah

"Jermaine Stewart - The Word Is Out"!

Quite funky!

I don't give ah fuckin shit!

I calls 'em as I

Sees 'em!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Transhumanism On Total Display

 Everything that I have researched only makes me overstand even more:

Zoos are nothing more than a showcase of 


Twisted  fucked up muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Missing You

 I remembah!

Bein ah non-custodial parent and all. When she was younger I got to have visitation with her every other week, a week at a time. She was young, young enough I had to strap her into the car seat every time We rolled out. 

I remembah!

I had picked her up. Strapped her into the car seat. Kissed her on the forehead. Closed the passenger rear door. Walked around to the driver's door. Opened it. And settled in. Looked back at her and said,

"You ready tah roll out Momma?"

And she said, 

"I missed you Daddy!" With this beatific smile on her face.

"And I missed you too! And McDonald's it is!"


I started driving to McDonald's looking back at her through the rearview mirror, she still lookin at me, and I smiled back at her and every time nodded my head.


Until she was born!

Ain't nobody evah missed me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Be A Proud Black American!

 You may think I'm kiddin wtih you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

But they're some hardcore niggahs that will not eat,

A banana;

Fried chicken;


In front of mixed company because of thah sorry ass negative stereotypes related tah the delicacies aforementioned because of these sorry ass elite sick muh fuckahs done

Conditioned in US!

I suggests tah 'em all thah fuckin time!

So what?! An Italian gonnah stop eatin fuckin pasta!?

An Asian gonna stop eatin rice!?

A Mexican gonna stop eatin tacos!?...

In front of ah muh fuckah!?

Fuck that!

Eat that shit!

It's delicious!

And I'm glad tah tell yah:

It's American all the same!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV


What these evil muh fuckahs doin ?!

Has been done!


Thah elite are fuckin

Stupid fo no damn reason

Except that they wannah stay fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Britney Spears" Got The Program!

 Beta-Kitten programming at its best!

And a MTF fo sho!

Weird ass shit!

"Hidden in plain sight!"


Damn fuckin right bout that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Well do-tell!

Who thah fuck knew!?

"Macy Gray"!?

Is ah biological


Thee Holy fuck!?

Right fuckin on! 

And keep preachin that shit Sis!

But I'd challenge that ass on growin up as ah 

Girl shit yo sorry ass spittin!

Cause I thought that ass was a 

MTF fo sho!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 4, 2022

"Saved By Zero - The Fixx" And The Human Unblemished Game Play Against Royal Satanism!

 Our Father doesn't want US tah fail!


Our asses be undefeated in this Heaven!

Argue that absolute shit all that yo sorry lazy asses want!?

That win shit fo y'alls sorry lazy no count practice havin asses

Ain't gonnah evah fuckin

Work or come to 


By winning without work!

With those lazy tired incantations sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Naturally Speaking of Course: Minerals, Metals And Trace Amounts

 That's all that Our sorry asses are!

A composition from Our firmament!

For thah Human survival sake!

An harmonious balance in 


And that's if!?

We wannah believe in 

Human scientists!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck The Fourth!

 What does this Fourth of July bullshit mean tah my ol broke Black sorry ass!?


Othah broke asses, makin loud fuckin noises with fireworks goin off in thah neighborhood until the wee fuckin hours in thah mornin! And them muh fuckahs have not ah muh fuckin clue why they settin off thah nuisance fireworks?!

Their answah:

"Cause it's what ah muh fuckah do on July Fourth!"


And an ol niggah, like me, gottah get up in thah wee fuckin hours of thah muh fuckin mornin fo



And yah gottah put up with that fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Been Tried A Plethora Of Times Before!

Thah evil lazy muh fuckahs tryin tah starve out 

US poor! 


Muh fuckahs worryin bout thah food supply and shit!

Fuck it!

Hunger is good for thah fuckin spirit!

Keeps Our sorry asses grounded! 

Start understanding needs!

Instead of fuckin wants!

Will We get to thah point We lookin emaciated?


Will We get to thah point We lookin like ah crackhead?


Thah mind and body will always adjust with the adverse conditions put upon


Shit! It ain't like every muh fuckah is out here layin concrete, roofin, workin in ah foundry..!?...

Fuck no!

Most jobs now We don't use that type of energy tah use up all thah garbage of food We have ingested daily anyway!

So fuck'em!

We'll be just fine


We have always 


And most definitely will



(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Stranger Than Fucking Fiction

 I'd shoot yo monkey ass too!

Makin my ass work when I should be workin?!

Hot as hell outside, makin my ass sweat luggin fifteen or more pounds around my body, of officer protection gear, tah boot!?

Thah Holy fuck!...

Have yah evah spoken tah ah Law Enforcement Official personally?!


Them some weird muh fuckahs!

Manchurian candidates times three!

For real!

Can't chah just here "Alexa" in their ears like on 

"Demolition Man"?

"Tell the nigger to put the weapon down or else?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Firmamently Grounded

 I don't know? 

Well I guess I do know!

I wasn't really here until my Daughter arrived then my Wife.

Shit, if one or the two together didn't happen?


I don't know!

I had purchased my one way ticket to


I'm thah fuck out this bitch!

God damnit!...

Alas; here I be.

But for the grace of

Our Father!

My Black broke sorry ass is still here as ah


At thah very most! 

For them!

And that is,

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...

A Beautiful Gracious thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Contemptuous? I'll Be God Damned!

 Muh fuckahs showin this bullshit every fuckin chance they get about 


Oft times I watch thah shit!

Perry Mason, Matlock, Law And Order: Criminal Intent...yah know?

Evergreens in thah syndication capacity!

I smile.


Make believe all yah fuckin want tah!

Fuck yeah I'm gonnah take thah muh fuckin stand in my own defense!

And every muh fuckin question yo sorry ass asks me? My muh fuckin sorry Black broke on trial ass for murder responses are gonnah be:

"I didn't do it!"

"Your honor please tell the defendant he must answer thah question?!'

"Mister Hopson if you don't answer the prosecutors questions that are posed, I must find you in contempt!"

"Thank you, your honor. Now Mister Hopson, where were you on the evening of June sixth two thousand twenty-two/!?

"Then in contempt I shall be! Cause I! Didn't! Do it!"...

That's if...

 Yo sorry Black broke ass ain't did some


(Peace! More to come...)

Blood Drives (21 Years Old, Elite, Ethan Getty) Circa 2023

 Yea bro! We've been doin that shit forever bro!?

Trip out on that shit for real!

Then we're talking about honey and bees...

Yeah bro! It's that deep!

And there is a thing about the taste of blood given the species and where it spent most of it's habitat.

Come on bro?! That was a long time ago. That was before....

That's what they're calling it? "A new thing"?!

Shit! We've always known that human plasma and human blood can sustain existence even through the worst of times! 

Nurient rich!

We call it!

Do I still do that? 

Fuck naw bro!

You ever tasted a fuckin double cheeseburger with onions, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes and extra pickles from 

"Five Guys"?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Royal Bloodlines? Go To Work!

 But did yah peep thah game these sorry asses did

And are still doin tah US?

Oh, the niggers! Oh, the Mexicans. Those damn Africans!!!...

Whatevah you evil muh fuckahs!?

Don't mean dick!

Cause when it came down tah this here agenda of thah vaccines?!




I don't give ah good fuck!

Yo sorry broke asses gonnah take this shit! 

Or else!


Bettah start recognizin?

They laughin their evil, shiftless, entitled...sorry asses off at US!

Gettin ah fuckin bellyful off Our sorry asses!

Them muh fuckahs gots too much time on their fuckin hands with those lazy asses!...


When We gonnah fuckin overstand!

It has nevah been about fucking skin color!

It has nevah been about fucking male or female! Oh, shit...whatevah...

It has never been about gender identification!...

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck naw!

Tah all that muh fuckin noise!...

But it has always been about thah fuckin elite 

Red Tribalism!

So their lazy no count havin asses can come up with thah plethora of reasons their sorry lazy asses won't evah have tah  muh fuckin


Like thah fuckin rest of 

US do!

Because of their sorry ugly ass 

Lineage of


God damned!


NiggUS please!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Come Up

 All things being considered. 

If you don't live in a rural area or a suburban area that has oft times limited resources without traveling a far distance for necessities. But other than that, lock it up!

Start spending Indiana's US money proximally.

Make a demarcation circle, your home being at the center. 

Plot out a nine mile circumference.

If the circumference goes over into another county, then add the other blocks or miles that you are loosing to other directions outside the perimeter, for facilitation purposes, of course being mindful of where One is spending One's money, things need to be altered in this instance because One is trying...

And for six months! Do not spend one God damned muh fuckin hard earned dollah outside that nine mile boundary!


You'll be pleasantly surprised!..

(Peace! More to come...)

Quit Shuffling

 You evah watched thah movie "Hollywood Shuffle" My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

Robert Townsend!

My niggah!

Man, that's some funny ass shit! 

Had me rollin'!

But anyway...there was a theme throughout thah movie of tryin tah make the shit happen in Hollywood!


And the grandmother told him:

"You know they're hiring at the post office?"

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hegelian Dialectics




The Two Party System (Democrat and Republican)



(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Shapes And Sizes II


And if stupid ass muh fuckin men will spend 

Fifteen-thousand fo some fuckin stupid ass

Hair Transplant!?

God damn!...

For ah bigger dick!?

A penile transplant?!


Name yo fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

Shapes And Sizes

We've become shallow muh fuckahs! 

Every time yah turn round they showin women's big titties and big asses!


If I was ah teenagah now!?

I'd be jackin off all the God damned time!


Instant big titties and instant big asses!...

Just sayin!


Because the elite want tah make ah real woman with 

Regular titties and asses tah feel shame!

Them some evil muh fuckahs!


Start showin and commercializing six percent of real men's big dicks

All the God damned time yah lookin at topical shit!


Instantly ninety-four percent of US real men will

Feel real fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Predictability Kills II

 Why would SCOTUS repeal Roe v Wade!?

Thuh only muh fuckin reason I can fathom...


A lot of muh fuckahs gonnah die real fuckin soon

En masse!

Can't be killin no future slaves when

Peoples will soon be 

at ah all time muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Predictability Kills

 Fuck wrong with US?!

We talk bout the elite so fuckin bad!

The fuck that about?!


Whenevah Our broke sorry asses decides tah 

Stop what they are promoting US to do!

Now, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

We will have finally leveled out thah

Human Firmament!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 1, 2022

Mass Starvation

 Oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Just take thah time tah listen tah muh fuckahs!

Oh, my God!

Those two years, 

Those evil muh fuckahs pretty much quarantined US, 

People were starvin fo socialization?!


Muh fuckahs, 

Yah barely fuckin know with yo sorry Black broke ass, 

Be tellin you some shit!

And you be like,

For real!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Idle Time Is In Fact...The Devil's Workshop


Adam got thah case of thah sloth!

Oh, he was workin!

But thah muh fuckah start callin in and shit on ah


We know how that goes?!

So aftah awhile thah muh fuckah got in trouble!

I got ah dick!

And Eve sho nuff got thah pussy!

Now let's make some shit happen!

And thah muh fuckah went and got his sorry ass 

Fired with his pitiful lazy ass self!

Get thah fuck out!...

You do see where that shit got 

US into!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hollo III

 He had been on the job now for six months. Eight to five. He couldn't believe he finally had Health benefits. For the past five years contracting. He was in his office after hours, 6:30pm, finishing up on a few depositions he had to finish for three attorneys. Heard a knock on the door? "Yes?" The door opened, Sunshine all in his office space. He smiled. Shit maybe too much, but fuck it! "Hey, Holloh? What you no good?" 

She laughed, nice white straight teeth beaming. "Well I just wanted to tell you everyone is so impressed by your work. They're all talking about you. You're a very good fit in Our team."

"Thank you! Thank you also for believing in me. I'm so glad I'm fitting in. It's an excellent environment to be productive." And lookin at your fine ass like now, every free chance I get!

She just looked at him smiling. He thought his heart was going to be seen pumping up against his highly starched white dress shirt, and he sure couldn't take to keep looking at her because then she would surely start reading his thoughts. Fuck that, a niggah was finally gettin paid!

"Well I'm finished with what I needed to do. You wannah get something to eat?" Thah fuck he ask that for? He didn't know. Felt right. And fuck it! It was already asked.

"Yes. I'd love that! I'm starved!"

Thah fuck just happened?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Holloh II

 No. He had to be smart about it. She was stunning. He remembered when he interviewed with her. It was hard to look at her in those beautiful eyes but he did. He thought she may be able to read his thoughts some type of way. Ridiculous, and get the fucking job negro! So he had locked into her eyes and never wavered. Poker face. Smiling when appropriate....And here he was making sixty-six thousand a year! Thank you fine Holloh!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Talk And Walk Lightly?

 You ain't gonnah make somebody bettah by talkin down tah ah muh fuckah!


Maybe tah ah fuckin dog!

But not US!

You can't tell no fuckin body what tah do!

One can only suggest!...

But that's just me!


And you sho in thah fuck can't tell ah muh fuckah

How tah fuckin 

Walk in this 


(Peace! More to come...)