Wednesday, December 1, 2021


 So they take niggas! Giv'em some type of incentive, subsidy...ta finally live out wits the whites folks! And the Black sorry broke asses take the shit!? God damn!

Ain't nothin free or at a discount Sonshines! Not in this motha fuckah! 

Fuck no!

And alms be God damned!

 Yo Black sorry ass may not have ta pay it back now!

But bet cho sorry Black ass yo ass gonna pay in...


The media states, "Reverse racism!", "White Privilege" in ordah ta get that federal funding yall motha fuckahs sho nuff loves! Ya gotsta take in some niggas!"

And them sorry muh fuckahs take that motha fuckin money!

Let me tell ya sorry broke Black ass!

Nobody talks bout the sorry ass shit! I mean shit! Bitches need some ends! Ya know? 

Ass? Cash? Or grass?

Cash! Please?!...

Thee fuck!

Just like those niggas moved from the hood ta the burbs, and they thinkin they can take that ghetto motha fuckin shit out the fuck there and the shit was goin ta be okay?! 


That's a recipe fo disastah! 

Nigga not  only they allowin ta smoke weed in the apartment! 

But let me take it on the road! 

And yo sorry Black ass think that shit gonna be cool!?


Listen, yo sorry Black ass from a place that gots too many problems! 

But these muh fuckahs out here! 

Well, they ain't doin too much! 

But now, you makin my white law enforcement ass work! 

And nigger I gotta teach cho Black disrespectin drivin undah the influence weed smokin ass!

Cho Black nigga ass in Hamilton County now


Ain't livin in fuckin Indianapolis propah!

No fuckin mo!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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