Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Final Compromise II

 You've been vacatin this motha fuckah fo ova a score!

And over twenty yeahs, if ya didn't know,

"Is absurd!"


But here an absurd nigga be!

Shit! Time goes so fast!

And when yo Black ass finds a way ta cope with the cope-less!?

The fuck yo sorry ass wantsah nigga ta do?

And the shit is legal for anyone ovah twenty-fuckin one!

Just my style!

But when yo Black sorry ass is young! Shiiiought! That young just startin out twenty-one years old body can take all the chosen alcohol abuse yo stupid Black ass was doin to it!  

Fuck that! I'm the fuck ova twenty-one! The shit's legal! It helps me cope!

Fuck it!

"You remembah! I kept tellin yo Black sorry ass! What happens when yo get older? You remember?"

Yes, I do. But shit. When I was young, I had the concept of death. But for some reason it never seemed like something that was gonna happen to me back then. Shit, yea! I'm suicidal! Always have been. But my Black sorry ass still here! With You.

"Yo ass sho do make me smile Love! Let me break it down warmly to you. Yo ass grew up in a household where once Mommy decided ta turn to the Apostolic church! Shit! Yo Daddy had ta succumb ta the shit! Or oh Elaine was jettin! Yo Daddy placated yo Mommy fo whatevah the fuck: unconditional love, marriage vows, conditioning, yall sorry motha fuckahs..., fuck it! That muh fuckah had ta eithah walk inta the light with her...or without her! What they called back in the day, "Where the rubber meets the road!" The motha fuckah decided ta not take a final, "I'm goin up ta the sto! I'll be back!" Morgan knew where he had come from. And he sho nuff was in a way bettah position once he knocked yo Mommy up the first time! Befo they were even married! Shit! Nigga!"

Ya see? There you go. Always gotta take the shit where it doesn't have ta go. That shit's uncalled for sometimes. You didn't have to go there, Love. For real!

"Did I tell you, " Yo ass sho do make me smile Love!" Well, I was bullshittin witcha! Let me correct myself playa! Yo ass is hilarious as shit...Love!"

How so?

"Oh so I did need ta go there!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

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