Sunday, December 12, 2021

Only Our Father Knows!

 Oh, he's/she's a police officer/congressperson/ mayor... they can't be tah any malfeasance!

Oh, he's a priest, he can't be fuckin lil boys or girls!

Oh, he's/she's a teacher they can't be a pedophile!

Oh, he's the president of this US he can't be a... pedophile!...

The fuck wrong with US!

There're people in your own God damned family you won't even cosign for!

And look atchou!

Cosignin fo a motha fuckah that's not even in yo immediate family!...

Thee fuck! Sonshines!

God only knows!

Yo ass sho the fuck don't!

Less, you fuckin that motha fuckah!

I highly fuckin doubt it based on their sick prurient interests of choice!


Even still!

If you are a grown ass whatevahthefuck!

You don't need no God damned cosigners bout cho shit!

Less, you ain't bout motha fuckin shit!

And, yo sorry ass ain't bout the right!...

(Peace! More to come,..)

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